EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
I really, really, really hope that the kobold is the replacement for gnomes and asslings. I can already taste the tears now.

Also, no matter what the eq guys say about not using instances, they are most likely using the technology and just calling it something different. Implemented in a different fashion from current games, probably. But unless they are substantially smarter than everyone here (and I doubt it) then they are just going to either have the pendulum going toward standing in line waiting for your paycheck like early EQ or shit so spread out and the population so thin that finding people to do something is a pain in the ass before travel even starts like VG if they go completely uninstanced for content. They sort of haven't proven they even know the middle ground exists thus far.

But again, we'll see in a few days.


Trakanon Raider
Interesting that they're going the DnD route with kobolds (and presumably making them playable), especially since kobolds (the hyena/gorilla hybrid variety) are one of the few mob races they had given us EQN concept art for in the past. Makes me wonder if the traditional EQ kobolds are cut, or if they'll be retained but renamed.
He either was being sarcastic or was one of those whose skin was far too thin to be in a raiding guild.
Not sarcastic, and I've been in several raiding guilds across several games. The good players always carry the retards. And there are different levels of guilds too. There are the ones where everyone is a decent standard. And there are the ones where everyone is pretty much hopeless and just a few half decent leaders somehow manage to drag them to victory.

But the main point I wanted to make is that there is no real progression in most games. Good group standard gear actually requires that you can play, and I have more respect for the people who were camping different rooms in different dungeons every night. But there are people who skip all that by joining a raid guild as soon as they ding max level, and they just follow the herd and get handed the best gear in the game purely because of dkp or because they've been around so long or because all the good players already have most of the gear they need, they just get what is basically a rot.

Don't get me wrong, good raiders earned their raid gear, mostly. But there are a lot of morons who skip a whole tier of gameplay by wanting to be in the oh so uber raid scene and skipping ahead. I know all this because I've joined established guilds and seen players with amazing gear, and once I finally get in a normal group with them, I realize they are retarded. In some cases the guild nurtured the player and held their hand, teaching them what to do on raids. But they are still a bad player.

Then again, I tend to play games with low populations so I suppose it's less common in something like WoW when you can just boot people and invite another.

Maybe that's how it works in everquest but the only thing hardcore about guilds in that game was the hours, there's no such thing as floating through real raid content these days.
I guess. I am sure a lot of raids require good players these days, but I have seen some where it's more about running around and spamming your routine than it is actually playing smart.

Lost Ranger_sl

So you want an MMO with non-consensual PvP and FPS combat in a fantasy setting? And SoE should release this because of all the uber successful similiar MMOs?
Basically he is talking about the game Chivalry in MMO format. That game would be absolutely incredible. Though if we are trying to stay on topic then I'd agree that SoE has no business making such a game. Unlike some of you guys I have pretty much no faith in their ability to make a decent MMO again.


Whatever it is, it won't be anything like Dungeon Maker.
Game. Set. Match.

RPS:Would you ever like to see players creating their own missions and gametypes, though?

John Smedley:Stay tuned. The answer is yes, wholeheartedly. We have plans for that that go out a long way, and a game [EQN] that is going to dominate because of that kind of stuff.

It?s not just players making quests. Don?t think of it just as Dungeons & Dragons. What we?re actually building is the ability for players to put in systems. System-level stuff. We give them some rules, some basic simple rules, and they can make things out of whole cloth. They could build their own battlegrounds style of gameplay. That?s what we want. What we have is an amazing infrastructure and ability to let players do new and emerging things.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If that happens, seen how long it takes before the easiest/fastest missions/dungeons etc are made to progress and exploited to hell and back.
as much fun as was to be found in the realm's trading mechanics, i kinda want a game with no trading so that items have more meaning (that and 1 char/server). you'd have to craft your own items and have d3like player alloc'ed drops. or/and have companions that you can skill up in crafts and trade amognst. set the max amount of parallel workers on a resouce to that of you+maxcompanionsize and it might combat alot of the bots that f2p seems to attract.
granted, takes away alot from teh game. (if there is trade, there really needs to be limited population size of a dwelling and limited trade inbetween dwellings. no global trade ffs. also if there is trade, there has to be pvp and some variant of corpse looting).


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's a way to combat that. Tie mobs together into "packs" that only give xp when the entire dungeon is cleared. So you -have- to kill a boss and x number of packs, with the minimum number of packs tied to the difficulty/reward of the boss. More packs? More Bosses. Less packs? Less Bosses. Make each pack something that takes effort to kill, and no matter how you try to put them into a shitty situation (melee mobs trapped by objects that you range/ae down) they can summon players old school style and rape them there.

Oh yeah, that right there? Is a form of instancing.

edit: to Cinge's post.

Extrapolating: UI probably has you place halls/rooms/whatever similar to how LDoN was setup. Then you get to place mob packs, with a meter running for each mob pack placed. When so many mob packs are placed on the meter, it lets you place a boss, with a max of 4 bosses per dungeon. Harder pack? More meter filled when placed. Weaker pack? Less meter filled. Harder Boss? Requires more mob packs to be placed down, potentially skipping placing an earlier Boss. The difficulty rating of the dungeon is directly related to meter thresholds, and the level range is put into line with that. Instead of having hard-coded loot for encounters, you get level specific randomized pools that each boss contributes to adding to, as well as difficulty. Maxed out dungeon with the hardest boss you can place and shitloads of things to kill has the chance for best loot and rewards the most xp/currency, minimalist dungeon with the weakest boss and least number of things to kill has the least rewards and the weakest of loot from the list. Expand as necessary.
It's not just players making quests. Don't think of it just as Dungeons & Dragons. What we're actually building is the ability for players to put in systems. System-level stuff. We give them some rules, some basic simple rules, and they can make things out of whole cloth. They could build their own battlegrounds style of gameplay. That's what we want. What we have is an amazing infrastructure and ability to let players do new and emerging things.
That sounds truly horrible. I hate that idea.


<Silver Donator>
Well I guess that's one way to please both the wow fans and the EQ fans. "Make your own fucking games you ingrate fucks". So you can play the "Molten Core easy epics" map, or instead you can play "True men only, Sebilis, 2x pack size, low drop rate". Obviously the issue will probably come from the fact that facerolling the wow map will give 50times better and more rewards than doing the hard content... Or maybe I'm just too cynical?
That sounds truly horrible. I hate that idea.
conceptually, i think that's the only way to have a sandbox.
that's not to say you can't have different types of sandboxes though with different basic sets of rules. i'm more leery if they mandate that you have to talk to cast your spells and/or webcam phys movements to in game skills. (make that optional!) actually all of this kinda reminds me of lisp macros


That sounds truly horrible. I hate that idea.
As do I, but I'm thinking it's where they are heading. Your character isn't going to be tied to a server; you can choose a different server every time that you log in. The server list is going to look like the list of WCIII games on B.net (EQ DOTA!!1 JOIN NOW!!!111231). Rather than be its own world, every server will only be as big as the player who designed it wants it to be.

There will still be a "main" server that has a few of the old cities in it, but that will just be for trading/selling and giving the impression that there is actually developer-made content--a glorified 3D chat room to show off SoEmote 2.0. Basically, instead of having a bunch of instances inside the world, there will be a bunch of player-made instances outside the world that you select at the server select screen.

This is the future.


<Silver Donator>
what if one of the "rules" is the amount/quality of drops?
Still probably doesn't matter, unless it's tuned perfectly, people will find ways to exploit the system to make the easiest yet most rewarding dungeon type and farm that non stop. It'll probably involve pathing exploits, spawning only specific mob types that might be weaker to something making it easier to farm(like if there's a mob weak to fire, or mobs that have low health but high damage which would be optimal for classes with good CC/gap closing abilities). I mean if they can't prevent exploits in normal restricted games(they being anyone, not just SOE), how do you expect giving players content creation tools to avoid being exploitable as shit.

Still could be interesting though. I wonder how much will be user created and how much will be actually made by the devs.


Mr. Poopybutthole
To make matters better (or worse if you are a hipster!) they can add in my previously mentioned dynamic spawn system for the overworld. Talk about having a game that basically makes content for itself. Instanced progression content for leveling/skill increase, with raid encounters uninstanced but they benefit the entire server and effectively require a server's effort to force spawn. Come up with a moddable skill system that lets you create specific classes if you pick the requisite skills (think Elder Scrolls character creation presets) and unlocks that make sense and can be easily expanded upon by further tiers of skills that you spend your time animating, not scripting specific encounters anywhere in the game.

Sony: I expect a check in the mail.
As do I, but I'm thinking it's where they are heading. Your character isn't going to be tied to a server; you can choose a different server every time that you log in. The server list is going to look like the list of WCIII games on B.net (EQ DOTA!!1 JOIN NOW!!!111231). Rather than be its own world, every server will only be as big as the player who designed it wants it to be.

There will still be a "main" server that has a few of the old cities in it, but that will just be for trading/selling and giving the impression that there is actually developer-made content--a glorified 3D chat room to show off SoEmote 2.0. Basically, instead of having a bunch of instances inside the world, there will be a bunch of player-made instances outside the world that you select at the server select screen.

This is the future.


Elisha Dushku
As do I, but I'm thinking it's where they are heading. Your character isn't going to be tied to a server; you can choose a different server every time that you log in. The server list is going to look like the list of WCIII games on B.net (EQ DOTA!!1 JOIN NOW!!!111231). Rather than be its own world, every server will only be as big as the player who designed it wants it to be.

There will still be a "main" server that has a few of the old cities in it, but that will just be for trading/selling and giving the impression that there is actually developer-made content--a glorified 3D chat room to show off SoEmote 2.0. Basically, instead of having a bunch of instances inside the world, there will be a bunch of player-made instances outside the world that you select at the server select screen.

This is the future.
I don't think it's going to roll like this but we'll see. You don't need an instance to make a battle ground if you can alter the main world.