Health Problems

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
3rd sinus infection this year. Please kill me.

Probably all that semen I ingested for dirk

I used to get multiple sinus infections a year until I started lap swimming for cardio. I guess regular semi-involuntary chlorine washes keeps things from festering.
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Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
During the bad one t didn't help but I might try again.

I would do two days, skip a day, or every other day - it will give you nose bleeds using it every day. My sinuses have always been an issue, probably should have had the surgery but back in the day many people I knew said it wasn’t worth it. I think they’ve made significant strides in that now.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
For those keeping track of things, my brother in law stood up on his own today. Not walking yet, but he was able to get up and support his own weight. The hip/bone replacement/reinforcement appears to be successful. Now we wait for his results on the cancer. His doctors are already talking about chemo. I hate it for this guy, he's young, and just a quality guy. But, positive steps today.
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<Gold Donor>
For those keeping track of things, my brother in law stood up on his own today. Not walking yet, but he was able to get up and support his own weight. The hip/bone replacement/reinforcement appears to be successful. Now we wait for his results on the cancer. His doctors are already talking about chemo. I hate it for this guy, he's young, and just a quality guy. But, positive steps today.
Great news! Chemo doesn't have to be wasting hateful, mine were tablets by mouth. It still sucks but it's better than having to go do the IV/Pick line type. Hopefully he comes through this like a champ.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Brother in law walk around "the block" on his hospital unit today multiple times. He's getting himself up, he's walking more comfortably than he has for several months. The down side is that the cancer diagnosis is now confirmed, and he's looking at a lot of treatment.

However, he's walking, and he's currently healthy.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Obligatory fuck cancer post.

My wife's aunt (early 60's) found a lump on her breast in early summer. Her idiot husband encouraged her to wait for three months for an upcoming trip so they could take care of it on the cheap with medical tourism. Well, trip came, foreign doctors said "Wtf this is cancer, go fucking home so you can have a coherent long-term care plan," and upon her return CT scan reveals recent liver metastasis. Biopsy confirms cancer was one of the aggressive types.

Fucking morons. Cancer is one of those times where you don't fuck around and go immediately to the best doctor you can access. She's not one of my favorite humans, but the list of people I'd wish metastatic cancer on is very small. Plus my 9-year-old is close to her and is going to take this very hard.
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