EQ Never

Not all of us where.

I said all the smoke and mirrors coming from Smokejumper and Smeds ass was just smoke and mirrors, that shit would ship be playable even in early pre alpha state was bull shit.

Nov-Dec 2014 Is what I will stand by and have been saying that for the last 1 year,

Even in Nov-Dec 2014 it wont be ready, they would need atleast another 1 year or more to finish baking this cake.

But this is SOE we are talking about here mark my words, I pray that I am wrong this Ship in Nov to Dec 2014 ready or Not.
That gives them the next 5 months and 1 year almost to get this shit going.
The Irony in all this is if Smed and Smokejumper would have this shit closed to be ready they could of maybe launched when no other new MMO's in or around the launch window.
Wildstar wants to launch in Dec 2013 but even with them just limiting it to 6 classes for release, and Ncsoft trying to force them to launch in Dec 2013.
I think from all, I have been told they would be better to polish it more as well as more content ready to wait to launch to Q1 2014.

Then Teso was trying to launch in Dec 2013 at start of the year, but the are now in full damage control mode and have moved it way out to Nov to Dec 2014.
So my point is even if SOE pushes this out to early to Nov to Dec 2014 they would be launching around the same window as Teso.



Elisha Dushku
I'd better be able to worship Innoruuk again. They better not kiddie-ize every fucking piece of the lore and gameplay. I swear, if I see a fucking children's week in this game.
Nope. Innoruuk is out. I skipped a lot of the panel but I'll post what I got.


Registered Hutt
beautiful, beautiful words
I <3 Lithose. Covered like 40% of that in IRC a moment ago.

you're going to have people soloing in a group
This shit gets on my nerves. It's bad when the game is actually designed for interdependency like EQ/WoW and some special snowflake is licking windows in my instance. It's just epically fucked up when the game doesn't even have functioning roles. Neverwinter released recently with classes that were intended to have roles but couldn't really perform them. The worst was the tank, which could not hold aggro, so the healer ran around like a chicken with its head cut off while the tank vainly tried to hold the boss mob and self-heal.

That ESO stream the other day had this soloing in a group shit going on. 4 guys in a group, they'd get attacked by 3 mobs, and they all go handle their own mob. I don't know if they were bad or the game is. If that's what a group is going to be, why have a group? We should be working together like members of a band to produce a single harmonious product.


Not true, said 2015 alot then people kept saying 2014 b/c they had alot of saved resources from before they scrapped it.

That aside i cant find myself interested beyond wanting to beta to see the world. I really hate the fact that it will be an EQ without the holy trinity, it just sounds like an atrocity in the making.
No, it's true. I didn't say you, but I can dig through my post history and numerous people said 2013 or at worst spring 2014. Some even thought it'd launch on PS4 this year.

Not that it matters, this shit is a long ways off.
I am surprised if SOE really wants feedback for Next they could up official Next forums that everyone could use to post ideas, as well as feedback.
Granted SOE is cheap most of the time, so they would need a few mods to control that shit on the forums.

Once they get the alpha going they will get up the NDA alpha forums but till then these forums every SOE and Everquest Next fan could post ideas, as well as leave feedback for the dev team.
Hell even when the alpha forums go up, they could still keep the public forums up for ideas, and to let players get ready for the future closed betas 1-4 or 1-5 etc as well as open beta.

fan concept art



Vyemm Raider
I dont know why people are complaining about being able to be the Lion King in plate armor in EQN, sounds like a done deal bros!


Molten Core Raider
No Gods sitting around as raid targets? Fuck them, PoP was probably one of my top 3 expansions/gaming experiences in 13 years. Give me some werid logic of why I killed a version of a god but he still exists in the spiritual world or some shit but eventually being able to battle said Gods made for a hell of a great time. I could give a fuck about 99% of a games lore to be honest but that was probably the only time I actually was abit interested....PoP was flat out amazing outside of a few "slightly" overtuned encounters. You felt yourself getting more epic every day and you also had multiple courses on progression instead of the straight treadmills that most raiding is anymore.

Anyone actually play EQ anymore? Did they just totally destroy raiding or is it still fun? I went back during...SoD (?) i think it was and even then they still kept up the challenges in groups even. Higher tier group mobs could kill your tanks in a heart beat if people weren't paying attention.


Molten Core Raider
8 Gods is fine. Start off basic. EQ had a dozen? Inny out doesn't mean he's dead. He'll be back I'm sure along with Mayong, Nagafen and the other staples.

There were no God raid targets upon EQ's release either.

Blog for Lore panel is up. It was a half-assed effort on my part.


Mr. Poopybutthole
"Tactics are more important than roles."

Like eveything else, this is a big 'what if'. But honestly, this is where emergent gameplay will evolved from. We also talk about how awesome EverQuest was in being able to innovate new an unexpected strategies. I welcome groups that don't require each traditional role. Maybe you can have an all caster group that uses roots, snares, and pets to clear their way through a dungeon.

Hopefully it ends up well, but I think this is the kind of innovating the genre does need.


Elisha Dushku
8 Gods is fine. Start off basic. EQ had a dozen? Inny out doesn't mean he's dead. He'll be back I'm sure along with Mayong, Nagafen and the other staples.

There were no God raid targets upon EQ's release either.

4 belief systems:

8 gods are part of the Serpahs
4 gods (e/a/w/f) are the four
Kerran hippy religion.