X-Men: Days of Future Past.


Vyemm Raider
Blink's fighting scenes and her synergy with warpath was very well done. Also one more thing I was actually happy when they showed Scott even if played by that shitty actor.
Agree x 2

I thought blink was going to be stupid but her action and fight scenes was by far the coolest in any Xmen movie. I don't know why they picked warpath for this movie, he was a new mutant right? I always thought he was a very minor character, perhaps I am wrong. Did they change his powers in this one? I thought he was just a typical strong guy. Same question with Kitty, not sure how she sends folks back in time, IIRC it was Rachel Summers in the comic. None of this silliness made the movie any less enjoyable, but hey nerds gonna nerd on a nerd forum.


Gunnar Durden
I had a lot of continuity issues coming into this film...why wasn't wolverine in Vietnam, why does he have claws again in the future why is Charles alive,

But I enjoyed the film and didn't feel cheated out of answered, I almost accepted that while last stand was canon for some it wasn't for others. I don't feel like that detracted for the story.

And they made blink the best shit ever.

Just wish quicksilver was in the movie more,


Vyemm Raider
Chuck did not die in X-3 bros, down but not out !

At the end of "the wolverine" Charles is asked how he is still alive and the response is
"As I told you once before, you are not the only one with gifts."

Claws, found an interview with Singer

Director Bryan Singer explains that Magneto's ability to manipulate metal might have something to do with it. The Master Of Magnetism could, perhaps, "reconstitute the adamantium claws... [Wolverine] has a different relationship with Magneto, and perhaps Magneto could forge them."
Vietnam, 5 years long, lots of time for the in and out, however 72 is the near end of the war so he SHOULD have meet Stryker by now. This one is a tad off i agree, but "hollywood"


Gunnar Durden
I feel like if they went "69" nothing changes story wise. then in theory Logan of old comes to, no memory of this movie, goes to vietnam and ends up with striker.

No real change, but I think they lke the 62 to 72 synergy


Gunnar Durden
Was 2 pages into a post and I deleted.

Simple question...At the end we have a logan who had t he original Wolverine Origins, did X-3, The Wolverine, then this movie...then wakes up in the future remembering WAY more than he should.


He should have multiple timelines in his brain?


Golden Squire
Probably because when the mind meld ended, his mind went back to that exact moment in the timeline where they stopped. No point in arguing movie time travel theory, but that's my best guess.


Vyemm Raider
Blink was gangsta as fuck in all her scenes - She was by far my favorite mutant in the film - also the ending credit clip is baaaallllnnn. I cant wait to see the next one, I am torn between which is better - Captain America or DoFP.

Also i thought Wolverine remembered everything up till when he was sent back in time - so all of the original timelines information is in his head - However everything that happened after he drowned is gone? So 50 years of shit leading up to the point in time where he was originally sent back into the past in the original timeline is gone.


Trakanon Raider
Blink was gangsta as fuck in all her scenes - She was by far my favorite mutant in the film - also the ending credit clip is baaaallllnnn. I cant wait to see the next one, I am torn between which is better - Captain America or DoFP.

Also i thought Wolverine remembered everything up till when he was sent back in time - so all of the original timelines information is in his head - However everything that happened after he drowned is gone? So 50 years of shit leading up to the point in time where he was originally sent back into the past in the original timeline is gone.
The 'new' 50 years would be gone. So wolverine remembers X-3, but no one else does. That is now his burden to bear.

Also, from someone's previous question, I assume they used Warpath because he is strong, fast and has Adamantium knives if I remember correctly. So he is someone who can fight with these sentinels, while showing us that pretty much everyone else we knew is dead. Warpath and Sunspot could probably have used some back story somewhere, but I don't actually know how you would fit it in the way we were dropped into the action. A flashback would be odd since the entire movie moves back 50 years. I guess the opening could have been more of a montage of how we got from X-3 to their present, but whatever.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
Blink was gangsta as fuck in all her scenes - She was by far my favorite mutant in the film - also the ending credit clip is baaaallllnnn. I cant wait to see the next one, I am torn between which is better - Captain America or DoFP.

Also i thought Wolverine remembered everything up till when he was sent back in time - so all of the original timelines information is in his head - However everything that happened after he drowned is gone? So 50 years of shit leading up to the point in time where he was originally sent back into the past in the original timeline is gone.
CA2 was totally better. DoFP is a good movie, despite many little things done less well than I'd hoped, but overall it entertained. Best part was certainly the time in a bottle scene. Mystique was better as Ramos, but wasn't horrible here. Despite all the xman characters, it felt like 'not enough xmen', as the focus was on the 'past' for the most part, which basically had two (wolverine and beast). That was weird, really.


Vyemm Raider
I just cant wait to hear Apok's voice - I have this whole stargate feeling coming on now and cant wait to see Archangel as well.


<Prior Amod>
i'm thinking my wife might need to watch xmen:first class as a prereq b4 going to the theatre, yea or nay?


Life's a Dream
I mean, it wouldn't be a bad thing to watch that first. They reference it quite a bit. But more than that, you'll meet some of the players from the new movie.

When Mystique is in Trask's office, she sees the "autopsy" pictures of almost everyone found in Last Stand. That's what drives her into saying she's seen too many dead already later in the film. It lends some weight to why she does what she does in the film. Otherwise, it's a bunch people you don't care about.


Life's a Dream
I know. I feel the same way, but it does add a little "oh... that happened to them?" to that one scene.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Saw the movie yesterday and enjoyed it. Quicksilver's scene was definitely the best. I don't think they could have done it any better.

Also, save the cheerleader, save the world.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
As someone who hasn't read comics in a long time and was never a X-men fan I found the movie pretty boring. I can tell it was a good movie for fans, good acting, serious dialogue. Guess I just didn't get the eye candy I was expecting.