EQ Never

There's not a player I know that enjoyed GW2's garbage dungeon setup. If someone is going to make dungeons hard/fun while still making them not based around the trinity it's probably not going to be SOE. It's not fun to kite around every trash pack/boss, it's boring and stupid.
The posted this video few days ago.

Some on the boards here made it or linked it.

Hitler sums up my feelings as well as many on having No Trinty as well as having GW2 dungeons it was fucking terrible.



Some important things to remember.

* Not being able to raid because you didnt have enough of X class on and waiting/hoping enough clerics log on sucks.

* Tolerating shitty people in guilds or groups just because they play a trinity class sucks.

* Being in a dungeon having a great time killing shit but having to stop because the enchanter/tank/healer has to go out sucks.

* Choosing and investing in a class that has secondary value in groups in raids sucks ("Need DPS, Wiz or Rog ONLY!)

Those things suck in games.. and Trinity preserves them.

Additional note.. if this game didnt have the EQ name on it, and was released by someone else, how many would look at it differently. I imagine if it didnt have the EQ baggage, people would be looking at this game like Jesus.
Making dungeons/classes all an aoe spam dps fuck fest with some healing potions being chugged down is much much worse.

I'll take waiting on the cleric to come back from a smoke any day over that.


Some important things to remember.

* Not being able to raid because you didnt have enough of X class on and waiting/hoping enough clerics log on sucks.

* Tolerating shitty people in guilds or groups just because they play a trinity class sucks.

* Being in a dungeon having a great time killing shit but having to stop because the enchanter/tank/healer has to go out sucks.

* Choosing and investing in a class that has secondary value in groups in raids sucks ("Need DPS, Wiz or Rog ONLY!)

Those things suck in games.. and Trinity preserves them.

Additional note.. if this game didnt have the EQ name on it, and was released by someone else, how many would look at it differently. I imagine if it didnt have the EQ baggage, people would be looking at this game like Jesus.
Didn't their multiclassing solve this? Your healer leaves? I don't have to get my Alt (if that's even possible) and get him through all the respawned mobs to where my group is. I could have just changed my skillset and now im the healer role but i dont mind because I can level up any character class I want while being the healer. Same thing can happen, Oh you need DPS? Okay I'll spec accordingly but level up my healer class or crowed control class.


Trakanon Raider
Was EQ2 an 'Everquest' game? Because there is a good chunk of people who didn't think so when it launched.
fuck no, EQ2 was not an EQ game. that game sucked ass, much like this one will. for some reason, they've convinced themselves that no one liked playing the original EQ, so they're going to do everything they can to make sure they alienate their loyal fans even more.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Making dungeons/classes all an aoe spam dps fuck fest with some healing potions being chugged down is much much worse.

I'll take waiting on the cleric to come back from a smoke any day over that.
In fairness we don't know it will play out like that. They were clear that the demo was made with more AE for demo purposes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think if they went that route EQN would of been received better by way more people. Regardless if the new system is better.
Eh, this board is an echo chamber for Hardcore EverQuest players.

From what I've seen on other forums that aren't dominated by really oldschool MMO players, the reception is pretty positive overall.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Eh, this board is an echo chamber for Hardcore EverQuest players.

From what I've seen on other forums that aren't dominated by really oldschool MMO players, the reception is pretty positive overall.
What boards? I'm being serious..I'd like to check them out. The fact that SoE is making a statement on the matter shows there are enough people upset.


Trakanon Raider
So, is there a good "wiki" type page of what we know so far? Every time I check this thread it's moved hundreds of posts, and other than a couple 2 minute video's and the little I've gathered of "there is no holy trin" stuff, I know nothing. Friends are excited, but so far all I know is "It's an mmo with minecraft features".

I'm guessing there is a great resource out on the web I just haven't found yet going into all the actual in depth info we have.... anyone have a link to that?


In fairness we don't know it will play out like that. They were clear that the demo was made with more AE for demo purposes.
100% agreed. They could "turn is around" and not go that way at all.

I'm just going by their decision to have 14 minutes of this as not a good sign to give them the benefit of the doubt on using good judgement :p



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Thankfully it's still so early, I hope that they get away from whatever they were hinting at with the "small raids" talk. With the direction they are going I'd like to see less restrictive or exclusionary "raid" design. If it's more free-form for rallying cries but something silly like rigid 24 man raids I am going to /facepalm something fierce. IMHO they should just allow people to bring as many chucklefucks as they want; either they zerg (less chance of loot per person, making some assumptions) or they run like a lot of guilds did back when EQ1 raids were 72 but a lot of guilds ran 30-40. When EQ1 changed their raid balance so that you needed fuller raids that caused a lot of heartache (many guilds were forced to recruit when they didn't want to otherwise) and I lay the blame for that directly at SOE's feet; when WOW cut raid sizes in half I saw quite a few guilds assplode or the self-imagined wannabe hardcores in a guild started trying to cut any of the low-hanging fruit in their own guild so that they could guarantee a raid spot for themselves (and I lay the blame for that directly at Blizzard's feet).

Strict raid limits are just bullshit, and if EQ:N is going to be even half as sandboxy as they claim they will be it's going to run against the grain. It will be bizarre to see a studio create a new MMO that is revolutionary on several fronts, and then just take raiding as it is currently and jam it into their core design like an unlubed penis into a dry asshole. It'll be like Lyrical hosting a sleepover, the lights are out and he's running through the house naked after taking RHW - pray he doesn't trip.

Also, we may get lucky on alternative char models; non-Chinese Ogre concept art:



Molten Core Raider
What's not to like about it? You should already know any new game is going to be a pile of disappointment, at least this one adds something interesting in breaking shit. It's not like that everyone would be sucking their dicks over it if they remade Everquest with just new graphics. They would say it's a money grab piece of shit etc etc. Game looks cool.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Talk about wishful interpretations, man. So he's saying it isn't a hardcore MMO, but it's like a *wink* *wink* moment, and what he really means is that it IS hardcore, he just doesn't want to say that?
Plenty of nonhardcore titles have hardcore elements - entry level of the game won't be - that's the absolute he's referencing. Christ, look at any console title since 2000 or so and there's a casual base game with hardcore options - esp once trophies/achieves came in - and class progression will require them, mind you.

Jesus you blind haters are retarded - its miles away from any potential to really evaluate it, period. If you think you know absolutely you're wrong - either pro or con.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I think they are making the same mistake they made with EQ2, and that's calling the game EQ. EQ2 was not a bad game at release, not as bad as it was reported anyways. It was a pretty bad sequel to EQ though, and I've always believe that he negative feedback that the game got from being a bad sequel totally outweigh the fact that it was an interesting MMO on its own right.

I feel they're doing the same thing, they have a huge negative backlash for not being an EQ game...and that backlash will outweigh the fact that it might be a good MMO if it had a different name.


Trakanon Raider
* Working as an organized team in a dungeon, vs zerg dps spam.
* Value and incentive to play a class, and developing class pride.
Those things made up EQ.. and Trinity preserves them.
These 2 things right here is why i think we all really loved EQ and now they are gone, there was something about logging in and suddenly reading "WOOO Terial is on, get your ass here now we need you" As opposed to what EQN will be "Okay everyone who has Tank ability "Hold Agrro" switch now, then 10 of you get to monk abilities for DPS, and we will need 5 clerics... so, a few of you switch over" I can see the private tells now "oh crap, Bubba is going to be cleric this raid, we are all dead, he sucks as a cleric"
... It just does not make sense how they can consider this a good move???
Unless they are trying to prevent future gripes about "Class Balancing" as this has not come up once because in EQN, if you gripe about Class Balance, you'll just be told to go learn that classes skills.
There is a big difference between there will be no meaningful player heals - ala GW2, and there is no dedicated healer role. The question that needs to be answered is whether you can go into a difficult encounter with 5 pure dps classes and beat it every time, just by running around and dodging. If so, then there is no point in anything except the best dps for groups.

People asked this in the q&a but there was no solid answer except yes they were aware of it.

Multiclassing sounds fun IMO, I thought equipping disciple runes in shadowbane was cool. And the one thing I remember hearing in the class panel was a comment about the economy of skills and multiclassing. You might be able to acquire all the classes but they said something that hinted there will still be choices on which ones you decide to tier up and I don't expect you will be able to master them all.

All this said, the most important part of any MMORPG is the "carrot on a stick", what keeps you playing. One of the bad pieces of GW2 was having all you skills unlocked by your early levels, which was not the case in GW1.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah 2 friends of mine just asked for infos about the game and the best I could so was send them to the Zhen rampaging retards section. A sticky on this thread page 1 would work with the videos stickied mostly. Mostly


Buzzfeed Editor
Here was a post of mine from Reddit concerning this:

Tad has already said that becoming the 'best' of a specific class will be difficult and take a lot of work. I think people will still gravitate to the 'roles' they like playing, and try to make a name for themselves as that identity.
I wish I could rationally explain it, but I can't. I've only seen it, as I'm sure you have. I think there is a desire for something you put work into, to be able to be used whenever. So if I toss a ton of work into a tank, I don't really like an encounter that makes tanks useless. I've developed an identity with that character because of the work involved in making it. But at the same time, there are alt-happy people, who don't really care about really becoming a perfectionist with one role, but like being known for the person who can play anything--my wife is like that.

However, that might be a product of games where work=depth, too. So the reason we develop those identities is because games push us so deep into characters (More gear, more skills ect). Maybe a game that's built on being more fluid won't have it feel so bad when my "favorite" class isn't that great and I have to swap.

Then again, how many people tend to main one character in League of Legends? Or at most, 2-3? Even professionals, who can play everything, usually admit they enjoy or identify with one character or type better. So it's a complex thing, I really have no idea where it comes from--I do know it's sometimes a fine line to walk. Again though, hopefully in a game where it's "broad" or "horizontal" the need to attach identity to a certain class won't quite be there, if that makes sense.

Because, don't get me wrong, I love League, and I think a game like "pokemon/League" would be fun. But there are a lot of variables there that make me worry when we are talking about a persistent world.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, is there a good "wiki" type page of what we know so far? Every time I check this thread it's moved hundreds of posts, and other than a couple 2 minute video's and the little I've gathered of "there is no holy trin" stuff, I know nothing. Friends are excited, but so far all I know is "It's an mmo with minecraft features".

I'm guessing there is a great resource out on the web I just haven't found yet going into all the actual in depth info we have.... anyone have a link to that?
Ill offer you a beta access for 5k. Meet in the sandy parking lot outside vegas, midnight good for you?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have no problem editing out my original post with real info and also letting the mods add to it too. If we want to start compiling info on page one.