Health Care Thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
so why didn't they use the supreme court to not call obamacare a tax and avoid the law in the first place?
If it wasn't a tax the Fed would have even less of a leg to over-ride state rights at all... and frankly, because it is a tax...

A penalty assessed via taxation is pretty easy to define as a tax. (Or more accurately a subtax)


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Are these the same hospitals that charge tens of thousands of dollars to set a broken arm?



Yep, same reason people always put off doing anything until the deadline. paying bills, doing taxes, filling out applications, etc.

people are lazy
Yep. Enrollment was supposed to close Monday, and I got 7 new enrollment calls from Sat-Mon. Needless to say, we didn't get any of them in and are working on them this week because the site was fucked by all the other procrastinators waiting til the absolute last moment.


Yea, this is totally believable! Nothing to see here, move along now folks.

Seriously though dude, don't you know when your getting bullshit blasted up your ass with a fucking hose? Can't you smell the BS a mile away on this one? I'm gonna fucking bust out laughing when the real numbers are reported. A fucking month ago they had no idea what the actual numbers were but suddenly they are right on target? What about this administration gives you confidence they are telling the truththis time?

This is rich coming from you, you're pretty much the textbook case of the unreliable narrator.

I'll have to take a pass on the bullshit spray though.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
freedom to set whatever price they want and get away with as much as possible? Free market is truly glorious.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
how do they charge $7k for CT Scan.
How much is the pre-insurance rate for them up in Upper Canuckistan anyhow? $2k is about the norm I had to pay for my MRIs when I was having to pay them with cash. (ITHINK$2.2k but not going into my records)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I love how there is no standard billing system in place for this shit and the result is a 10k - 180k variance in possible charges for the same fucking procedure.
Even the same hospital can vary... was going through my parents old records on my hand surgeries when were considering if we wanted to try to have a kid (to figure out the cost if the dice came up my condition passed off - 50/50 chance) - and the same damn hand surgeries done many, many times over were a huge range of pricing. Pinky on the left I remember costing my parents like six times what my pinky on the right costed - weird shit like that. Both at the same hospital, same surgeon. (And I was older)


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
How much is the pre-insurance rate for them up in Upper Canuckistan anyhow? $2k is about the norm I had to pay for my MRIs when I was having to pay them with cash. (ITHINK$2.2k but not going into my records)
depends on the province. probably similar all around though.


Silver Squire
Cash rate on a CT with contrast is $400 here in SE FL as an example. The with insurance rate varies but for us was around $700. The system itself is broken and needs an enema.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Cash rate on a CT with contrast is $400 here in SE FL as an example. The with insurance rate varies but for us was around $700. The system itself is broken and needs an enema.
How SE we talking? Miami? [Will be moving to the Space Coast by next year so crossing my fingers it's a similar cost area - just in the off chance returning to work ever is successful since that will axe my Medicare]


This is rich coming from you, you're pretty much the textbook case of the unreliable narrator.

I'll have to take a pass on the bullshit spray though.
So your a total pussy who when confronted with a genuine question, runs and hides. The fact is, people didn't vote me into office based on my promise for accountability and transparency, then spends the next 6 years lying about every single thing I say or do. This administration has a problem with compulsive lying and if you believe these numbers, you need help.
Krauthammer doesn't trust that 7.1 million people signed up for Obamacare. In fact, as he said on Fox News Tuesday, that "wonderfully precise" figure is most likely "phony."

"These guys go six months without any idea what the numbers are, and all of a sudden it's to a decimal point," he said.

He said that we can't be certain of the accuracy of the 7.1 million figure because the White House has yet to offer a breakdown of who has paid to enroll and how many of the 7 million were previously uninsured.

"If it turns out that the overwhelming majority of the so-called 7.1 were people who had health insurance, liked their health insurance, were renewing their health insurance, and got kicked off their health insurance, whose lives are disrupted, premiums are raised, deductibles are raised, and lost their doctors are now among the 7.1 . it's a net negative," Krauthammer said.


<Gold Donor>
Krauthammer is a good read, but you really can't talk shit about Obama until we see how they came to the 7.1 million number.


I like how he pulls completely fabricated numbers out of his ass in the same interview he's bashing the Obama administration for supposedly pulling numbers out of their ass:

But, I mean, on these exchanges, you've got to ask yourself the price we have paid, the estimate is 1 to 1.5 million of these people were uninsured before. The whole idea was insuring the uninsured. So that's going to leave about 40 million uninsured. And for that, we have to cancel 6 million policies? And for that millions of people have lost their doctors and their hospitals and for that people in northern New Hampshire have to drive past the two best hospitals in the state all the way to the south because the two hospitals in the north aren't covered?