X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
She's Kenyan by birth but her skin tone changes pretty much every time she has a new artist. This actress has a good look for Storm and isn't Halle Berry, so I as long as they don't actually turn her white I don't care how light-skinned she is.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I don't really read comics can someone give me the skinny on one the Xmen keep killing Xavier?


Trakanon Raider
Oops, that's one of the Secret Wars i didn't keep up with, holy shit ton too many, is it good? i doubt it w/o Jim Lee, not truly a 90s Xmen.
I really like the art, but not sure I like the story, but there's only been one issue so far. They supposedly released some issues in advance on Marvel Unlimited, but I'm waiting for the print version...for some reason. Years of Future Past has probably been my favorite X-Men Secret Wars comic thus far. I had to stop E is for Extinction after the first issue because the art put me off too much...story seemed interesting, but I just couldn't look at the art any longer. Not sure if I'll check out House of M next month or not.


Trakanon Raider
I don't really read comics can someone give me the skinny on one the Xmen keep killing Xavier?
I started reading at All-New X-Men after if happened, but I'll put in spoilers what I gathered. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on something.

From what I've gathered, Cyclops somehow ended up with the Phoenix in him, or part of it. While "possessed" by it, he kills Xavier. He stands by his actions after the fact, though...he's basically Magneto now, in ideology, leading a Mutant revolution. He is still a douche.


<Prior Amod>
I started reading at All-New X-Men after if happened, but I'll put in spoilers what I gathered. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong on something.

From what I've gathered, Cyclops somehow ended up with the Phoenix in him, or part of it. While "possessed" by it, he kills Xavier. He stands by his actions after the fact, though...he's basically Magneto now, in ideology, leading a Mutant revolution. He is still a douche.
For the past 10 years they've littered every other issue and have had year long storylines of painting Xavier as a douche. The more the main xmen uncover about Xavier and his ways, the more disgusted they get with. They're so disgusted with him, they banish him and take in Magneto. During AvX Xavier decides to go against the xmen, there are a few retarded xmen that side with the avengers like storm and wolverine too, cuz well wolverine is never allowed to like Scott. So Xavier thinks he can take on Scott who basically has 50% the power of the Phoenix. I mean Scott's just a douche with laser eye beams, how can he stand up to the assault of Xavier. Only Scott has been in bed with the most powerful Psychics in the world, so he's tired of Xaviers shit and zaps him dead. Then he steals the rest of the Phoenix Force from his wife Emma, basically pimp slapping her, but it was ok, b/c she was sorta kinda wanting to cheat on Scott with Namor of all ppl.

One thing no one forgives him for is the Danger Room. He created the Danger Room with Shiar Tech, and when he first turns on the Danger Room, it talked to him and said "where am i?", it was sentient, but Xavier had to train his X-men, so he blocked out the Danger Room's consciousness b/c his X-men needed a holo deck.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For the past 10 years they've littered every other issue and have had year long storylines of painting Xavier as a douche. The more the main xmen uncover about Xavier and his ways, the more disgusted they get with. They're so disgusted with him, they banish him and take in Magneto. During AvX Xavier decides to go against the xmen, there are a few retarded xmen that side with the avengers like storm and wolverine too, cuz well wolverine is never allowed to like Scott. So Xavier thinks he can take on Scott who basically has 50% the power of the Phoenix. I mean Scott's just a douche with laser eye beams, how can he stand up to the assault of Xavier. Only Scott has been in bed with the most powerful Psychics in the world, so he's tired of Xaviers shit and zaps him dead. Then he steals the rest of the Phoenix Force from his wife Emma, basically pimp slapping her, but it was ok, b/c she was sorta kinda wanting to cheat on Scott with Namor of all ppl.

One thing no one forgives him for is the Danger Room. He created the Danger Room with Shiar Tech, and when he first turns on the Danger Room, it talked to him and said "where am i?", it was sentient, but Xavier had to train his X-men, so he blocked out the Danger Room's consciousness b/c his X-men needed a holo deck.
See that just seems like garbage writing because they're desperate for new directions to take the story without taking the DC way out and just rebooting everything whenever it's convenient. Xavier has always been a remarkably selfless person, retroactively turning him into a douchebag is stupid.


<Prior Amod>
See that just seems like garbage writing because they're desperate for new directions to take the story without taking the DC way out and just rebooting everything whenever it's convenient. Xavier has always been a remarkably selfless person, retroactively turning him into a douchebag is stupid.
they keep on retroactively making him bad, like he has to cover up and make the world forget about a super omega level mutant and then later on worse. This is AFTER his death, they just keep trying to pile on the Xavier hate.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Don't know how it is now, but it started with making Xavier more and more morally ambiguous. Like mind wiping a bad guy. Well, I mean it stopped him from being a bad guy, but you erased his personality. That's pretty invasive on a personal level. As a reader you were fine with it, but the characters felt pretty violated with the idea of it. Be careful, if Charles doesn't like what you said to your mom, he'll just mind control you to be nice


Mr. Poopybutthole
But that isn't Xavier. It made a fantastic subplot in season 2 of Young Justice when M'gann started to blur the line between hero and villain as she started recklessly nuking the minds of the Kroloteans to get information, which culminates in her putting K?????'?? into a vegetative state because she didn't know he and Artemis were working with Nightwing to infiltrate The Light.

Xavier was every bit as much of the moral backbone of the X-men side of the Marvel Universe as Captain America was for the Avenger side. Having him start mind wiping bad guys is about as realistic as Cap condoning waterboarding.


<Bronze Donator>
I thought marvel was basically killing off any properties that they didn't own the movie rights to?

making the stories all gay as shit until people stop reading them so they can stop writing them sounds like a pretty good plan if 99.5% of your revenue comes from film and merchandise/licensing of said film, and only 0.5% comes from published comic books. (i'm just making up those percentages no need to google-fu it)


Avatar of War Slayer
Xavier as a bit of a dick, with a secret dark side is pretty old.
Onslaught was back in '96.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Right, but Onslaught was quite a bit more complicated than just Chuck's bad side. It was 30 years of suppressed negativity combined with all the emotional backlash he got from Magneto when he finally snapped and put Magneto into a coma after he tore Wolverine's adamantium out.

Big difference from gradually turning him into a morally ambiguous douche after he spent decades being the xmen version of captain america, ethically speaking.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It wasn't about turning him into a douche. He was never a douche. Every decision he made was for the good of mankind as a whole. The issue was that his decisions were becoming gradually less connected to his persona as mutant ghandi, and more connected to his persona as an omega level mutant a LA Dr manhatten.


<Prior Amod>
Emma revealed that Xavier always favored the psychics, cuz even then he believed the psychics were above regular mutants, he is a rich douche, no reason it wouldn't stand that it'd carry over.


Avatar of War Slayer
Right, but Onslaught was quite a bit more complicated than just Chuck's bad side. It was 30 years of suppressed negativity combined with all the emotional backlash he got from Magneto when he finally snapped and put Magneto into a coma after he tore Wolverine's adamantium out.

Big difference from gradually turning him into a morally ambiguous douche after he spent decades being the xmen version of captain america, ethically speaking.
except you JUST said it.
It was 30 years of suppressed negativity
It introduced the idea that he'd been using his physic powers to suppress his own negative feelings and emotions. And writers have been working with that. He was not perfect. And had done some bad things, morally questionable things.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's not how I read it. You don't need to be a psychic to repress negative feelings and have it turn out very poorly. Him being a psychic just made the consequences much worse than when a normal person suppressing their feelings finally blows their stack.


<Prior Amod>
Found scans of the Danger issue from Astonishing

look at what wolverine is saying, Xavier is no different than Magneto, he's just a big bald hypocrite.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Again, how is that anything more than just retroactively making him an asshole? Not a peep out of the danger room for 40 years, then suddenly Whedon starts a new story where 'the Danger Room was an AI this entire time and Xavier knew and was actually a horrible asshole this entire time'.

It's bullshit and shitty writing. I mean everybody knows about the MLK/Malcolm X inspiration for Magneto and Xavier right? Saying that Xavier was secretly another Malcolm X this whole time is trash. Whedon wasn't being edgy or clever, he was just taking the easy World of Warcraft way out. Hey look another bad guy who used to be a good guy! I mean I can't think of anything original to do, so lets just take the dude who has been the good guy of good guys his entire time in comics and dump mud on him. Whedon probably thinks it would be good writing to make Cap start waterboarding people and look the other way when he hears about troops raping the local women.

Fuck Whedon, fuck that storyline, and fuck anyone who thinks it was good writing.