Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Molten Core Raider
I'm sure there's a bunch in more rural areas in brick and mortar stores. Never seen one in Dallas after launch day though, and all the online stores are sold out except for an hour or two every week.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The lack of quality games is really starting to bother me, Switch has been out for over 2 months and its basically a zelda box that also lets you play an older mariokart, even older indie games, and some weird jap games.

Lineup seems extremely poor also, maybe I am just spoiled as a PC master-race gamer, but owning a 400$ zelda-only console does not feel well, especially considering how far the emulation of that game has come and that it will most likely be a better experience on PC then on the switch in 3 months tops.. guess its time to take this thing back to the store asap.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The lack of quality games is really starting to bother me, Switch has been out for over 2 months and its basically a zelda box that also lets you play an older mariokart, even older indie games, and some weird jap games.

Lineup seems extremely poor also, maybe I am just spoiled as a PC master-race gamer, but owning a 400$ zelda-only console does not feel well, especially considering how far the emulation of that game has come and that it will most likely be a better experience on PC then on the switch in 3 months tops.. guess its time to take this thing back to the store asap.

It's only going to get worse. On top of that, those same indie games being sometimes double the price with no value add for most when they are half the price on other portable platforms. Along with a lot of third party games coming down the pike and literally NONE of those AAA games will support Switch. I mean, a new Xenoblade and still haven't heard a lick of Skyrim - and the only thing from FROM Software was they can get it to work but haven't announced jack for it. The biggest problem it suffers from is the power - Half the power of an Xbox One and without an install base, there is no way they publishers choose the Switch as the lowest common denominator for development/porting.


FPS noob
The lack of quality games is really starting to bother me, Switch has been out for over 2 months and its basically a zelda box that also lets you play an older mariokart, even older indie games, and some weird jap games.

Lineup seems extremely poor also, maybe I am just spoiled as a PC master-race gamer, but owning a 400$ zelda-only console does not feel well, especially considering how far the emulation of that game has come and that it will most likely be a better experience on PC then on the switch in 3 months tops.. guess its time to take this thing back to the store asap.

thats why most of us said don't buy a switch unless you are ok just playing zelda and/or you really want a portable, next gen gaming system. Its going to probably be another 18 months before a solid lineup of games is out. Yeah, you got splatoon 2 and ARMS coming up this summer and Mario in the fall but a lot of people give no fucks about the first two and after Mario we don't really know a whole lot - I'm sure there WILL be a ton of first party games coming out this fall and next year, we just don't know a lot about them.

also E3 this year is going to be a wreck probably for switch fans, as third party massive game after game is announced with no switch port - Destiny 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Scalebound, Sea of Thieves, Assassins Creed Origins, Far Cry 5, Days Done, Spider Man, God of War, Last of Us 2, Call of Duty WW2, Battlefront 2, etc, etc.

Scorpio announcement plus any new hardware Sony will announce will just add to the excitement for Sony/MS/PC folks and I don't think Nintendo really wants to try and fight the cross winds so they will stay pretty quiet until their own next direct a few weeks later, but that will feel like no news is bad news for switch owners.
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Molten Core Raider
I doubt anyone bought a Switch expecting to play top end graphical AAA 3rd party games. There is a rumor out there that CoD WW2 will be getting a Switch version though. Really the only one of that list that isn't a played out sequel in a long line of sequels is RDR2 - can't wait for that.

Also Scalebound is dead. Microsoft fucked over Platinum.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I doubt anyone bought a Switch expecting to play top end graphical AAA 3rd party games.

Then Nintendo should not have advertised all the AAA games coming to the switch from 3rd party and concentrating on games like Skyrim, FIFA, etc during their marketing press. And kept at it with statements such as...

Last month, Nintendo announced a slew of third-party titles for the Switch, including Skyrim. A promising sign? During a recent financial meeting, Nintendo talked more about this time will be different (which, I feel, is something I've heard before).
Read more at Nintendo Thinks It Can Win Over Third-Party Developers


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I doubt anyone bought a Switch expecting to play top end graphical AAA 3rd party games.

I don't see why they made a portable capable of running BoTW but offer no games which even come close to it. Have a hard time getting exited over yet to be announced games.

I feel more people would share this sentiment if they had gotten the switch at launch.

Skyrim with no mods and worse gfx then the 2011 PC version doesn't do it for me either. Its old, the gameplay never was great, it sold really well so the current audience won't be huge and I suspect feedback will reflect the fact that its an old game on a platform that is far from ideal for it. There is not going to be a Fus Ro Dah meme 2017.
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Molten Core Raider
Then Nintendo should not have advertised all the AAA games coming to the switch from 3rd party and concentrating on games like Skyrim, FIFA, etc during their marketing press. And kept at it with statements such as...

Nintendo is going to market anything the developers want to make for their console. No one is putting Skyrim Remastered and FIFA on the same graphical level as RDR2 and Farcry 5.

I feel more people would share this sentiment if they had gotten the switch at launch.

People have this sentiment because it's a Nintendo console. It hasn't had 3rd party parity since the 90s.

If you bought a Switch - the only thing you should expect is Nintendo first party IPs, Pokemon, Monster Hunter, and other Japanese 3rd party IPs focused on portables. Anything else was gravy. If it's successful (and it's on 3DS sales tracjectory right now) it will get lower fidelity 3rd party ports, especially if they use Unreal 4 - but the install base has to be big enough first to make ports worthwhile.

Docked it's still somewhere between the Wii U and Xbox 1 power wise, even if it is the most powerful portable hardware on the market.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>

I expect them to announce a pokeman game at E3 which will go gold end of 2017.

Which is decent if you pick up your switch & BotW somewhere in October this year, so you at least get a second top tier title within 2 months of buying the console. For those that got it at launch the wait is unreasonably long.

They need to release Mount & Blade Warband on switch, that would be a hit.


Molten Core Raider
I doubt anyone bought a Switch expecting to play top end graphical AAA 3rd party games. There is a rumor out there that CoD WW2 will be getting a Switch version though. Really the only one of that list that isn't a played out sequel in a long line of sequels is RDR2 - can't wait for that.

Also Scalebound is dead. Microsoft fucked over Platinum.

Calling that list of highly anticipated games full of "played out sequels" is ironic, considering the only two games worth playing on the Switch are Zelda, which is like the 20th game in series and Mario Kart which is not only a Wii U port, but has a dozen games of it's own.

By your own definition virtually every game this console gets that will be worth playing will be a played out sequel. Maybe ARMs won't suck, but everything else will just be a newer version of an old IP, many that are longer in the tooth than most of the list you casually dismissed.

Yeah, no one with any sense expects AAA third party games on a Nintendo console anymore, but that doesn't mean their absence isn't a huge black eye. After people see all these amazing games at E3, even the hardcore Switch fans will be wishing these games would come to their system.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Hey guys you won't get any games worth a shit in the next 6 months unless Osyssey isn't delayed, but here! Nintendo is selling the world's first empty box, and on top of that, taking PREORDERS FOR IT.

You cannot make this shit up.

Nintendo Is Selling An Empty Splatoon 2 Box


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I quite honestly think there is a VERY strong chance now that Nintendo is TRYING to Sepuku and the Nintendo fans keep buying their shit and they are getting frustrated now. How far does the bar have to be lowered? Will all of NOJ just finally give up and jump off the tallest of buildings in Tokyo? Nothing they seem to do works.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hey guys you won't get any games worth a shit in the next 6 months unless Osyssey isn't delayed, but here! Nintendo is selling the world's first empty box, and on top of that, taking PREORDERS FOR IT.

You cannot make this shit up.

Nintendo Is Selling An Empty Splatoon 2 Box

How many sorry fucks are gonna be paying full price for a empty splatoon box? It's like a scam artists wet dream.

Nintendo Switch Splatoon edition, NEVER OPENED!
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Trakanon Raider
Calling that list of highly anticipated games full of "played out sequels" is ironic, considering the only two games worth playing on the Switch are Zelda, which is like the 20th game in series and Mario Kart which is not only a Wii U port, but has a dozen games of it's own.

By your own definition virtually every game this console gets that will be worth playing will be a played out sequel. Maybe ARMs won't suck, but everything else will just be a newer version of an old IP, many that are longer in the tooth than most of the list you casually dismissed.

Yeah, no one with any sense expects AAA third party games on a Nintendo console anymore, but that doesn't mean their absence isn't a huge black eye. After people see all these amazing games at E3, even the hardcore Switch fans will be wishing these games would come to their system.

The difference is, Nintendo's "played out sequels" are all fucking amazing games that are all on the list of anyone's greatest games of all time. Zelda: BOTW is one of the best video games I've ever played. Mario Kart 8 is by far the best in the series, and since I never bought a Wii-U, it's new to me. Splatoon 2 will be fun as hell, Mario Odyssey looks amazing, I'm sure there will be another Metroid game that will release for this system, as well as a dozen other games that will be awesome and exclusive to the Switch. Meanwhile, you homos who come here and cry and bitch about a system you don't even own, will go play Call of Duty 25, which is just as shitty as the last dozen Call of Duties that they've made, or any of the other games on the X-box or Playstation, most of which look and play like shit when compared to the PC version of those games. Seriously, list the exclusive games for PS4 or X-box One that are truly amazing, and I bet the list isn't that much higher than the couple Nintendo has already released in the first few months of their new system.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The difference is, Nintendo's "played out sequels" are all fucking amazing games that are all on the list of anyone's greatest games of all time. Zelda: BOTW is one of the best video games I've ever played. Mario Kart 8 is by far the best in the series, and since I never bought a Wii-U, it's new to me. Splatoon 2 will be fun as hell, Mario Odyssey looks amazing, I'm sure there will be another Metroid game that will release for this system, as well as a dozen other games that will be awesome and exclusive to the Switch. Meanwhile, you homos who come here and cry and bitch about a system you don't even own, will go play Call of Duty 25, which is just as shitty as the last dozen Call of Duties that they've made, or any of the other games on the X-box or Playstation, most of which look and play like shit when compared to the PC version of those games. Seriously, list the exclusive games for PS4 or X-box One that are truly amazing, and I bet the list isn't that much higher than the couple Nintendo has already released in the first few months of their new system.

Lol. Ok buddy you have fun paying double the price for that indie game that has been out for 3 years already because Nintendo won't let their publishers separate prices for Digital and Physical because... no one knows. Have fun paying for those VC games we have already beat to death, yet again, on the 5th generation console they were purchased for... again... Don't forget about Skyrim. That came out 6 years ago and now you can play it dumbed down to Morrowind graphics on the go for a full $59 price point! :p Oops. Can't watch netflix, hulu, amazon prime, like you can on any device released since 2003. BOTW - Fantastic game. Loved it. Got some use out of my Wii U! Mario Kart, same deal. It's the same damn game. With the same reused tracks generation to generation save one or two. Oh hey, a Mario platformer. Something else that is now being done better in the indie circuit with games like Inside, Limbo, and Ori and the Blind Forest. Or Raymen Legends and Tale of two Brothers.

PS4: Last of Us. Uncharted 4. Horizon Zero Dawn. Far Point (shit, anything VR related on PSVR is epic), Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Yazuko 0, Persona 5, Nioh, Nier (Although also available on PC) Ni No Kuni 2, Uncharted the Lost Legacy.... This can go on and on and on.

Xbox One: I own one but it sucks.

Switch: BOTW which can be played on the WIi U. Mario Cart Rehash - Played on the Wii U. Splatoon 2 - Whoopity Doo! Mario Odyssey.... 4.

4 Fucking games. One of which is new and awesome and can be played on the Wii U with hardly any noticable difference. Another is a fucking port. And two new games with 50 indie titles at double the price because Nintendo has their head up their ass, an alpha online service, no VC, no sharing of accounts, no sharing of games across the household, no apps, and over priced accessories.

And for God's sake E etchazz don't forget to preorder your empty box!

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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Hey guys you won't get any games worth a shit in the next 6 months unless Osyssey isn't delayed, but here! Nintendo is selling the world's first empty box, and on top of that, taking PREORDERS FOR IT.

You cannot make this shit up.

Nintendo Is Selling An Empty Splatoon 2 Box

Lol, this is seriously like some parody shit you'd expect to be a plot line on Silicon Valley. How is this real life?
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lol, this is seriously like some parody shit you'd expect to be a plot line on Silicon Valley. How is this real life?

Aside from the debacle that is the Switch, this company actually just put an empty box up for preorder for 5 bucks.

Seriously. People defending this are the same idiots that defend the piss poor decisions of the switch.

NOJ WANTS to alienate it's customers at this point. They are trying with EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to drive down their own market share. And these idiots who buy this crap literally won't let them. They keep buying this! NOJ is like "Seriously????" Aside from blatantly coming out and telling everyong to not buy their shit, I do not see what else they can do at this point.

Empty box.... Lol. I mean holy hannah.

But that's a Nintendo high grade quality empty box everyone.

It's like some sick, twisted marketing experiment at this point.


Molten Core Raider
Aside from the debacle that is the Switch, this company actually just put an empty box up for preorder for 5 bucks.

Seriously. People defending this are the same idiots that defend the piss poor decisions of the switch.

NOJ WANTS to alienate it's customers at this point. They are trying with EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to drive down their own market share. And these idiots who buy this crap literally won't let them. They keep buying this! NOJ is like "Seriously????" Aside from blatantly coming out and telling everyong to not buy their shit, I do not see what else they can do at this point.

Empty box.... Lol. I mean holy hannah.

But that's a Nintendo high grade quality empty box everyone.

It's like some sick, twisted marketing experiment at this point.

I'm not sure what the issue is. It's a collectible for people who want to order digital. Splatoon is a very merchandise heavy brand in Japan where it's hugely popular. People would rather have digital because Switch is portable, but still want the case to display with their collectibles. There has to be enough demand for it in Japan for it to be worth them going through the trouble, why are you pissing on a company giving it's consumers options.

I mean I know a guy who has a copy of all the WoW collector's editions unopened on his shelf in his office. Some people like that shit.