Wow, read the last few pages of this thread and this is depressing.
I'm thinking it's about time for me to upgrade again. My last PC build was in 2018, although earlier this year my brother-in-law gave me some old spare parts (9900k, motherboard, etc). I've been getting a lot of bsod's lately, although it's partially because of running 18 box EQEmu.
Despite being a sysadmin in a previous life, I'm basically not tech savvy whatsoever anymore. To the point where my confidence in building my own PC is kind of shot (as in, I'm wondering if my current issues are due to me fucking up the assembly somehow). Like for instance, the CPU was getting so hot and sounded like a vacuum in the other room, so I ended up underclocking it.
It's led me to leaning more towards buying a premade PC, but then I see how fucked all the manufacturers are and it makes me rethink it. I'm 50/50 on picking something up for Black Monday or Cyber Monday, but not sure whether I do another build myself or not.