EQ Never

With EQ2 I seem to remember they released the character creation tool where you could make your class and race and tool about with it. Long time ago so can't remember clearly, and I'm drunk. But I bet they do something like that again.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I can't see them giving system level access to players in a live world. I mean come on, who wants to be running across the Karanas only to come across a cock shaped house, or a cock shaped group of trees, or groups of mobs standing around in a cock shape, or a mob that looks like a cock ...

The only way to stop that would be every time you submit some assets to the world, it gets queued up for approval before getting placed. I'd rather any player made stuff to be just instanced away, I'll go look at it if I want to on my own terms.


Life's a Dream
Maybe EQ Next won't be an official MMO at all. Maybe it would be set up more like Quake. Players can create their own servers and have their own population on said server, but Sony would ultimately host it. Each server would be catered to the admin's requests.

That might be interesting, but a potential disaster at the same time.


Maybe each adjacent chunk/"zone" is another player's playground, which was allocated to them through some in-game process, and the content they created in their "zone" had some level of approval before being applied to the world. When a player does whatever to claim an adjacent zone, what level this thing has to be could be controlled by SoE. Or if its a certain distance away from a town, there are some restrictions on the level of content that it can be (further from a town = can create higher level content). A town or keep cant be within a certain distance of another one.

Think Cubeworld chunk generation, The Sims plot assignment/control, project spark for content creation. After watching the project spark video, that would let some rulesets vary quite a bit from one area to the next; one area might be more WoW-like, another like EQ, another like Eve.

There could be massive areas of the world that are like the game you want it to be.


I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with EQ Next. Hopefully it will be worth playing even if only for the nostalgia.

Player-made content seems like it could help a lot. But, it would have to be approved by SOE first.
Maybe each adjacent chunk/"zone" is another player's playground, which was allocated to them through some in-game process, and the content they created in their "zone" had some level of approval before being applied to the world.
This is what I'm thinking right now.

Let's say there's a huge desert in the game. Nobody wants it. It's a fucking desert. It's probably part of the "randomly generated" part of the world, which I would expect to be gigantic (with easy peasy instant travel).

I buy the desert using whatever in-game system exists for that. I create an entire "desert survival" ruleset. With heat affecting metals, etc. This is nothing out of the ordinary in games that allows heavy modding such as Elder Scrolls. The innovation is making it work in a MMO.
When you enter my section of the world, you are warned that Ayeshala's Sizzling Hot Weather is in effect here. You can choose to leave. If you want to experience the content I created, you have to submit to whatever choices I made.

If someone else creates a desert section, maybe there's a way for them to use the Ayeshala's Sizzling Hot Weather in there. Maybe if a SOE designer decides he's going to recreate South Ro he can also grab my system. And grab the model created by another guy for Dervishes. etc

This is when I think of when I think "systems level access". We'll see if Sony is thinking the same way in a week.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
With EQ2 I seem to remember they released the character creation tool where you could make your class and race and tool about with it. Long time ago so can't remember clearly, and I'm drunk. But I bet they do something like that again.
Yeah, they did that with EQ2 and you could save your character's look pre-release, I think?


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't seen this level of parsing of what devs have said in ages. Even the dearth of information we have now, tad is still parsing it like a motherfucker. Never stop guys. Never stop.


2 Minutes Hate
I guess? I just can't get excited by MMORPG pre-reveal anymore. All the overhype of dynamic worlds and all the other bullshit we've seen from Rift through GW2 is just silly. I'll wait until I see the game played at a gaming convention before I get any tingly feelings.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I guess? I just can't get excited by MMORPG pre-reveal anymore. All the overhype of dynamic worlds and all the other bullshit we've seen from Rift through GW2 is just silly. I'll wait until I see the game played at a gaming convention before I get any tingly feelings.
I'm not belittling you when I say this.. But from what I understand you didn't really play EQ? I don't expect that same level of attachment. It's just like a sequel movie to a bunch of die hards. Even tho we know it might not be the same or as good, we still can't wait to see some familiar characters and settings.


Registered Hutt
I played EQ a lot. I'm not anticipating EQ Next in the least. SOE is incompetent. EQ was pure luck and they've been riding that good fortune for years without learning how to make lightning strike twice.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I played EQ a lot. I'm not anticipating EQ Next in the least. SOE is incompetent. EQ was pure luck and they've been riding that good fortune for years without learning how to make lightning strike twice.
I am...But I'm not as big on Blizz as you are..


2 Minutes Hate
From my perspective, even if I was a rabid fan of the franchise a decade and a half ago, it's been soured enough that a new game can only be looked at askance at this point. I'm probably reading this wrong, but it seems to me people are in love with the idea of 1999-2004 EQ and completely forgot we've had nearly a decade of EQ2.

To me it's analogous to Star Wars. We love the original trilogy and we're very excited about the new stuff that's coming out in 2 years, but we've conveniently forgotten Eps 1-3. But now EQ is a sandbox so it's different and makes it interesting; the same with Star Wars because it's Disney and it gives us hope.


Registered Hutt
I am...But I'm not as big on Blizz as you are..
Blizzard has been hit or miss recently. Flex raiding (we've been asking for this for a decade on foh) and more pokemons is probably only getting back to neutral from the sadness that is D3 and pandailya. Pokemon is the single greatest concept for a PvP MMO ever, and we had to wait for Blizzard to half-ass it into existence as a sideshow. I cannot comprehend the stupid that infests Nintendo in wasting its potential. Likewise, Blizzard let DoTA run off and become a big fucking deal while they went all M$ on the development of Titan and D3. Like...what? This shit is mind bottling.

PvP, that thing that takes little dev time and players burn millions of hours on? It's being done wrong. Pokemon and DoTA are a superior scenario. So unless EQ Next is on that train with any potential PvP that element is trash already.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
From my perspective, even if I was a rabid fan of the franchise a decade and a half ago, it's been soured enough that a new game can only be looked at askance at this point. I'm probably reading this wrong, but it seems to me people are in love with the idea of 1999-2004 EQ and completely forgot we've had nearly a decade of EQ2.

To me it's analogous to Star Wars. We love the original trilogy and we're very excited about the new stuff that's coming out in 2 years, but we've conveniently forgotten Eps 1-3. But now EQ is a sandbox so it's different and makes it interesting; the same with Star Wars because it's Disney and it gives us hope.
Honestly.. I was really excited with the original intent of EQN when they said it would be more like EQ original. Before they changed it again.

Here's the thing you guys are missing.. There are a decent amount of players out there who feel MMO's are just not made for them anymore. So it's only natural for them to get excited about the game they enjoyed the most. regardless of what the game will offer. It's a pretty simple combination of things coming together to get people excited for EQN. Thus all the hype/buss on multiple sites. Plus some leaks...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Blizzard has been hit or miss recently. Flex raiding (we've been asking for this for a decade on foh) and more pokemons is probably only getting back to neutral from the sadness that is D3 and pandailya. Pokemon is the single greatest concept for a PvP MMO ever, and we had to wait for Blizzard to half-ass it into existence as a sideshow. I cannot comprehend the stupid that infests Nintendo in wasting its potential. Likewise, Blizzard let DoTA run off and become a big fucking deal while they went all M$ on the development of Titan and D3. Like...what? This shit is mind bottling.

PvP, that thing that takes little dev time and players burn millions of hours on? It's being done wrong. Pokemon and DoTA are a superior scenario. So unless EQ Next is on that train with any potential PvP that element is trash already.
But.. if they announced WoW 2 tomorrow you wouldn't be excited?


Molten Core Raider
I'm not belittling you when I say this.. But from what I understand you didn't really play EQ? I don't expect that same level of attachment. It's just like a sequel movie to a bunch of die hards. Even tho we know it might not be the same or as good, we still can't wait to see some familiar characters and settings.
I get both sides of this... on one hand I feel Draegan's pain with promises, marketing and then unfortunate reality but on the other hand the eq style of gameplay has always suited me best and I have hope that SOE will recognize the hole in the market right now and sieze it...

That is with more old school features returning to MMOs.