EQ Never

UT has the infoz!
This one time, UT was delivering pizza to SOE HQ and he was listening under the crack in the door and he heard someone say, "Everquest Next's code has been hacked!!!!!!!"

Turns out he just misheard, it was really, "Emma's pet toad has got gas."


Lord Nagafen Raider
Everyone needs to relax...they know what they're doing.Listening to that blowhard demonstrates with complete clarity how detached these twits are from reality. I know that video is pretty old, but take a listen from the beginning for some really cringe worthy moments.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol don't let Agonizing troll you Tad. He doesn't know shit. Never trust a guy that says mum...


Elisha Dushku
@Xaxius Georgeson is a concern...

@Agonizing Nope. There is no connection and/or relation. Dip was a third-tier card game. SB is - in addition to being a cheezo AI builder for NPCs - is also a means for procedurally generated quest content. Sony wants SB to generate quest content while players make art content. It's win-win. For SOE.

@Convo. No worries.
Considering I spilled the beans for rift / tor on foh ( also have gotten over 20 forum people into closed betas) sure I may troll but I always pull through in the end

Wait for you are telling me its like a card game but instead of cards you use words and build a story?


Elisha Dushku
Considering I spilled the beans for rift / tor on foh ( also have gotten over 20 forum people into closed betas) sure I may troll but I always pull through in the end
Yeah, yeah. Nobody knows crap about EQN. Two points for Smed on this one. Reveal could be a disaster but he did manage to keep the lid on the game. Presumably with firing and/or death threats.


This shit is just a bunch of mad faggots arguing over who knows more people in the gaming industry.


I'm still excited for this game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm still excited for this game.
Generally curious, how are you excited? Is it just by smed's marketing twitter posts?

I mean I am interested in seeing what the actual game is , then I can actually have some anticipation or excitement for it, atm its all "words" no action, with a less than stellar reputation. I thought this board learned long ago..


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They've also said you'll be getting all the content you know and love because players want that, and if they are giving me a progression of dungeons from 10 to be max and some raids after that it sounds like I won't be playing this game in any kind of a sandbox way. Ill be camping dungeons from ten to max and worrying about making my house all cool after that.

Edit: which is fine I'd be sad if I couldn't explore dungeons for xp I guess I imagined sand box meaning something other than a clear progression of group zones to level In.
By definition a sandbox game is a game where you can do whatever the fuck you want. If you want to sit in a dungeon all day then that's your prerogative. Just because you choose to play it in a theme park fashion doesn't make it any less of a sandbox.

Also... Sony has said this is a subscription game. Why are you guys saying you'll receive station coins when they've said NOTHING about a coin shop?

Subscription models are infinitely better for the genre. It reduces pay to win and forces the developer to invest in the longevity of the fucking game, instead of a hit it & quit it philosophy.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
High Five buddy!

PS: Bait Master knows a lot about this game. Just saying.

Let's turn this into a rip the fuck out of Qwerty thread.

Qwerty you start by typing something.

(I'll be back. Need to get a burger and some surly furious in me with my imaginary friends.)

Go Qwerty! You go little Chub.


Elisha Dushku
Also... Sony has said this is asubscription game. Why are you guys saying you'll receive station coins when they've said NOTHING about a coin shop?
Nope. EQN is FTP, though I think it is a reasonable guess that there will be Gold memberships and of course for PS4 players you'll need the $5.00/month PSN pass or whatever it is called.. Station coins are for player crafted items used by other players or some similar BS. I don't craft so I don't care.