EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nah, he is just a nay sayer. If you're a nay sayer in an industry that is so full of failure, you're going to seem right. Seriously, if I start saying everything is doomed to suck, how many times am I going to be proven wrong? What exactly has been a big success in the past 12 years? WoW and Eve are more or less the only happy endings. Everything else was shit.
Pretty much. Although UT has more info about the companies and games he "predicts" will fail than most other people do. And more info is always good.

Predict a success then I'll be impressed.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I was just trying to figure out if he was profiting from pessimism or if he goes off of real information.
I go off on real information, and no, if I wanted to profit I would post the shit somewhere besides FOH and rerolled.

No. I am not in the media. (Thank Christ)

Predict a success then I'll be impressed.
Nothing in this genre.

Next success will be Beyond Two Souls.
hope they make spellweaving into something that is like a programminglanguageand cross disciplanary (crafting/trading)... with a combo of vg/d3oringialrunestones/magika/oblivion/(and ff11 (namely that backstab/illusion? combo that was greater than its part)). seems alot of games have tried but kinda fell flat. too few restrictions and things are generic/preditable.

also, would be interesting to see if will allow players to get a cut of the rl $ for created goods.


Molten Core Raider
Seems like a reasonable guess to me.
It would fit with SoE's MO. Claim something is "original and will totally blow your mind!" that has been done before in other games. I mean that was the entire premise behind Magicka. Technically pretty close to AC for that matter too.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty much. Although UT has more info about the companies and games he "predicts" will fail than most other people do. And more info is always good.

Predict a success then I'll be impressed.
Difference between Ut and a nay sayer is that nay sayers/negative people tend to say it without any real knowledge of the product or the people behind it. While mmos in beta and alpha might be products we know little about, Ut has a large knowledge of the people behind the games and the game mechanics that originated from EQ. In Vanguard he said the game would not be what it set out to be, as well as critizise direct persons. He was proven right on both accounts. In the 38 studio thread, he did the same. There too, Shilling, while new to the games industry, proved to do more or less exactly what Ut said he would.

A naysayer in a Vanguard thread might say on the subject of death penalties
- ZOMG. You want death penalty? Like hell levels then or what? That was a good idea! Dumbass! They are not fun, and not a good game mechanic!!

There were... so...many... posts like that in the early FoH Vanguard threads which made me think immediately of a WoW player and not an EQ player. As hell levels were a bug in the code that people still complained about in levels years after they were removed. People seemed to think that when exp seemed to slow (due to them having been at a camp for a few levels), that it was suddenly a hell level. Takes forever to level to 61! Hell level! Why do they implement it like this!! I remember seeing hell levels talked about a lot in early WoW. I guess tales spread, and suddenly that was the only thing people who had never really played EQ thought of the death mechanics. Exp loss, longer leveling for no reason. Just inflated gametime. What crap, right?!

Ut on the other hand might respond like this
- They say they will implement this feature, but look at the track record of the dev behind it! He was the incompetent guy who fubared the code in EQ, and is now promoted to lead designer! This will fail. And due to them saying this, and it can not be true, then this, this, and this, will also fail by default. This game will be a failure!

Accuracy goes beyond just simply being negative about games. It is more critizism against intended game mechanics that he often thinks will fail, not because he has experienced it or has first hand industry knowledge, but because he has no belief X designer will be able to pull off what they are saying. He is certainly constantly in danger of being wrong as he does not "know" more than we about the actual games, just apparently been around long enough to see the genre evolve, and remembering who did what. He has little faith in people and their ability to change. A lack of faith that I guess comes from constantly being proved right in his negativity. I am sure he would like a success too, a negative person would be offended by that.

Ut is the atheist of mmorpgs. No holy vision can convince him, and with no belief that there are any that can do what they say they will. I am more of an agnostic. I do not know, but I can get excited with the hype. Both of us probably falling in the category of gladly embracing it if it shows itself to be real and good.


2 Minutes Hate
Honestly, I would rather hope you are right and I have something fun to play in the EQ universe again.

But that happening is about the same chance I have at the Vikings winning the Super Bowl.

If someone else was leading the helm, I would be more enthusiastic. You have to remember that not only are these individuals comprised of those that have taken a galactic shit on this genre for the last 10+ years, they are all now in the same 1,000 square foot radius all shitting on the genre as the fucking Wonder Twins.

If anyone of them had the humility to say, "We fucked up about a thousand times and this is what we learned" and were point blank accountable, there is a better chance of something ever coming out of this.
Better analogy would be Raiders. Vikings made the playoffs last year, and the Raiders were in the Super Bowl a decade ago.


Elisha Dushku
Ut is the atheist of mmorpgs. No holy vision can convince him, and with no belief that there are any that can do what they say they will. I am more of an agnostic. I do not know, but I can get excited with the hype. Both of us probably falling in the category of gladly embracing it if it shows itself to be real and good.
Good can be subjective. I agree with an earlier post by either convo or flipmode - whatever eqn is, it isn't eq1 redux or vg redux. That's why I worry about shit like action-oriented combat. For some people on this thread EQ lore + action rpg combat = orgasm. For me, not so much. As Zehn, DMX, Draegen, Rezz, et. al. have commented no matter what gets revealed on the 2d maybe 1/2 the thread will cheer and the other 1/2 will be out for Butler & co.'s blood.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Unless it's blatantly retarded I'm going to remain open minded until I try it. It's really hard to pass up the chance to go check out the EQ world regardless of the features. They have that in the favor..

My thing is SoE for the most part only knows the combat systems they've installed Into the games they worked on..im assuming in thier meetings they talked about those games and looked outside SoE and did a pros/con type thing in regards to the game they want to create. I'm hoping they revert back or if they go action it's its not overly spammy..something that just flows without playing the UI.


Trakanon Raider
I think I said the same thing in about 5 less paragraphs.
Indeed you did.

I mainly lurked on FoH and saw many posts asking just who the hell Ut was to say the things he was saying, and that he should just shut up. I could not stand his posts myself in the Vanguard threads, as I really wanted that game to succeed. They had summoners! An evolved mage class. The glory...... that was not to be.

Once the EQN hype machine starts, people who learn about that game for the first time might start coming to forums like this because it shows up on a google search about it. Ut will be there bitching, and people will ask who he is and why he is so negative. I just pre empted a longwinded response to questions I know will come and will be too depressed to answer in the future EQN thread


Elisha Dushku
I just pre empted a longwinded response to questions I know will come and will be too depressed to answer in the future EQN thread
Enjoyment of anything is about 50% expectation. I enjoyed Vanguard because I didn't expect it to be anywhere close to perfect. I enjoyed day 1 on The Combine and Fippy because I expected day 1 to be a clusterfuck. Keep expectations moderate and you'll avoid depression.


Trakanon Raider
Enjoyment of anything is about 50% expectation. I enjoyed Vanguard because I didn't expect it to be anywhere close to perfect. I enjoyed day 1 on The Combine and Fippy because I expected day 1 to be a clusterfuck. Keep expectations moderate and you'll avoid depression.
Agree there. But regarding Vanguard, Summoners was the thing that really interested me, along with spellweaving. Then there was the whole " will be more like EQ2 than EQ2" that appealed to me. I enjoyed the world, created a necro as that was the closest thing to the mage. Never felt right though. My expectations were set by what they said they would make. When you start going back on things, it starts to get negative fast.

That is one thing I like about how EQN is doing it. No pre-hype, and hopefully once they show it now, we will know what they have. Rather than having spent a year hyping the next evolution of storytelling that in reality is little more than a rock paper scissor diplomacy minigame. If all we get is that rock paper scissor gimmic now, then that is fine. I expect nothing more.

I am less hyped about EQN than I was Vanguard, that is not due to wanting the game less, but because I know nothing. The things I want from EQN are nearly identical to what I wanted from Vanguard. Vanguard just made the mistake of promising things that were never made. If EQN does not have them, but never promises them either, then that is fine. I have no ownership of their game. But if they pull me in with hype of something only to not deliver, then that might make me a bit more negative towards the game, even though it is enjoyable for what it is.
fsssssfss....too late for m-...ffss..chaos in the stre--..ff.s..s... .artial..law declar-..s.fs..f.s.f..-must not b-....f..f.ssss....-allowed to hap-....fffsss...an't maintain sign...fs.sfffs...-elp please..fsfs...sss....-rememb--fssssfssfsffssssssssssssssssss