

They ruined the Dean by making his gay jokes too obvious. It was never any secret what the joke was, but it was never delivered in as boring a way as "GENTLEMENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...a nd ladies."

The Ancient_sl

Holy shit, are you serious right now? Dan Harmon is not the only talented person in the industry, there is plenty of amazing talent still working on the show. These "nitpicks" are getting beyond retarded.

Chang having Changnesia is soooo dumb, he never had it before!


Surprisingly enough, I actually liked the episode as whole because the ending of last season wasn't doing it for me. The path the Dean is taking is a little much (still comical) at times where it used to be a building of an odd side character. I cringe every instance where the writers try to introduce a new side Chang story as it's just not appealing. First and second season Chang was great if not phenomenal. Now it's just over the top wtf is going on and it doesn't leave enough face time with the actual study group which stretches the episodes too thin. Would be great to see Patton Oswalt or John Oliver make some more appearances, but I don't think that's happening this season.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That episode was waaaaay better. Britta doing therapy cracks me up.

We do some things....
We do a LOT of things
Not ALL the things!

Classic Troy, though they are making him in to way too clueless a child. With people treating him like a 14 year old. When in earlier seasons he named a monkey Annie's boobs and was in to "butt stuff".


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah I hate the way they've infantilized Troy. He started out as a pretty typical HS jock type, then picked up a bit of weirdness from hanging out with Abed, then suddenly jumped way beyond the pale and started acting like an autistic 12 year old.

The Ancient_sl

Ridiculous. Troy's character starting out wasn't as good, his friendship and interaction with Abed is where his character blossomed. And before you say something like "yeah but then they made him retarded"...

Season 1 finale. Giant cookie.


Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
Episode 2 of this season was much better , This pleases me
gawd it's not jumping the shark, it choked at the ramp and now being dragged through the water without it's skis. fucking sad, it's so hollow now, has lost all it's quirky charm.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Ridiculous. Troy's character starting out wasn't as good, his friendship and interaction with Abed is where his character blossomed. And before you say something like "yeah but then they made him retarded"...

Season 1 finale. Giant cookie.
You seriously don't think Troy has been dumbed down to an absurd degree? His friendship with Abed is where his character came into it's own, I agree, but turning Troy into another autistic manchild robs that friendship of it's meaning. It's not only Troy, Britta is really bad too, but all the characters to some extend have been flanderized into parodies of what they originally were, and it prevents any ability to relate to them.

When the show started, they felt like real people who'd somehow, through shitty circumstance, ended up having to deal with being in a weird place together, now they feel like the cheap sitcom silhouettes the show used to make fun of. The idea that a 20-something man who was a popular jock in high school would act the way Troy does about shit is completely unbelievable. The whole Troy/Abed friendship was so great in the beginning because you saw two guys from opposite ends of the social spectrum find a way to relate to eachother and become close, and it worked while Troy was just picking up some of Abed's quirkiness when it came to pop culture and creativity and what not (although even that went a little far, imo), with Abed in turn learning from Troy and the others about functioning in the real world and maintaining relationships. But then out of nowhere they decided that Troy had the worldly knowledge of a 10 year old home schooled on a remote farm. No matter who your friends are and how your interests change, you don't suddenly forget basic facts about the real world.




Trakanon Raider
Here's hoping this frees up Ms. Brie for an HBO show now. Donald Glover should catch on with something pretty fast, too.
I'm sure there will be 1-2 episodes this season that are great, but not enough for me to care that it's the last season.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I have to agree about these characters becoming silhouettes of themselves. For me this is most evident in Britta. The first couple of seasons where her and Jeff were going back and forth were great. She was the only character who could legitimately give him shit back because she had equal real world experience. Then in season 3 I think they had no fucking idea what to do with her since Jeff wasn't banging her anymore so they made her basically retarded. I have lost all interest in her character. I am only watching this show in the hopes that at some point Jeff just gives in and bangs Annie. Then I am out.

The Ancient_sl

Britta being dumbed down is a valid complaint. Although so far in season 4 her character almost seems like it's improving. Troy's childlike innocence has long been established.

The whole Troy/Abed friendship was so great in the beginning because you saw two guys from opposite ends of the social spectrum find a way to relate to eachother and become close, and it worked while Troy was just picking up some of Abed's quirkiness when it came to pop culture and creativity and what not (although even that went a little far, imo), with Abed in turn learning from Troy and the others about functioning in the real world and maintaining relationships. But then out of nowhere they decided that Troy had the worldly knowledge of a 10 year old home schooled on a remote farm. No matter who your friends are and how your interests change, you don't suddenly forget basic facts about the real world.
I'm telling you this was a halfway through season 1 thing. He ate a giant cookie and then wondered why his stomach hurt. Here, just watch the transition here:

It's day and night between the first half of the video and the second. And the 2nd is funnier.

And because we are talking about Troy and Britta and because somehow this scene wasn't included above.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Britta being dumbed down is a valid complaint. Although so far in season 4 her character almost seems like it's improving. Troy's childlike innocence has long been established.
Given that this show is basically a modern take on The Breakfast Club, I think Troy was originally intended more to fit the "dumb jock" role. Harmon has talked about how one of the show's themes was that it was a group of very different people thrown together and the relationships that develop because of that. Most of the people in the study group never would've crossed paths, much less become friends. Hence, with Abed and Troy, you have a jock and geek forming a friendship.

Though, the line between "dumb jock" and "adult child" is very, very thin, so the transition for him isn't entirely out of place, especially given how friends tend to rub off on one another. I don't think he's become dumber, just significantly more naive, which has oddly been the inverse of Annie (you go from her not even knowing what a penis looks like in season one tothis).


Just a Nurse
"Oh my God, he can make a fist. That would hurt more than a slap."

lol. Disappointing season so far. :|