EQ Never


Bronze Knight of the Realm

Can you back this up instead of being a twit and just saying that you're right in regards to Everquest Next being FTP? See I can actually cite my information:

During SOE Live John Smedley also mentioned that EverQuest Next will attempt to keep the P2P subscription model for as long as possible.
If the game launches with a subscription model then it sounds like you're full of shit. This doesn't guarantee I'm right, but in light of the limited information at least it's information contrary to whatever the fuck you're saying.


Elisha Dushku

Can you back this up instead of being a twit and just saying that you're right in regards to Everquest Next being FTP?
Wikipedia entry is bullshit. Smedley stated back in 2011 or 2012 that he's moving everything to FTP and he has.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wikipedia entry is bullshit. Smedley stated back in 2011 or 2012 that he's moving everything to FTP and he has.
Well he was quoted saying that Everquest Next will be Pay-to-Play October 18th, 2012 which is AFTER you're claiming he moved everything to FTP. Show me one link, one quote, anything after Oct. 18th that points to it being FTP.

Also, if this game fails and Wildstar is successful (Wildstar is actually half decent) then it will be the deathnail for this industry because they'll go back to believing WoW clones is where it's at - except you need shitty cartoon graphics too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Generally curious, how are you excited? Is it just by smed's marketing twitter posts?

I mean I am interested in seeing what the actual game is , then I can actually have some anticipation or excitement for it, atm its all "words" no action, with a less than stellar reputation. I thought this board learned long ago..
Eh, I think it's exciting that a big company (regardless of reputation) is dedicated to doing something 'different'. The only other big Western MMO on the horizon, Wild Star, looks to shamelessly be WoW 1.5.

That 'different' could very well end up being implemented very shitty, but I don't think that takes away from the first point.


Elisha Dushku
Just told you how they are using storybricks and dcuo combat.... want me to tell you how storybricks also plays into the faction system with shitty errands and collect quest?
Dude I told you it was likely they were using DCUO-like combat, go back a few pages.

Yes. The closer we get to the reveal, the more I think there'll be actiony/DCUO like combat in Norrath. I should probably just come to peace with the inevitable and the fact that Ut or Draegen will chuckle as they hurl the monkey poop at me because of my well known loathing of actiony combat. DCUO was fun for a month, sure, but I couldn't play it for 2 years...
@Convo yes I know, I'm letting myself get trolled.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Teekey, read the last end of my post right above yours in re: to Wildstar. It's decent (up to lvl 6) but if that game turns out to be the most successful of this generation of MMORPG's then I fear that it may be the deathnail for innovation. The genre may stagnate even more than it has over the last decade.

...can't we get back to games including features such as taming dragons, poisoning cupcakes, mounted combat, awesome realistic fully tiered economy, incredible housing (castles sold for over $3,000 USD when the dollar actually meant something), great resource system and so forth - all of which Ultima had in 1997.


Silver Knight of the Realm


Generally curious, how are you excited? Is it just by smed's marketing twitter posts?

I mean I am interested in seeing what the actual game is , then I can actually have some anticipation or excitement for it, atm its all "words" no action, with a less than stellar reputation. I thought this board learned long ago..
Mostly because of the secrecy. If the radio silence is under the pretense of not tipping their hat to the competition, it gives me a glimmer of hope that it's something that does not currently exist. Having said that, I'm aware that most of it is hype, and I don't mind it. I'm not so angry at video games that I can't enjoy getting a little happy about the thought of a game that brings something new to the table. I won't be heartbroken if it doesn't, but I can enjoy the ride, right?