Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Potato del Grande
Holy shit Malenia can suck a dick.

I fucking hate bosses you have to kill twice and that retarded flurry move is a death sentence.

Feel like I'd either have to get lucky to get through phase 2 or change my build to cheese her.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I did it. I'd rather kill myself than look around using a controller.
I think people who use a gamepad for camera control just don't bother looking around. The game will decide what they should see and they must accept their fate.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
These things and chariots shouldn't exist in the game. I want to get this weapon just to chainsaw them.

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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I think people who use a gamepad for camera control just don't bother looking around. The game will decide what they should see and they must accept their fate.
This is wrong. I pan around constantly, standing still, running around, riding horse, combat, falling off a cliff. Constantly panning.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
lol buffing

Code Vein has a similar meta to this where you could buff up and then knock off bosses super fast. I mean the game is easy enough that you don't need to do it, but it exists.

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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone know what type of build this mage is? I’m getting tired of just melee and bow and would like to switch it up. Being able to do some long range to replace the bow, still be able to melee, and some mid range stuff like he’s got going on is what I’d like to be able to do. I’m not going to be good like this mage of course, but I want to mix up my playstyle from my first 50 hours.

Great battle btw, worth a watch.

It looks to me like a katana, and a staff. I have no idea what skills he’s using or what stats to do. I’ve only done very low level magic. Guessing mostly faith, dex, and a little int?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Why didn't h ever heal? He's using Carian Glintsword Greatsword or whatever the fuck and Unsheath Ashes mostly. The hammer guy was using Troll Roar or whatever.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I haven't played a game I enjoy this much since Everquest or Gothic or Morrowind or BG2. This a revival of the best parts of old school mentality wrapped in a modern wrapper and it is everything I ever wanted. 90 hours in I have beaten Godrick the Grafted in the storyline. That's it. Just running around like an asshole having an absolute blast.

Yeah, I was thinking earlier about how Elden Ring falls directly into that same category as Everquest and Morrowind in terms of having a whole world to explore that feels alive and interesting. It's SO RARE in gaming to have that experience. The turn of the century was the last time games like this were at-all prevalent. I never played or even heard of Gothic, looking it up now. I did get the Baldur's Gate Remastered Duo on PS4 and I'm really looking forward to that when I've got another hundred hours to spare, after everything I've heard about it.

It's kinda sad, in 1999-2001 I thought games like UO/EQ/BG/BG2/Morrowind were gonna be the norm going forward and the wave of the future etc. Instead we got WoW making most MMOs into theme parks and single-player AAA games drifted way in another direction. LOTRO in 2009 or so was kind of cool in the way I'm describing, but it's the last MMO I tried that had that feeling. Fallout 3 as well. In a weird way, ER is like recapturing something I thought I lost a long time ago.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Maybe an area that’s obscured by this cloud? You find a pair of shoes that once belong to an elden lord who has decided to live his life as a nocturnal sheep. Upon approaching the correct sheep at night while wearing the shoes, he reflects upon all he has lost from his previous life. A beam of light extends from his bleating maw and evaporates the clouds, revealing his island of solitude. He extends an invitation to his manor on the island and tells you that a warp gate has been revealed somewhere in the world, you must only find it to accept the invitation and dine with him, provided his minions allow you entrance.

View attachment 402488

The clouds on the overworld map DO seem kind of strategically-placed. I bet those are there in case they want to add areas later. They can get rid of a cloud and put an island there easily enough, without being forced to only use areas that exist on the current map. This cloud in the center sea in particular is probably #1 in terms of most-likely places for DLC.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
That windmill town with all the dancing corpses was creepy. Boss was underwhelming.


Got something right about marriage
Why didn't h ever heal? He's using Carian Glintsword Greatsword or whatever the fuck and Unsheath Ashes mostly. The hammer guy was using Troll Roar or whatever.

The katana he is using is Moonveil.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
do you accomplish one ending per character? or can you -redo the end sequence to see them all?

You can get all 3 endings in one game if you back up your save. The endings are all decided right after the final boss, from what I can tell, so you can exit out of the game and back up your save at that point to try different things in the final room and get different endings. I was able to get two of the three ending trophies like this, unfortunately I didn't do the questline for the third. Kinda wanted to leave some stuff for NG+ though.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Why didn't h ever heal? He's using Carian Glintsword Greatsword or whatever the fuck and Unsheath Ashes mostly. The hammer guy was using Troll Roar or whatever.
Healing is for people who do not know how to git gud, such as your maidenless self.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I'm looking forward to respeccing. I got the Golden Halbard at like level 9 and directed stats so I could use it. Now I am finding all kinds of cool shit I want to try and its like... damn.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
The katana he is using is Moonveil.
Thanks. I do have an int based katana but not that one, haven’t found it yet. I guess I can try switching it up til I find that and see how it goes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm looking forward to respeccing. I got the Golden Halbard at like level 9 and directed stats so I could use it. Now I am finding all kinds of cool shit I want to try and its like... damn.
I like the respec mechanism in the game but it'd probably be better if you unlocked it earlier. Like instead of
a demigod you use as your respec bitch, it's someone in your crew like Melina or someone at the roundtable that unlocks it with getting your first great rune
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Are there no plunge attacks anymore? I loved getting the drop on mobs with that shit


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Are there no plunge attacks anymore? I loved getting the drop on mobs with that shit
There's an assplunge spell. You fall and look like you're taking a huge shit and land on dudes. It's hilarious.

Forgot where I found it though.


Of all the Souls games I never played a caster. Only melee with a big ass shield. A friend, who has never played a Souls game, picked up Elden Ring and is insisting on playing a caster. My feeling is that casters are playing the game on hard(er) mode. Am I correct?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Of all the Souls games I never played a caster. Only melee with a big ass shield. A friend, who has never played a Souls game, picked up Elden Ring and is insisting on playing a caster. My feeling is that casters are playing the game on hard(er) mode. Am I correct?
I believe that’s the case in early game, but late game no. I’ve seen videos where they just chain cast one spell from across the screen and kill bosses that wreck me as a melee.
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