EQ Never


Molten Core Raider
I am reasonably confident that PMC in EQN won't RLT (roll like that). It's going to be more like: build an in-world keep from pre-set building elements and the game will procedurally generate some additional NPC buildings & NPC based on your keep & your class. NPCs will populate with storybricks quests based on their wants/needs.

@Nirgon the problem with PvP is that as it currently exists in any MMO I've played it is bullshit. There are no real consequences for player killing as long as your guild >> the other's persons guild. Implement real consequences and I'm interested.
Bring back contested raid mobs and do away with the PVP reward mini game... make the world yield rewards and have us fight over them... there is your meaningful pvp.


Nirgon you seem like a decent fellow but my experience on PvP servers is one of being ganked and corpse-camped by some much higher level repeatedly, to the point where I just quit.
That's why Vanilla EQ RZ had +4/-4 level restriction. PvP is perceived as retarded, because, how WoW did it.. was retarded... and people copied it.

The consequence of player killing was being branded a player killer (aka don't group this guy, he'll gank you). Reputation in a world is a good thing.

Further, as far as consequence of being slain or benefit of killing, single item loot (that is a droppable item, jewelry is a good thing or some armor) and full coin on the person is the best option.

Having to hide your money in the bank or dying in the bank as you put the money in and the guards take the guy down who is attacking you is fun times. Trust me, I'm a Dr.


Elisha Dushku
More evidence of Dungeon Maker type garbage coming in EQN
I posted this back around e3 but eqn creation tools will be much more project spark than dungeon maker.



Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
For me it's not a true PVP experience until I'm ganked and corpse camped by some invisible class who is 30 levels above me, and still insists on sapping me for max duration, then still opens with a stun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I posted this back around e3 but eqn creation tools will be much more project spark than dungeon maker.
How do you know?

You seem definitive when it comes to this game, is it just you hoping or is there some evidence out there? Or maybe you have inside information? I am curious.


Trakanon Raider
More evidence of Dungeon Maker type garbage coming in EQN:

Someone on Reddit posted that he was concerned about player-made content in EQN because of what he had seen in games like Neverwinter and EQ2's Dungeon Maker. SoE employee then runs in to provide comfort by basically saying, "don't worry we've learned from systems like CoH Mission Architect and EQ2 Dungeon Maker."
Right now, my hope for EQN is that its vision for a sandbox is a legit virtual world ("fantasy EVE with fewer menus" would be a fair summary), while my big fear is that their vision for sandbox is, "hey! Here's a dungeon builder and some quest-design tools, go make an awesome instance!"

I mean, they've talked a lot about 'virtual worlds,' and all that, but then they talk about shit like that quote. I'm getting worried that they don't realize the two are opposing ways of doing sandbox, and don't really go together.


Trump's Staff
How do you know?

You seem definitive when it comes to this game, is it just you hoping or is there some evidence out there? Or maybe you have inside information? I am curious.
If you are well informed and up to date on what's in the works right now from various developers, it's really not that hard to extrapolate the systems that will be in place in EQNEXT. A least, I fucking hope so. If The game launches with systems inferior to games like the above mentioned project spark, or archeage, or others soon to be released, after all this hush hush leet beta infoz crap I'm gonna nerdrage and ddos their shit into the Stone Age. (Not really, I'll probably just cry on rerolled a lot)


Trakanon Raider
If you are well informed and up to date on what's in the works right now from various developers, it's really not that hard to extrapolate the systems that will be in place in EQNEXT. A least, I fucking hope so. If The game launches with systems inferior to games like the above mentioned project spark, or archeage, or others soon to be released, after all this hush hush leet beta infoz crap I'm gonna nerdrage and ddos their shit into the Stone Age. (Not really, I'll probably just cry on rerolled a lot)
If this game release turns into a total shit fest, I am going to firebomb fucking SoE.

Literally, I will go Maverick up in this bitch.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
How do you know?

You seem definitive when it comes to this game, is it just you hoping or is there some evidence out there? Or maybe you have inside information? I am curious.
I'm sure there's been an alpha test going on for sometime now. I wouldn't doubt if people on this message board have access (I don't). EQ use to have a permanent ongoing beta team, I use to be a part of it, permanent access to beta forums and would test all the expansions and stuff. I wouldn't doubt that it still exists. Gaming companies tend to get testers in as soon as something is playable. Example: I was playing GW2 1.5 years before it was released when only 3 classes were playable and only like 2 cities were built, almost nothing worked. I just assume the "know-it-alls" are in alpha. Don't expect them to say so, though
They'll just keep acting like a know-it-all then an "I told you so" later on.


Elisha Dushku
How do you know?

You seem definitive when it comes to this game, is it just you hoping or is there some evidence out there? Or maybe you have inside information? I am curious.
What Quaid said, also one of the devs retracted a project spark related tweet.

edit: or rather I'm unable to find it on twitter. I don't think anyone outside of soe and storybricks is in the current alpha. I suspect some people (hi2u Zehn) were in previous alphas and it was partly due to their feedback that the first two iterations of eqn were scrapped.


For me it's not a true PVP experience until I'm ganked and corpse camped by some invisible class who is 30 levels above me, and still insists on sapping me for max duration, then still opens with a stun.
Honestly the better solution is a 4 level system but also certain zones (maybe all of them, I didn't think this completely through), if you are below the minumum pvp range level for that area, you can be attacked.

This solves the Fansy the Famous Bard problem.

Zone A is PvP level 55 (higher end) if you are 55+, your 4 level range applies, if you are lower you can be killed.

Fansy zones in, lvl 5 with his train of sand giants. Nirgon the attentive 58 wizard in group sees the newb bard coming and roots him, train flattens him, the end.

RobXIII the lvl 80 Shadow Knight comes through and tries to cast on Nirgon, but he is protected as he is not within 4 levels.

^ Can teams of people really not think of working ideas like this to solve simple problems and design a fun/fair system?

Of course the people who can't compete in pvp against their level are going to go grief newbies for an ego boost.

I'm pretty sure if, honestly, they came to me and said devise a PvP system that is fun, captures that classic feel and isn't prone to griefing players exploiting it.. I could do just that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I expect a core game with plenty of content on its own. Player stuff will just be bonus/cash shop driven that won't hurt the core game in anyway


Elisha Dushku
I pray they monetize player made dungeons. If so, I'm gonna make a killing.
I doubt it will be monetized like that. More like player studio. You can sell a keep wall or wizard tower or big rug. Not whole dungeons. SOE will control content via procedural rules/AI. No 50 ogres in one room to aoe.

edit: maybe you can stick 50 ogres in one room but they won't stay there...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As far as player keeps go they just need to reward the maker for the longer the keep goes without being concurred somehow.


Trakanon Raider
Honestly the better solution is a 4 level system but also certain zones (maybe all of them, I didn't think this completely through), if you are below the minumum pvp range level for that area, you can be attacked.

This solves the Fansy the Famous Bard problem.

Zone A is PvP level 55 (higher end) if you are 55+, your 4 level range applies, if you are lower you can be killed.

Fansy zones in, lvl 5 with his train of sand giants. Nirgon the attentive 58 wizard in group sees the newb bard coming and roots him, train flattens him, the end.

RobXIII the lvl 80 Shadow Knight comes through and tries to cast on Nirgon, but he is protected as he is not within 4 levels.

^ Can teams of people really not think of working ideas like this to solve simple problems and design a fun/fair system?

Of course the people who can't compete in pvp against their level are going to go grief newbies for an ego boost.

I'm pretty sure if, honestly, they came to me and said devise a PvP system that is fun, captures that classic feel and isn't prone to griefing players exploiting it.. I could do just that.
World PVP where you can gank and corpse camp is only fun to those who love wrecking peoples day. Its one thing in a game that is only PVP, but PVE mmos (and even PVP ones too) have no room for that kind of BS. I would say I'm the ultimate troll in Planetside 2, but see not benefit to the population by ganking lower levels or corpse camping. That's the best way you lose players and nobody likes it. I can back this up as a Liberator pilot/gunner that routinely decimates every single target the map has to offer. I bet SoE has lost an easy 100k players just because of liberators.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Honest question:

People seem to hate PVP cause someone will come along and just waste your time.

Yes those same people don't seem to mind if its competition via pve. It's ok if x guild comes and KSs your guild to get the kill , or some higher level comes and kills your camp, its all about competition and reputation. But if those things happen via pvp its horrible and shouldn't be allowed. Why? Seems kind of hypocritical.


Molten Core Raider
Honest question:

People seem to hate PVP cause someone will come along and just waste your time.

Yes those same people don't seem to mind if its competition via pve. It's ok if x guild comes and KSs your guild to get the kill , or some higher level comes and kills your camp, its all about competition and reputation. But if those things happen via pvp its horrible and shouldn't be allowed. Why? Seems kind of hypocritical.
There should simply be a penalty for camping something.,.. nothing wrong with killing someone once, or even twice its the level 50 or whatever grief camping a low level that is stupid...

pvp is great, grief-ing is retarded.


You weren't allowed to corpse camp on RZ unless the person was running their mouth the entire time harassing you on the way to their corpse.

If they politely asked for LNS, you had to give it to them, or take a week in the tank.

It didn't take people long after the first person got banned from doing it after their week suspension to learn it was a no no.

However, there's ways to design around it.

It is up to the person who got killed to leave the zone if they know said person is there, lest they catch an ass beating. It's part of survival, pick your battles not stand there killing mobs pretending you're invisible and someone won't kill you again... cuz they (I) will :p. Move on over to a different zone until you're ready to contest it or they're done there.

I prefer this type of game to killing 10 mobs that I can kill in 2 hits for a daily quest. Whoopdiedoo, how the hell does anyone find that experience satisfying as being the entire game?


That's why I played Sullon Zek. None of that nancy-pancy play-friendly bullshit going on there. Dump everyone in the world and figure out your own damn problems.