EQ Never


Silver Baron of the Realm
I always thought that it would be wonderful if players could take over level design once SOE proved that they weren't up to it. I can't think of one truly memorable dungeon past Velious that isn't pretty much just a series of nearly identical & bland corridors/rooms. Obviously the playerbase couldn't be trusted to itemize the place and it would no doubt be very discouraging to have your epicly designed Labyrinth of Doom turned into a level 10 noob zone by some faceless Dev but it's still interesting to think about.

Well whatever, their system will most likely be some create your own PvP arena kit using our exciting premium tile set selection! Act now! Only $3.99 per texture pack! Or some other bullocks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nevermind, this thread is moving so fast the subject is over with.
Oh, and I'm very skeptical about this player made content philosophy.

We'll see how that's going to be implemented.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
As far as the "should there be instancing?" thing, I still think phasing has a lot more potential for awesome. Instancing isn't nearly as necessary as it once was if you get into phasing. Bioware tried it, but they fucked up with a lot of shit. Part of the issue with WoW is that they sometimes use phasing to give you less content, not more. I'd like to see phased world bosses and dungeons. I'd like to see entire zones changed during raid events for the benefit of everyone. So rather than running away from raid events because raid mobs will shit on your group, you get unique shit from the stuff you're already doing. On the other hand they and their event are phased so you can't grief them and vice versa. I'd like them to still be visible though, and that's one of the issues of WoW's implementation I'm frustrated with.

The only small comparison I have to this is when you killedOny and Nef in vanilla WoW, when you turned their head in for the quest reward it visibly hung above the gates of Stormwind/Orgrimmar, and anyone in the respective city got the dragonslayer buff that was AWESOME and lasted 2 hours. If someone killed the dragons you may have heard of it while out leveling in the boonies, and you'd hop on a griffin/wyvern to get back to the city for the buff.
The instancing topic is already over again, this thread moves quicker the closer we get to the reveal. Just want to say the dragonslayer thing was awesome and a really nice touch. Also, when you get into semantics about phasing/instancing better describe what you mean. Bioware just used instancing from what I remember, and WoW phasing is a nice idea but was used too liberally and became jarring from what I am told (at least for Cata).

Game. Set. Match.
Watch EQN be just a license for servers or a GW1-like setup where all the explorables are player-made. Would be kinda fitting, EQ started the persistant world games (ya it didnt, jeez) and EQN ends them.

I'm surprised there's no rage about the kobold. I'm not flipping tables about it but pointlessly remaking stuff likea race instead of going with an entirely new one irks me in general.
I could actually see the player made "stuff" working quite well if you make it and submit it for approval then they tune, balance and set loot. This would hinge on them actually having a solid team to deal with it but making the content takes most the time and manpower so imagine all the content good or bad that could be created and let them deal with loot and balancing.

I mean it wouldnt be a instant system if done that way and would take time but with enough people playing the game and making/submitting content you could crank out content at a pretty scary rate. Even if its just custom dungeon crawls ill take it cuz thats where I personally have most my fun with a group of friends.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Fair. However, please explain what the reasoning is behind int/wis casters being able to bind anywhere, and melee classes on at cities? What did it add to the game? What did it take away? Why the fuck was it in game?
I know this is a little late, but I thought I'd chime in on this. It was explained to me that melee characters being able to be bound anywhere was something that actually was live during beta. However they restricted that to cities, because casters were trolling melee characters by just up and binding them in the middle of a dungeon, etc. Of course, it wasn't many years later they added a dialogue box when someone wanted to rez or transport you (whatever the targeted transport spell was called), so not sure why they never switched to that and lifted the city restrictions. But that was SOE/Verant... they never seemed to go back and change many things that were truly a pain in the butt.


Life's a Dream
I used Translocate in a dual against a grouped SK friend of mine that would absolutely kick my ass. I won the dual because he fled. It was awesome. He didn't appreciate it, and I gated around the world to come get him, but it was funny at the time.

Then they added confirmation boxes. Bah!


Your missing the point. The point is that this is the FIRST thing they have promised us. If you do this for us, we will do that for u. So we beef up there promotion hoping for just a little "something" of a glance of "something" like they said. And they flat out gave everyone the finger. If you don't see my point don't quote my shit, your just a retard.


Trakanon Raider
Kobold playable race?..... project X?!1!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
If that video was indicative of the quality of the reveal, this thread will be a hoot on Aug 2.


Trump's Staff
If they allow player made actualdungeonsin this game with some kind of environment creation tool I am gonna play the shit it of that. Only if its comprehensive though, and I can insert lore/voice acting, create unique loot tables, etc. if its just 'place generic halls and fill with pre determined mobs' I won't be stoked.


Trakanon Raider
Kobolds.. whatever... give me a snake race (no legs) that can learn a kick ability. Then we are talking!


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I still think phasing has a lot more potential for awesome.
Phasing is a vehicle to deliver a single-player story in a multiplayer context. In other words, it's a kludge, a band-aid, to shoehorn things that, according to many, have no place in a MMO (i.e. the conceit that You Are the Awesome Prophesied Savior of the Universe... along with everyone else you meet in every town).

I'd like to see entire zones changed during raid events for the benefit of everyone.
That's not phasing, that's dynamic zones. And yes, that type of content is awesome, but it does require the game to drop the railroaded singleplayer storyline system, because those changes prevent player from "enjoying" their single-player story, and that's a fail.