EQ Never


Vyemm Raider
Simple, make quests more organic. NPC had an item stolen by some Kobolds. He sees you in Kobold Skin Cloak, and realizes you're skilled Kobold Slayer - so he hires you to retrieve his item.

"You don't have to talk to the guy to get content. When you go the an area the content will be presented to you, What do you need to do to solve the problems here? These are the things. You don't talk to anyone unless there are specific narratives that we want."

"It's a very unguided experience, people are going to need to adventure, to explore, to be apart of the world."

I like how this sounds, id like some exploration in my mmo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I honestly think the lack of a trinity could be amazing, or total shit.

I mean, if tanking actually means blocking abilities from hitting your friends, reactive shielding to absorb a blow, blocking the path to the DPS characters, etc. It could be awesome.

If it means the mob just wanders around confused about who to attack, or the defensive character can't actually defend anyone...then it will feel completely lame.
You can hope, but in most action based games, attacks are AE based by default. Like they said "no targets, swing a sword and hit all mobs in the way". So you are not going to be "Blocking" attacks, the person targeted still has to getfo out red circles. Shielding, stuns, CC , debuffs, maybe a intervene style move etc are possible, but nothing new.

I think the most you might get is like Tera atm. The Lancer(tank with a shield) can "block"(which is a activated and hold ability) and anyone behind him takes less damage.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider

I liked EQ and all that but honestly. I would rather see the new EQ be more like Darkfall. No lvls, just skills on what you do. You could sell me more on getting back to Darkfall if you removed the PVP element from it than you will get me back to EQ. Add all the lore and quests from EQ old into Darkfall and remove PVP, I would be hooked!
I prefered SWG and Darkfall style than standard lvling! Even Eve online has merit to skill vs lvls. I enjoyed EQ quests, why? You had to find them. Same with crafting, there were sites dedicated to nothing but quests and crafting. They have got to ramp up the dose if they want to get me to play it. No more just guilds as a name. Guild housing with a reason to keep it and defend it from NPC hordes! Static spots that other guilds can fight for against NPC bands or factions to stay.

Land expanse should be something that can be added over time as guild housing is taken. More lands shouldnt be something added to expansions. New factions and creatures should be instead. This helps is keeping a free flow on land expansion as players use, not waiting for next 8-18 months for next lands to unlock! New factions and creatures will shape the current lands, add in new forts, dungeons and quests.
Can you image a new wagon train entering into the lands building a new fort in your guild area and then starting to either attack you or you help in having it attack another guild close to you. This I would be most interested in being apart of, something i could invest in for the long haul. If I didnt want to have the new faction attacking me, it would request tithe to make them happy and stop attacking or switch it to be something the guild could farm for ore, weapons and quest unlocks.

Devs could spend more time on designing new quests for same areas and story with creating changes in crafting and building designs rather than abandoning old areas for new lands and noone ever ventures to anymore. Guild halls end up being teleport hubs and not true guild hall with any sort of purpose!
Could this fail, sure. Many things fail but the current lvling/land train expansion grind I have hopped off of long ago. I dont like grinding for faction that ends up being junk in a month and needing to get the new shiny or playing catchup in a forever game. Mix SWG, EVE and Darkfall together with the above elements and I would like to see what happens! Could be total shit but its something different, I would embrace the change!
Just saying....

I am very happy with the Keynote and the talks about SWG possible crafting in other interviews. Hoping for quality based mats. Maybe refining copper to a more pure metal before using it to gain a better item.

I never saw the Voxel thing coming though, but does solve a ton of problems using it. With that, the mentioning about just seeing what someone has equipped I will guess its about what you see on mobs also. Hill-giant earrings, Froglok Yak...etc. Would be nice to see mobs holding things you really want from them.

I love the living world idea. This is very much what I have been soo wishing for. Dynamics!

Mmmmm, no lvls they say? Guessing some heads cant bend their thought around on that one.
Will see how this works, glad to see a game that is something very close to what I was looking for and in many ways above my expectations for a change. It could be all crap but so far I like the idea I can get in and help mold the landscape, build a town and explore!

Guessing the following:

-Attributes = AA's?

-Gear like Items, Armor, Weapons and other things are voxel based also? They degrade and morph in looks when degrading and being damaged?

-Healing landscapes would mean its NPC's in those areas rebuilding those buildings, items?

-Raids would unlock new higher tier mats, classes, skills, AA and crafting plans/tasks.

-Raids I would image being global Ralley Call. Those missing out on X unlock at X time wont have X skills, classes, etc...

-Tiers would unlock usable items. Must like a tier 1 war can use Claymore and longsword but a tier 2 war can use hammers, tier 3 lances...etc The special actions/animations and damage/effect being on the weapon style, much like what the keynote stated.

-No or limited AH? Hoping for very limited like city only setups. This will help in building a community of shops and trade hubs. Global buying/sell just kills a game. Why I loved EC tunnel and later Bazaar. Never liked AH.


Registered Hutt
Simple, make quests more organic. NPC had an item stolen by some Kobolds. He sees you in Kobold Skin Cloak, and realizes you're skilled Kobold Slayer - so he hires you to retrieve his item.

"You don't have to talk to the guy to get content. When you go the an area the content will be presented to you, What do you need to do to solve the problems here? These are the things. You don't talk to anyone unless there are specific narratives that we want."

"It's a very unguided experience, people are going to need to adventure, to explore, to be apart of the world."

How does he hire you? Does he run up and tackle you and then offer the quest? Does your mailbox get crammed full of quest offers dynamically assigned to you based on your emergent choices?

How will "content be presented to you"? Like a big futuristic updating map of locally relevant quests? Or do you just try to blunder into as many clusterfucks as possible? I can see the blog of our adventurer now..."Was wandering by the lake earlier, some kobolds burned down this farmers house and he begged me to help him. #FML" and "Was walking by the fountain in town today, some merchant ran up to me whining about his lost shipment in the ocean of tears, asked me to go find it #FML".

I'm eagerly anticipating their totally excellent new way of pushing content on you that's better than ! above a guy's head.


Trakanon Raider
So about the weapon-based skills, have they specified if the skills are just weapon-specific, or both weapon- and class-specific (GW2 style)? I'd imagine it's the latter, but it never hurts to clarify.


Buzzfeed Editor
Just a bit curious on what this means.
*A class is defined by armor type, weapons, and weapon abilities - those cannot be changed.
*A class also has four other abilities grouped by type (movement, defensive, offensive, utility) that can be swapped.
*Items often modify class abilities and make a difference in how you play. Abilities + Items = Class Build. Examples are Brain Burn, Teleport, Spell Reflect, and Stun.

They said classes define what "type" of abilities you can have. So a rogue, I think they said, has one mobility, one utility, and two offense. The rogue class can't slot a defense ability in. And from the above, I'm guessing armor kind of works the same way, being a rogue restricts you to certain armor pieces--and armor itself can be slotted for unique effects on each ability.

So, if you have a lightning offensive ability, then a leather and plate chest might affect it differently. So the same ability can change due to multiple variances of class/armor/ability/weapon. As ranger said, it's like how some items in LoL can completely change how a character plays--I assume classes will be more akin to lol champions than how we understand classes now, and each ability will be augmented by armor, so it all works together to produce an end product that could be radically different (They also hinted at each armor having crafting slots, so if you say, use element X in your chest Y spells will get Z effect.)

All in all, if the above works the way they are hinting at, it creates thousands of variables per each class, and each skill. Which is neat. This kind of item system, if it's how I think it is, is far, far better than what most MMO's use.

Lost Ranger_sl

Didnt GW2 initially try that and then went back to the Hearts quests
There was a ton of stuff going on in GW2 outside of hearts. Events happening all over the map that you could join in on for exp/loot. The idea is the same here I think. You aren't going to be running into a quest hub and picking up half a dozen "collect X for Y" quests. Most of that stuff will just be going on, and you can join in on it if you want too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ok so I just logged on and puked. Theres no tanks or healers at all? I am not even going to play this game now if that is true.
There are healers and tanks. But completing content isn't going to necessary require those roles if you can outsmart.

"Tactics are more important than roles."

"No dedicated healers or focused tanks based on combat mechanics."

"Combat model - visceral, active movement orientated gameplay."

"Everyone is responsible for their own safety, and part of the action."

Yes the game will recognize when you're acting in a defense/support role."

"Everyone involved in the action. Defensively themed class will do damage and is useful. Have responsibility and function in group and raid. I played NW, not the case."

"You'll need to be involved or your party members will wonder what you're doing. We don't want you staring at bars and clicking CHeal. We want you involved."


No straight healing classes just means this game is going to be straight nub. Thats all there is too it. Warriors are going to heal themselves? wtf?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Simple, make quests more organic. My example: NPC had an item stolen by some Kobolds. He sees you in Kobold Skin Cloak, and realizes you're skilled Kobold Slayer - so he hires you to retrieve his item.

"You don't have to talk to the guy to get content. When you go the an area the content will be presented to you, What do you need to do to solve the problems here? These are the things. You don't talk to anyone unless there are specific narratives that we want."

"It's a very unguided experience, people are going to need to adventure, to explore, to be apart of the world."

Sounds like "walk into a inn, hear some guy at the bar drinking talking about his lost/stolen goods or his kid/wife kidnapped by XXX". Will be interesting how its handled, do they still allow some kind of journal so you can keep track(quasi quest log) but not paste the quest onto the UI etc.

Though everything will be mapped out and datamined rather quickly, so if you want item that gives awesome_ability_01, you go look it up to see where it comes from.

There are healers and tanks. But completing content isn't going to necessary require those roles if you can outsmart.

"Tactics are more important than roles."

"No dedicated healers or focused tanks based on combat mechanics."

"Combat model - visceral, active movement orientated gameplay."

"Everyone is responsible for their own safety, and part of the action."

Sounds exactly like GW2, almost literally and it was laughable to consider healer anything in that game besides everyone having their own heal(their own safety). I guess you could say the guardian was a tank, in regards to it could take more damage.

Maybe it will be different, maybe it wont. Atm though it sounds eerily similar with the same exact buzz words and marketing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I like how this sounds, id like some exploration in my mmo.
Even better is that there may be a choices in 'solving problems'.

Kobolds are raping and pillaging these farmers. Do I want to join in on the raping and pillaging? Or come to the rescue?


Musty Nester
Oh really? And what is going to replace it? Because they tried this in EQ2, and they had to give up and use symbols like WoW. This is one of the sillier "issues" EQ fans/SOE have. It's a quality of life issue that you actually know where/when quests are offered in the game. Alternatively we could all go back to allakhazam to find out how we're supposed to play this intuitive emergent game. That makes sense.
Well there's lots of room in the middle.

If you cut collecting bear ass tasks to a town-square type poster board affair that negates a lot of the need for the symbols. If you have handcrafted areas with NPC's who have an obvious and distinguishable function, that cuts down a lot on it too. That master shipwright might be looking for some special wood if you go talk to him. Heh. Special wood.

But if you just make a city map and toss in 200 NPCs with generated names, you do tend to need the symbols because no one knows what the fuck is going on. Or cares. Because really nothing is going on besides there's 200 random NPC's who do different random shit and none of it makes much sense anyway.

I just mean there is an area there where it can be mainly intuitive. Holy crap, if RuneScape can do it I hope that SOE can manage.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There was a ton of stuff going on in GW2 outside of hearts. Events happening all over the map that you could join in on for exp/loot. The idea is the same here I think. You aren't going to be running into a quest hub and picking up half a dozen "collect X for Y" quests. Most of that stuff will just be going on, and you can join in on it if you want too.
Right, but they touted the whole, 'go out and explore our world' thing and the theme-park kiddies complained about being underlevelled etc. cause they finished the hearts and moved on and got wtfpwned in the next zone over.
I guess w/o mobs n characters having levels and being more horizontal power-wise maybe that wont be as an issue with EQN, but there will be those who still yearn to be dragged around by the nose.


Avatar of War Slayer
Didnt GW2 initially try that and then went back to the Hearts quests
yep. This board and casuals alike proved very very few people want a true unguided experience.
Gw2 was pretty amazing for explorers. The other 95% complained that they were underleveled.


If every MMO is gay as fuck like all these lately, I guess I must just not be this "genre" that loves it so much. What a fucking let down all you bitches that wanted to see tears here you go /tears about to delete this fucking bookmark.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How does he hire you? Does he run up and tackle you and then offer the quest? Does your mailbox get crammed full of quest offers dynamically assigned to you based on your emergent choices?

How will "content be presented to you"? Like a big futuristic updating map of locally relevant quests? Or do you just try to blunder into as many clusterfucks as possible? I can see the blog of our adventurer now..."Was wandering by the lake earlier, some kobolds burned down this farmers house and he begged me to help him. #FML" and "Was walking by the fountain in town today, some merchant ran up to me whining about his lost shipment in the ocean of tears, asked me to go find it #FML".

I'm eagerly anticipating their totally excellent new way of pushing content on you that's better than ! above a guy's head.
Perhaps he doesn't even contact you specifically. Maybe he just rants about having an item stolen by some Kobolds. You could then set out to find it yourself. OR you could, in your adventures, just find the item. Maybe you'll remember that some guy lost something, or maybe you'll have to do some searching to see who it belongs to.

I'm not sure why you seem to prefer the!method, or think quests can't be presented in a more interesting way.