Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)


Potato del Grande
Chris, just when I think you have hit peak retard you find new depths to dig yourself in a deeper hole. The Beatles fucking DEFINED rock music for the entire planet for over a decade and then individually had multidecade careers that eclipse what most artists every experience. Even Ringo fucking Star was banging out hits for over a decade. Jimmy fucking Hendrix did an entire concert just covering Sgt Peppers shortly after it came out. That is how pervasively immense they were as a group, literally defining what all rock bands would be after.

All you need to know about the Beatles is that they got away with saying they were bigger than Jesus and every single band to ever claim they were bigger than they were vanished shortly after. Even Oasis. Sargent Peppers will be played and purchased by people long after everyone forgets any of the other pop trash mentioned in this fucking derail.

Whether you like or hate them, there has never been and never will be again a band with the lasting power and influence of the Beatles because they literally were the trailblazers for mainstream music for all who have come since. And you are a retard for even hinting otherwise.
I made no claims to the extent of their influence, just that they were not around long as a group and defined that time.

I do prefer Oasis though.


<Bronze Donator>
Chris, just when I think you have hit peak retard you find new depths to dig yourself in a deeper hole. The Beatles fucking DEFINED rock music for the entire planet for over a decade and then individually had multidecade careers that eclipse what most artists every experience. Even Ringo fucking Star was banging out hits for over a decade. Jimmy fucking Hendrix did an entire concert just covering Sgt Peppers shortly after it came out. That is how pervasively immense they were as a group, literally defining what all rock bands would be after.

All you need to know about the Beatles is that they got away with saying they were bigger than Jesus and every single band to ever claim they were bigger than they were vanished shortly after. Even Oasis. Sargent Peppers will be played and purchased by people long after everyone forgets any of the other pop trash mentioned in this fucking derail.

Whether you like or hate them, there has never been and never will be again a band with the lasting power and influence of the Beatles because they literally were the trailblazers for mainstream music for all who have come since. And you are a retard for even hinting otherwise.
The Beatles are psyop mi5 faggots. Beach Boys for life.
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Millie's Staff Member
Chris, just when I think you have hit peak retard you find new depths to dig yourself in a deeper hole. The Beatles fucking DEFINED rock music for the entire planet for over a decade and then individually had multidecade careers that eclipse what most artists every experience. Even Ringo fucking Star was banging out hits for over a decade. Jimmy fucking Hendrix did an entire concert just covering Sgt Peppers shortly after it came out. That is how pervasively immense they were as a group, literally defining what all rock bands would be after.

All you need to know about the Beatles is that they got away with saying they were bigger than Jesus and every single band to ever claim they were bigger than they were vanished shortly after. Even Oasis. Sargent Peppers will be played and purchased by people long after everyone forgets any of the other pop trash mentioned in this fucking derail.

Whether you like or hate them, there has never been and never will be again a band with the lasting power and influence of the Beatles because they literally were the trailblazers for mainstream music for all who have come since. And you are a retard for even hinting otherwise.
People still worship Elvis and Frank Sinatra to this day.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
They are the only other two that even belong in the same conversation with the Beatles. Beatles were four guys and covered more genres, so there are arguments to be made there about who accomplished more. Plus Elvis triggers joggers, so he has that going for him. Frank was the end of an earlier era, but his influence is undeniable as well. I think the Beatles are still the most influential, but there are solid arguments for any of those three and I don't begrudge anyone who feels differently than I do.
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Avatar of War Slayer
we'd have to recognize rap taking over the music industry and pop culture. for that however, I think its more many groups bouncing off each other, then 1 single group making rap mainstream, and creating multiple genres.

n.w.a? run dmc? beastie boys? tupac? idk, I'm not really a rap aficionado. it might actually be the rap producers that get the cred there. knight, simmons, etc.


<Gold Donor>
not even going to bother responding to chris since he's retarded and he can't read.

think about it like you were doing rankings or whatever the kids call it nowadays. The S Tiers would be, as many have stated:

Frank Sinatra
The Beatles
Michael Jackson
Taylor Swift

There really isn't any others. plenty of A tiers, plenty of super groups that had sustaining power or album sales or huge followings, but it takes more than that to really capture the culture and maintain relevance. Which is why Madonna isn't shit, she's the same as Cher or Prince or Queen, hell toss Beyonce in their, and eventually Lady Gaga, A tier for sure but she isn't S tier with the Beatles or Michael Jackson, get the fuck out of here with that shit.

You'll notice there's a gap. We (my generation) didn't have a superstar/supergroup of such cultural relevance that their impact is still felt to this day. If you google it 1995-2010 the most popular music is fucking "Green Day" and "My Chemical Romance", neither one of those are even up for consideration for A tier, maybe not even B tier, we just have a gap where we didn't have a musician or musical group that speaks for our generation, our zeitgeist has no soundtrack....

A lot of it has to do with the extreme shift that happened in the music industry during the digital transition period between 1995-2010, which I pointed out earlier. The industry was changing and resisting that change and bracing for change so much that no one really rose to the top during the digital transition. Half of the industry wanted to sue the fans (Metallica vs Napster) and the other half was so concerned with plummeting album sales they started boxing shit up "Now that's what I call Music Vol 76!" and Random House's CD catalogues, pick 10 CDs for 1 CENT! (but, in fine print, we'll start charging you a monthly subscription and ship you garbage CDs you don't want from artists we have shitty contracts with for $20 per CD)

To be honest, it probably would have been Nirvana, if Cobain had lived. They captured the grunge/alternative sound while still breaking through and becoming "pop" music and they could have shit out albums and maintained cultural relevance through the end of the 90s and early 00's easily. I think that's why he did it, assuming Courtney didn't have him offed. he didn't wanna be a pop star.


privileged excrementlord
This thread is more entertaining than the movie, at least.
high quality GIF

I keep clicking on this thread expecting to hear more about how much of a failure this movie is and how much money various pedophiles financiers are losing as a result, but instead it's a bunch of gay shit about Madonna.