EQ Never


Molten Core Raider
PvP is a pointless ego-grind unless it is truly part of the game.

You want to act like a bandit and rob other PCs? Game should treat you like a bandit - you should end up only able to socialize with other player-bandits and NPC bandits.. You basically become a Player run mob out there in the world harassing anyone who comes near. As such, like any other mob, there's no level restrictions you can rob level 1s or level 50s but if you show up in town the entire guard force comes after you and if you're caught it's the gallows for you (6 hours before you can rez on that toon).

Same thing if for some unfathomable reason you want to act like a serial killer in-game (hi2u Dumar and the other guy from UO) the game should treat you like a serial killer. You are KOS to everyone but the the most evil demons/devils in the game as even the average bandit would prefer to just kill you instead of talking to you.
That seems stupid as all hell. What fun is it if you can't be incognito, why would the game paint a target on your back? It's not realistic and also less fun. Let your name be your target, not an artificial thing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not with their development time. Announce tomorrow = release when I retire
Lol fair enough. Ill tell you what. If they said it would be more like vanilla WoW I would be excited. Btw when is someone going to come out and say what Titan is? Last I heard it was FPS?


So, lots of pages here and moving fast. Has it been said if EQN will be all new or will it call on EQ/2 stuff also (cities/races/ect) or do we just not know?


Buzzfeed Editor
Blizzard has been hit or miss recently. Flex raiding (we've been asking for this for a decade on foh) and more pokemons is probably only getting back to neutral from the sadness that is D3 and pandailya. Pokemon is the single greatest concept for a PvP MMO ever, and we had to wait for Blizzard to half-ass it into existence as a sideshow. I cannot comprehend the stupid that infests Nintendo in wasting its potential. Likewise, Blizzard let DoTA run off and become a big fucking deal while they went all M$ on the development of Titan and D3. Like...what? This shit is mind bottling.

PvP, that thing that takes little dev time and players burn millions of hours on? It's being done wrong. Pokemon and DoTA are a superior scenario. So unless EQ Next is on that train with any potential PvP that element is trash already.
Honestly, them not hybridizing a DOTA/Diablo game in D3 was a huge opportunity missed, in my opinion. MOBA could allow for imbalanced PvE affected end games (Super gear=win), while simultaneously allowing for a more skill based, less differentiated start (Everyone has the same gear at start.) So, if you're clearly better than your opponent, you'll still jump into your perhaps worse suit of gear earlier and win, but gear (So PvE grinding) would decide games between two more evenly matched opponents.

It would kind of be like LoL's summoner/champion grind, except instead of getting talents, and more champions, you'd grind for better gear unlocks and higher levels per skill during the game. But instead we got some second rate arena kill game--that was scrapped because it was terrible, mostly because the game it was built on was bad.


Elisha Dushku
That seems stupid as all hell. What fun is it if you can't be incognito, why would the game paint a target on your back? It's not realistic and also less fun. Let your name be your target, not an artificial thing.
Less fun for people who want to grief without consequences. As for less realistic, give me a break, you don't get to randomly gank people in the real world without consequences.


Trump's Staff
Agreed. The inhabitants of Norrath, including NPCS, should be perfectly aware you are a murderer - and treat you accordingly.

The cool thing would be if being a PKer opened up quests for certain 'shady' organizations in the game world. Maybe you could get contracted as a hit man or an actual assassin. Fucking awesome.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Tad is exactly right. A world has consequences whereas a game may not. I'd like to see a world not someone's personal no consequences playground. Quaid's idea is a good example of pushing that idea out in one way. PvP has it's place in every server but being PvP centric should be on an optional server.


As much as I loved Shadow Bane and gruesome PvP.

Let us not forget that EQ1 and 2 have both honored the "epic quest" for each class, raid progression that isn't an immediate wipe/reset of the current raid tier. EQ2 I'm not AS familiar with... or the most modern EQ, but I know that killing old raid bosses never truly went out of style and they've tried to preserve that in some ways and not just with an achievement system.

The class identity in EQ games was great and the raid bosses/named NPCs were the most memorable for me.


Registered Hutt
raid progression that isn't an immediate wipe/reset of the current raid tier
This is a good thing. Content churn has reached epic levels of retardation. I'm not saying you have to preserve Classic->Kunark->Velious->Luclin->PoP for the guy that just bought the game in PoP, but the immediately prior content (RoK during SoV) should maintain more than just a clickie appeal after the fact. In some cases where you betray the design principles of the prior xpac (SoL->PoP/UF->HoT) you can be a bit more clear cut about trivializing prior content, but the better approach would be to adjust the immediately prior content to behave in line with the new principles. Even in a world of instances, there should be room to begin and end, room to grow, and reasons to look backwards.

When the only content that anyone cares about is the new tier/xpac you'll have many participants maxing it out and being very vocal about the lack of activities to pursue. You also rob newcomers of collaborators in clearing prior content to see the unique environments or witness the story in the manner it was intended.

This does not mean you should put T2 pants on the endboss of the T1 dungeon involving 9 mandatory T1 quality bosses and a fuckton of trash. /cry


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Come on Smed, give me my fantasy EVE, i know you want it too


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, they did that with EQ2 and you could save your character's look pre-release, I think?
Yes, remember if you per-ordered EQ2, character creation discs were sent out to gamestops at least a month prior to launch. I also recall stories of there being a shortage of the discs, and gamestop employees having no idea what you were talking about if you asked for the disc.

Thought it was a great idea though to launch that way. Didn't need to spend an hour on launch day rolling up characters.


Elisha Dushku
Not sure if you're following the game, but Wildstar has everything you could possibly want (and more) if you loved vanilla WOW. Longer leveling curves, 40 man raids motivated by epeen armor weps. Quest based leveling. etc.
Except the combat is insane.