EQ Never


Got something right about marriage
Didn't their multiclassing solve this? Your healer leaves? I don't have to get my Alt (if that's even possible) and get him through all the respawned mobs to where my group is. I could have just changed my skillset and now im the healer role but i dont mind because I can level up any character class I want while being the healer. Same thing can happen, Oh you need DPS? Okay I'll spec accordingly but level up my healer class or crowed control class.
"Hey guys, I'm playing as the cleric but I want to roll on all the wizard gear"
"Fuck you I'm playing as a wizard I should get dibs, not you and your "secondary class"

Being able to play "any class" that you happen to unlock solves some problems and creates some more. Nothing is perfect. It's cool they're trying to do something different but when everyone can be every class the loot either has to be super generic so it can be utilized by many or most of the classes OR you have situations where everyone in every group wants to roll on every item that drops because "I play that class too, it's my main for srs"

How are people excited or hating this anyway? We know almost nothing about this game. The big "reveal" was woefully underwhelming. Makes me really skeptical about the game and the dev team.


"Hey guys, I'm playing as the cleric but I want to roll on all the wizard gear"
"Fuck you I'm playing as a wizard I should get dibs, not you and your "secondary class"

Being able to play "any class" that you happen to unlock solves some problems and creates some more. Nothing is perfect. It's cool they're trying to do something different but when everyone can be every class the loot either has to be super generic so it can be utilized by many or most of the classes OR you have situations where everyone in every group wants to roll on every item that drops.

How are people excited or hating this anyway? We know almost nothing about this game. The big "reveal" was woefully underwhelming. Makes me really skeptical about the game and the dev team.
did they even explain loot yet? My assumption is its personal loot and or loot is very generic and you will mostly be destroying it to then use the ingredients to craft the stuff you want. Harder mobs will drop better ingredients for making those higher tiered items.


That was from the people sitting at the Butler table at the Dev brunch, there were 4 fans at the table as well as 2 other EQN devs so I'm going with legit.
For better and worse, you've owned this fucking thread. Thanks for all the questions answered. This answer makes me sad at what could have been, but oh well, that shit isn't getting made any time soon.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What boards? I'm being serious..I'd like to check them out. The fact that SoE is making a statement on the matter shows there are enough people upset.
There's been a lot of excitement on Reddit, even in non-EQNext Subbreddits like /r/Games. I've seen a lot of positive comments even on subreddits for other games, like WildStar.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So, is there a good "wiki" type page of what we know so far? Every time I check this thread it's moved hundreds of posts, and other than a couple 2 minute video's and the little I've gathered of "there is no holy trin" stuff, I know nothing. Friends are excited, but so far all I know is "It's an mmo with minecraft features".

I'm guessing there is a great resource out on the web I just haven't found yet going into all the actual in depth info we have.... anyone have a link to that?
EQNexus made an information Index:http://www.eqnexus.com/forums/thread...is-thread.527/

They transcribed lots of information from the panels.


Blackwing Lair Raider
These 2 things right here is why i think we all really loved EQ and now they are gone, there was something about logging in and suddenly reading "WOOO Terial is on, get your ass here now we need you" As opposed to what EQN will be "Okay everyone who has Tank ability "Hold Agrro" switch now, then 10 of you get to monk abilities for DPS, and we will need 5 clerics... so, a few of you switch over" I can see the private tells now "oh crap, Bubba is going to be cleric this raid, we are all dead, he sucks as a cleric"
... It just does not make sense how they can consider this a good move???
Unless they are trying to prevent future gripes about "Class Balancing" as this has not come up once because in EQN, if you gripe about Class Balance, you'll just be told to go learn that classes skills.
No sane developer in this day and age is going to design a game where you're success/failure is based on whether 'Joe the Cleric' is online or not. You may not agree with that, but that is the reality circa 2013. Think about this for a second. If some of the things that exist now in MMO's (let's take LFG for example) actually were possible in 1999, do you think for a second that Verant would not have incorporated that into the game? And if they did exist back than, I wonder how that would color your viewpoint on what the game was back then.


Wild guesses on when the first wave of "public" closed beta invites go out for EQN , not the minecraft verion?

Not talking in any way F/F or industry related we owe you and invite thing, but the first batch of random you signed up and are getting the first shot at EQN beta ?

Spring 14 ?


Trakanon Raider
Ill offer you a beta access for 5k. Meet in the sandy parking lot outside vegas, midnight good for you?
Sounds good, but I'm at work. I know, I'll send my 5 year old son with the cash, he's got to grow up sometime right? KING OF GOOD DECISIONS!


Trakanon Raider
Eh, this board is an echo chamber for Hardcore EverQuest players.

From what I've seen on other forums that aren't dominated by really oldschool MMO players, the reception is pretty positive overall.
yeah, i mean, it's pretty stupid for hard core EQ players to want a hardcore EQ game....that wouldn't make any sense at all. i was thinking for the next star wars movie that they should do an on screen version of "oklahoma the musical" cause that would be completely different and new, and completely different and new is the only way something can possibly be good, right? i mean, only a complete idiot would want jedi's and light sabers in a star wars movie. that shit's been done so many times!!!!


Molten Core Raider
No sane developer in this day and age is going to design a game where you're success/failure is based on whether 'Joe the Cleric' is online or not. You may not agree with that, but that is the reality circa 2013. Think about this for a second. If some of the things that exist now in MMO's (let's take LFG for example) actually were possible in 1999, do you think for a second that Verant would not have incorporated that into the game? And if they did exist back than, I wonder how that would color your viewpoint on what the game was back then.
It's an MMO. If Joe isn't online you should have a Jim, Randy, Ricky, or Julian to call on. Or use general chat. Or ask someone's friend of a friend. Or whatever. Choosing between a real MMO 'trinity' combat setup or some guild wars garbage because you might miss a raid night because someone isn't online is the most retarded shit I've ever heard.


If the Devs end up making a separate continent that incorporates a PvP rule-set, the arrangement for PvP within a sandbox setting is placed.

Imagine a designated PvP land mass that includes guild territory control and housing in a fully destructible environment. Think a guild town or city built into the side of a sturdy mountain for additional defense is a good idea? It may be, but hope your crafters have the resources to make so many mithril-level pick-axes. Gets me to thinking a siege on a guild city would be on another level with voxels. Crafters and builders would have a huge impact in sustaining the structures while the fighters are holding off attackers.

Gear, classes, and techniques earned in the PvE portion of the game become valuable assets in the PvP part. There is a depth in the theory-crafting if the classes are desined right. Newly discovered and rare classes would really distinguish players on the battlefield because not only have you never seen that guy's sword before, but he is using a new ability you haven't seen before. Yes, eventually every ability will be discovered but the Devs stated they will be adding new ones. I foresee raiding for the uber ones - carrot on a stick.

Class builds will become popular and then counter builds could be constructed as a way to cull popular builds. Really, this game has huuuuge potential. I hope the Devs dont abandon PvP as there is a world of possibility with player interaction.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
As much as I would love to see AI with behavior groups, learning tactics, or intelligent choices it is extremely computationally intensive to make that 'optimum decision.' In PVP it's easy because players do it in their own heads, in PVE it is skewed heavily towards mob abilities. Does a mob target an AE on the most number of people possible? Then players will stack plate wearers in the same area. Target a player that will die to the attack? Players will bait and mitigate. Target the most low health players? Gear check, there's no healer roles so come back when your raid has enough overall vitality to survive. Something as simple as undead targeting casters who sit down to med seems to have been lost in the design transition of never sitting down or being in a vulnerable position. So by removing the healer role and placing more emphasis on (presumably) mitigation and avoidance for everyone, but simultaneously reducing every player's ability choices to 8, it advertises that they only way they could make AIs seem smarter is by dumbing down the possible options players have. Instead of 'emergent' gameplay with a wide array of defenses, they simply narrow down the pool so the calculations don't overload the scripting.

"too many buttons" is the common complaint for the massive amount of situational and reactionary abilities that classes can use in today's game. Well, if classes are limited to 8 abilities because of AI and PVE gameplay, maybe the reason they haven't talked much about PVP is that those limitations make PVP even more retarded than PVE. 'To hinder' choices in PVE will exponentially hinder PVP. If we think there will be useless abilities or entire classes for PVE, you haven't seen anything yet for the unwanted flavors of theyearthat will happen on the other side of the fence.


Elisha Dushku
Completely agree. The problem that raiding etc is based on roles and if you miss one person you are stuffed or you need to have 1 sitting. You can mitigate the issue with 'game of consequences' they were talking about where the game remembers your actions and responds uniquely thus making a stronger connection compared to every other game out there.
Yes we will see how SB plays out, I think SB will be critical to the long term retention of the game.


Silver Knight of the Realm
They also stated that lets say you start off as a Paladin and you opened up lets say a rogue. You go out and get experience as a paladin you can put all that experience into the rogues abilities as you are playing the paladin. So you can powerlevel your other classes as you play your main class.


Trakanon Raider
did they even explain loot yet? My assumption is its personal loot and or loot is very generic and you will mostly be destroying it to then use the ingredients to craft the stuff you want. Harder mobs will drop better ingredients for making those higher tiered items.
now THAT sounds just like everquest! generic loot! wow! now i'm REALLY excited to play everquest next. maybe can i just buy all the loot at their store and just skip playing the game altogether! holy shit that will be fun!


It's an MMO. If Joe isn't online you should have a Jim, Randy, Ricky, or Julian to call on. Or use general chat. Or ask someone's friend of a friend. Or whatever. Choosing between a real MMO 'trinity' combat setup or some guild wars garbage because you might miss a raid night because someone isn't online is the most retarded shit I've ever heard.
No , no NO.

Fuck that.

You only play with your real life friends and guild mates , Jesus Christ where did you get this idea of putting a /shout out in chat to find one a player out of the thousands of others online on your server at that time who might want to be up for grouping.

You don't know them for fuck's sake , what are you thinking ?


Mr. Poopybutthole
yeah, i mean, it's pretty stupid for hard core EQ players to want a hardcore EQ game....that wouldn't make any sense at all.
I never said there was anything wrong with it. I said it's wrong to read this forum and think a majority of gamers hate the direction they're going.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not for nothing but the trinity faults actually helped build a community. I was in more of a family guild that raided 3 times a week. We dealt with number issues and we resolved it by making an alliance with another guild. When we were short they would send people and vice versa.