Health Care Thread


Nk has nukes is about the only reason we haven't... And we're about to see something happen. I bet you'll feel wonderful when Sr gets nuked to hell.

I don't think we need to be world police. But when a country is controlled by a totalitarian theocracy that's wants to either enslave or kill anyone who doesn't believe in exactly their version of God, and the greatest thing they could possibly do to appease that God is to die killing infidels, I get a bit worried. When should we act? When it's too late? Or should we just allow ourselves to be killed so you can feel good about it? Tell me, exactly, please. You seem to be fine with their ideologies.
Sr? Why exactly is Iran nuking the US again? Is NK about to? All your throwing out is what if's, none of those sound like reasons to invade other countries.

I'm certainly not here to convince you otherwise you seem certain in your beliefs that we need to police the Muslims I suppose. I'm more worried about what happens in the good old USA.


Molten Core Raider
I'm more worried about what happens in the good old USA.
Ya, that's pretty sad. Ignorance is bliss.

I'm not sure what part about crazies not just wanting to, but needing to, according to their religion, kill us, you seem to not understand. They're not just happy with mutilating their own women and fighting among themselves. They want to kill us. When it is too late, by definition, we will no longer be able to do anything about it. They care nothing for you, the country, or even the world. They believe their rewards will be given in the next life. This should scare the shit out of you, especially when you think it's a good idea to let them have nukes.

But you keep thinking the greatest threat to America is the right-wing bible-thumpers who think the world is 6500 years old, and can't be shown reason. Think about that, then think about the type of people in these countries, who, and I can't reiterate this enough, actively want to kill you, and indoctrinate their children with the idea that the greatest thing they can do is to kill us. If you're lucky enough to survive, you will be forced at gunpoint to watch your wife and daughter raped and then stoned or beheaded, and then make you dig the grave before they do the same to you.
Sound extreme? That's what they're doing now in their own countries.

Yes, that's the threat, and it is 100% real. Despite the lies, incompetencies, failures, and american deaths, we removed a keystone state in the middle east from a psychopathic dictator that controlled an amazingly important part of the world, and allowed the people there to take their lives into their own hands. Since it was brought up, let's not forget the Arab Spring, where young people in other countries protested and cried out against their own fascist dictators, often to the cries of "Obama/US where are you?" And we did nothing but watch and post Freedom pics of Pailan getting boned by a polar bear. A+

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yea, Saddam was a swell guy and Bush just set out to fuck him over.

Let me google that for you
It's horrible that we removed a dictator that literally owned his people, had gassed over 100k Kurds, been caught with wmds the first time we went in there, and then we gave the Iraqi people a representative government. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

You're the shittyest poster on this board aray, and the greatest cause of this board going to shit. How do you feel about that? I'm gonna guess you feel good.
So you guys are OK with Bush lying to you to invade Iraq, but outraged that Obama "supposedly" (its not even proven in any way or there are any facts to back it up) lied about enrollment numbers for the ACA?

Sounds like you 2 dipshits are desperately trying to rationalize by being suckered by the biggest lie that the US government dropped on its people.

You don't care about the lie: you'll defend a lie that cost us 4 trillion dollars and thousands of lives because it was "your guy" and villify Obama for something that hasnt even been proven to be a lie. That's the only point I tried to make. For guys like Merlin, there is nothing that Obama could do to make him happy. NOTHING.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Hey BoldW - do you think America is more or less safe since they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you think more or less people want to kill Americans now?


Molten Core Raider
Hey BoldW - do you think America is more or less safe since they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you think more or less people want to kill Americans now?
I don't know if we're more safe or not. It's probably about the same, though we've lowered that amount slightly.

When someone wants to kill you based on their religious ideology, and then they still want to kill you based on their religious ideology, I don't see a difference. If you're trying to say that they want to kill us because we provoked it, that would be false. They wanted to kill us anyway. We could have never have done anything, and they would still want to kill us, because their God demands it.

Araysar, you're playing your stupid games again, and it's getting old. Where did I say it's ok that Bush lied to us? I'm saying it's good Saddam was removed, I'm saying that it's good a very real, undeniable threat to us, was removed. You're even more stupid than you come off if you think it's equatable at all.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
yeah those 5 year old kids growing up in A-stan already hated America and wanted to kill BoldW and his family even before the Americans dropped a hellfire into a wedding and killed half their family.

more rationalizations about fighting a 10 year war in Afghanistan. So sad at the mental gymnastics you'll put yourself through to justify these horrible horrible foreign policy clusterfucks.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Araysar, you're playing your stupid games again, and it's getting old. Where did I say it's ok that Bush lied to us? I'm saying it's good Saddam was removed, I'm saying that it's good a very real, undeniable threat to us, was removed. You're even more stupid than you come off if you think it's equatable at all.
How do you feel about your government lying to you to get you sucked into a 4 trillion dollar, 10 year war that killed several thousand soldiers and 100,000+ Iraqis?

Did you enjoy looking and finding all those WMDs?


Molten Core Raider
yeah those 5 year old kids growing up in A-stan already hated America and wanted to kill BoldW and his family even before the Americans dropped a hellfire into a wedding and killed half their family.
Yes, they did. You apparently don't know that many muslims who grew up in these countries. You also seem to ignore the fact that the Quran demans that ALL infidels be removed from the world, and that the best way to meet Allah is to die killing nonbelievers. What part of that don't you believe?

You think their religion was rainbows and flowers until the US came around. That's really a horrible argument. It's pretty sad that it is so prevalent. When did they start gassing Kurds? Was it in response to the US? When did they start treating their women like property and mutilating them? I'm guessing we drove them to that too, or any of the other fucked up things they do because of their religion. When did they decide to forget science, progress, and free and open thought (answer: back around 1000). Fucking Bush.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Yes, they did. You apparently don't know that many muslims who grew up in these countries. You also seem to ignore the fact that the Quran demans that ALL infidels be removed from the world, and that the best way to meet Allah is to die killing nonbelievers. What part of that don't you believe?
Guess we better get started on Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Lots of Africa, Indonesia (ooooh boy lots here), Philippines...

You know what, just invade all the darker colored ones:



Molten Core Raider
Going to use one of your own arguments...Gee, I wonder if Spy Agencies have anything to gain by saying terrorism is more of a threat?

That aside, it very well may have immediate threat, but doesn't change the fact of the threat at all. More possible in the next 5 years, or next 10 years, not much of a difference. And threat of terrorism isn't the only variable in the equation, either. As an example, if we wiped out all terrorist organizations but one small faction, I'd say that's a good accomplishment. Even if that small fraction stepped up their activities and increased the threat of terrorism, wouldn't that be a good thing?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
If you seriously think that the entire ME views America as infidels through the filter of Quran - you are even fucking dumber than I imagined. Holy fucking shit.

Now I see why all those Muslims attack all those other non-Muslim countries in the world. Oh wait. They don't.


Molten Core Raider
Guess we better get started on Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Lots of Africa, Indonesia (ooooh boy lots here), Philippines...

You know what, just invade all the darker colored ones:

A lot of those countries are not totalitarian theocracies who think their god demands they kill us. Just as I don't think all Christians think they need to kill us, even if scripture does pretty much say it. There's big differences. My ex did not believe that all infidels should be killed, but believed in the Quran, Allah, etc.

You're playing word games now.


Molten Core Raider
If you seriously think that the entire ME views America as infidels through the filter of Quran - you are even fucking dumber than I imagined. Holy fucking shit.
Again, we're talking about the islamofascists regimes, not the entirety of the ME.
Now I see why all those Muslims attack all those other non-Muslim countries in the world. Oh wait. They don't.
WOW. Just fucking WOW.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
So BoldW - how has the invasion of Iraq cleansed the land of Islam and their shitty books? Have we successfully converted them to Christianty yet?