Health Care Thread


Silver Baronet of the Realm
And people should be free to make the decision to not contribute to a portion of infrastructure until they need it, get the care they need, and then financially ruin themselves and shift the burden to other patients and allow the hospital claim they lost 11 kilomillion last year.

When do you stone wall jackoffs get a clue about having shit actually function instead of crusading on grand notions of the right to be retarded.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Listen Obama said you could keep your health insurance. HE PROMISHED. Clearly youre wrong Blakkheim.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Uh oh, hes back



Vyemm Raider
about the 40 stitches..the cut was not Across my finger-well it was but wasn't- it was along my middle finger, start ~1/2" from the webbing between index and middle finger, then go along the length of the finger until the last knuckle, then end the cut by going across the finger just under the knuckle, cut was ~3" long and cut thru about half of my finger width for said 3" until the end, i wrapped it up and drove myself to the hospital... as to calling me an idiot for not going to the doc's from 18-44 it is not like i didn't have health insurance, i did, i just never Went- i felt fine, so never bothered to go. i had blue cross blue shield from my employer(who paid 80% of it) until i got the job i have now, and something else(forget what it was, from where i work now) i had until i got married in 95 then i went on my wife's insurance since her work had the better plan/pricing.


Vyemm Raider
It would be nice if the poll gave some indication of why people aren't signing up. Have they tried to sign up, but it wouldn't go through so they are just waiting to try again later? Did they give up when it didn't work the first time and now hope it all just goes away? (my guess) Was the cost after subsidy still too high for them? Do they think they can just wait until they get sick to sign up, like retards keep claiming? Are they content to just take their chances, or go bankrupt if something does happen? Was the process too confusing? It's not like signing up for a health insurance plan is a simple thing, even before the exchange. Are they in a state that refused medicaid extension and are now stuck in the coverage gap?

Useless poll is useless.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Lets compare other random things to each other

And then we can all go learn math over at