Health Care Thread


Ssraeszha Raider
So your a total pussy who when confronted with a genuine question, runs and hides. The fact is, people didn't vote me into office based on my promise for accountability and transparency, then spends the next 6 years lying about every single thing I say or do. This administration has a problem with compulsive lying and if you believe these numbers, you need help.
So you're still really buttmad I guess?


So your a total pussy who when confronted with a genuine question, runs and hides. The fact is, people didn't vote me into office based on my promise for accountability and transparency, then spends the next 6 years lying about every single thing I say or do. This administration has a problem with compulsive lying and if you believe these numbers, you need help.
I have a problem? Lol you who can't handle simple math problems are trying to have me believe you can pass judgement on if I believe the ACA numbers? I really don't care, they could say 10 million or 2 million. You could care less all your interested in is the same stupid shit you always post.

If you asking me to take the word of the adminstration over you, it's a pretty easy choice.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
dead beat down cripple trying to pick a fight vs. group of mobs throwing stones at dead beat down cripple trying to pick a fight.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>

How did you feel when Bush lied to America about why America invaded Iraq?


Molten Core Raider

How did you feel when Bush lied to America about why America invaded Iraq?
It's horrible that we removed a dictator that literally owned his people, had gassed over 100k Kurds, been caught with wmds the first time we went in there, and then we gave the Iraqi people a representative government. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

You're the shittyest poster on this board aray, and the greatest cause of this board going to shit. How do you feel about that? I'm gonna guess you feel good.


It's horrible that we removed a dictator that literally owned his people, had gassed over 100k Kurds, been caught with wmds the first time we went in there, and then we gave the Iraqi people a representative government. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

You're the shittyest poster on this board aray, and the greatest cause of this board going to shit. How do you feel about that? I'm gonna guess you feel good.
No way Bold. Saddam turned over a new leaf, repented for his sins, and got rid of all his WMD's. And that ASSHOLE Bush just raced in with his army and attacked this poor defenseless guy for no reason whatsoever.


It's horrible that we removed a dictator that literally owned his people, had gassed over 100k Kurds, been caught with wmds the first time we went in there, and then we gave the Iraqi people a representative government. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

You're the shittyest poster on this board aray, and the greatest cause of this board going to shit. How do you feel about that? I'm gonna guess you feel good.
Not to be a dick but you really think that's why Bush invaded Iraq? If so Merlin has some land for sale. The crazy Russian is just crazy but at least he makes sense on a regular basis, what does Merlin have to offer.


Molten Core Raider
The reason doesn't matter as much as the result in this case. Sadam had to go. Bush got it done. Totalitarian theocratic are not compatible with our civilization. Do I agree that oil companies profit from it? No. But we're still better off. Let's not forget that aray also thinks Iran should get nukes. Want to know the difference between Iran and the US when it comes to nukes? Iran wants to Fucking use them.


The reason doesn't matter as much as the result in this case. Sadam had to go. Bush got it done. Totalitarian theocratic are not compatible with our civilization. Do I agree that oil companies profit from it? No. But we're still better off. Let's not forget that aray also thinks Iran should get nukes. Want to know the difference between Iran and the US when it comes to nukes? Iran wants to Fucking use them.
Uhh so we best get to in invading how many countries? Did Iraq have nukes? Sure sounds like a lot of war mongering to me, glad we make the world so safe


Molten Core Raider
Those are total casualty numbers. I don't know what the Allied kid count is, surely less. We already know they enjoy killing each other as much as they enjoy killing us.

And it's still a smaller number than would have died if we acted too late.

There is no doubt that the Iraq, and without a doubt the world, is better off without Sadam. The death count would have eventually been much greater.

Hey, anyone remember how Gaddafi gave up his wmds in 2003? Must have done it out of the goodness of his heart.


Molten Core Raider
No but he did have a reactor. How easily we forget that. Don't forget when Sr. Went in, we were shocked by how much more of a stockpile he had than we thought.


No but he did have a reactor. How easily we forget that. Don't forget when Sr. Went in, we were shocked by how much more of a stockpile he had than we thought.
So why aren't we invading Iran and NK? Is their oil not good enough. All you convinced me is that you think the US needs to be the world police and damn the reasons. I didn't think we needed to invade Iraq, nor Syria but I guess your ok with making messes of other countries.


Molten Core Raider
Nk has nukes is about the only reason we haven't... And we're about to see something happen. I bet you'll feel wonderful when Sr gets nuked to hell.

I don't think we need to be world police. But when a country is controlled by a totalitarian theocracy that's wants to either enslave or kill anyone who doesn't believe in exactly their version of God, and the greatest thing they could possibly do to appease that God is to die killing infidels, I get a bit worried. When should we act? When it's too late? Or should we just allow ourselves to be killed so you can feel good about it? Tell me, exactly, please. You seem to be fine with their ideologies.

When we tie a dirty bomb in new York to Iran or nk that kills 200k+, I'm sure you'll find some way to blame Bush for it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Theocracy wasn't really strong under Saddam. It's gotten stronger without him, totalitarian is correct and genocidal would be closer to how the Kurd treatment was more accurately than theocratic action.


Ssraeszha Raider
Those are total casualty numbers. I don't know what the Allied kid count is, surely less. We already know they enjoy killing each other as much as they enjoy killing us.

And it's still a smaller number than would have died if we acted too late.

There is no doubt that the Iraq, and without a doubt the world, is better off without Sadam. The death count would have eventually been much greater.

Hey, anyone remember how Gaddafi gave up his wmds in 2003? Must have done it out of the goodness of his heart.
Remember when an actual good president got rid of Gaddafi in about 14 seconds without the need for a decade+ long invasion?


Molten Core Raider
Theocracy wasn't really strong under Saddam. It's gotten stronger without him, totalitarian is correct and genocidal would be closer to how the Kurd treatment was more accurately than theocratic action.
You are right I was talking about the other theocracies out there and more about the fact that they're an extreme danger we can't ignore forever. Saddam was without a doubt just as dangerous though. Oh Ya, the kurds have their own semiautonomous region now too. Fucking Bush.