Fear not, I +1'd him for you.lol, I'd +1 you for this if I could
Superman.X2 was probably the best X-film to date. 1 was cheeky, 3 tried to be dark, but it fucked up a lot of shit. 2 was pretty damn entertaining. And it lead the way to Dark Phoenix Saga, which never came to pass because Singer was doing Batman and couldn't do the 3rd film.
It was very similar to a fan fiction type scene in issue 33 of Ultimate X-Men. I uploaded the scene, hidden behind a spoiler wall due to the image sizes.The scene when Magneto escapes from prison is one of the best comic book movie scenes.
Get Mana Ashida to play a vampire Jubilee in a couple years.
Why didn't he just make wolverine cut his own head off or something, or let me guess he'd eventually regenerate that shit too.It was actually Quicksilver that de-helms him. Gambit gets his ass beat. Here's a link to that section of the book. You can read it all.
Fatal Attractions - Imgur
They were beating her parents off screen.Ya, that scene didn't even come across as acting, seemed pretty real like they actually scared the absolute shit out of the kid.