EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
eve isnt a mmorpg? im not sure what you think it is.

also your criteria wasnt how well they did financially, it was whether they were up longer than a year. All 3 of which surpass that by quite a margin.

How a pvp mmo does financially has a different measuring stick than a normal WoW clone as well due to it targetting a niche audience.
Eve is awesome to read about, awful to actually play. When I watched a huge raid, all I saw was who massed the larger force (RTS) and out zerged their enemy (RTS). Shares more in common with an old game called 10six than it does with Everquest.

Shadowbane is Dead. UO came out 5 years earlier and is still kicking it. That constitutes a failure when I can still find players playing Quake 3 Arena which is 14 years old and shadowbane doesn't exist.

MMORPG and open world PvP in a PvE based game will never be balanced. So unless you want referees to monitor the game (not going to happen), dirt bags will grieve other players.

EQN is not targeting a niche market either. If you think for a second that SoE will make a niche MMORPG after the likes of PS2, you will be greatly disappointed. They will not sacrifice the majority of players enjoyment so a select few grievers can have their fun.


Elisha Dushku
Tad, didn't you say you want EQ:N to be EVE but fantasy based? I'm not sure how you build that kind of game without the pvp portion of the game, which literally keeps the game going without developers having to keep building content and fuels the rest of the game(Trading, crafting etc).
I didn't say I wanted EQ:N to be like EVE, I said EQ:N will have EVE elements - whether I want them or not. I am hoping those elements are limited to a big continent to fight over resources but most of the world has limited to no PvP. We'll see in 8 1/2 days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
also its griefers not grievers. They wont design a game around a niche audience, your right, but they will add servers to cater to them as tad has already said. I can live with that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
DAoC is still up and running. It is one of the most respected PvP mmorpg's ever made.


What's my kind?


Eve is awesome to read about, awful to actually play. When I watched a huge raid, all I saw was who massed the larger force (RTS) and out zerged their enemy (RTS). Shares more in common with an old game called 10six than it does with Everquest.
Yay for 10Six reference. Fucking loved that game, wish Sega had marketed it a bit more.

Blah for the Eve out zerging opponent comment. This is true sometimes but frequently not true. Have won many engagements when outmanned and outgunned. Most better pvp players are constantly trying to find fights where they are outnumbered because that's when the game gets more interesting.

The nullsec blob wars do rely heavily on numbers of supercaps for those who want it, but that's just a part of Eve pvp.


<Gold Donor>
The fact that you called it a raid is lols.

Eve is the most MMORPG of any MMORPG ever made. You've gone full retard


Elisha Dushku
Depends heavily on the EQN reveal though of course there's always EQMac to fall back on.

Speaking of EQN. I'm now firmly in the Beta starts* on August 6th, release this year if at all possible, early next year if not, camp.

Draegen better get his site up soon.

*Start means a flustercluck with maybe a handful of people actually getting toplaybetatest on the 6th and the rest bitching and moaning until login problems are fixed over the next 3 to 4 days. The screams of people with beta keys but who can't get on due to the login issues will be glorious.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm really hoping they learned a lot from PS2 beta/launch and helps EQN in that aspect.
I expect a core game with plenty of content on its own. Player stuff will just be bonus/cash shop driven that won't hurt the core game in anyway
That's what I hope. It better be.

I think player made content could work well as long as it's locked in to a strict framework set by the game. So a player can make a whole town but it has to be somewhere sensible, and it has to use game's art assets etc. Then if all mobs and NPC's are controlled by the game, and they "show up" at these player made places, it could all be fine. And player made items too, it could just work like crafting in other games. If you have a certain amount of points you can spend on different things, you might make a weapon and spend all the points on damage but then it will be slow. Spend half on damage, half on delay, it will be a good weapon but have no stats. Same goes with armor and whatever else. Make a high AC breastplate sure, but then it's going to be heavy. Or spread the points out, moderate AC, good weight, bit of stamina and dex or whatever.

It can all work fine if they are smart. It wont even look like player made content. Dungeons I'm not sure about, but again, they could work the same way if it's controlled properly. You can make the dungeon, you do the layout, and maybe place some objects like resources, stuff you can click, maybe some traps or whatever. But then hopefully the NPC's will arrive - automated by the game.

Or alternatively, make that work like the items too, you can even place the mobs but you only get a certain number that you can place. You can place the loot, but you only get a certain number of 'points' to spend on the items. So put all the points in to one epic standard item, or spread them out and have several really good items like Lower Guk. Maybe have it so the number of 'points' you spend on an item, dictates how hard the mob is the holds it. So you can't just make uber loot on orc pawns, it will have to be on a boss type mob that has to have various special abilities - harm touch, summons adds every 10% of its health etc. And if the game restricts you from placing mobs too close together or whatever, it could all work fine.

My only concern is that this is all such new territory. Some of us would have been happy with a modern version of EQ, but this is a whole new ballgame. Gotta wonder if they are up to it. Companies struggle to make little SimCity type games, this is a whole bigger scale than that.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there even a Beta signup at this point?

I'd always manged to get into beta for every other EQ product, hopefully the same with EQN.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Depends heavily on the EQN reveal though of course there's always EQMac to fall back on.

Speaking of EQN. I'm now firmly in the Beta starts* on August 6th, release this year if at all possible, early next year if not, camp.
Beta for only 2-4 months? Better hope not.


Elisha Dushku
Beta for only 2-4 months? Better hope not.
It is our destiny. Might as well accept it as I have with EVElike PvP.

Also Bill Trost just rejoined SOE and is working on EQN so the circle is now complete, all the classic-era EQ devs are back at SOE and most are working on EQN.