So is this worth it? It looks intriguing, but it also looks like the sort of game where it is best experienced by spending a weekend baked as fuck and staring at the screen. I'm an old fart and can't spare that kind of time anymore.
Like has been said by myself and many others, this game scratches the explorer itch really well. Crafting as well.
There is nothing GREAT about this game. It's not a 10/10 or even a 9/10 must buy title. IF you are into exploration, crafting and like space stuff then this game is probably a good buy for you.
The game play is repetitive, you are essentially upgrading tons of shit via crafting (Multiple parts of your suit, ship and multi tool functions) and looking for blue prints by interacting with old tech or current residents. The game play is more in line with mine craft but you don't build stuff, mostly craft your upgrades. I've found most of the text in the game to be fairly well written for what it is even if it is a little corny in a zork kind of way.
Now where the game really shines is putting you on these fucking massive worlds that are pretty damn interesting. The worlds are huge. The amount of variety is pretty wide and it is a lot of fun getting lost looking for the shit you need. That really is the appeal and the crafting part / moving around is more the impetus to get you to do it.
You'll be out looking for something, say copper, and before you know it you're a hour from your ship and every few minutes you'll say "hmm i'm going to go check that out", "oh shit score some Callium or Emeril" etc.. I'm usually looking for something and then 2 hours later I realize I just killed a bunch of time, enjoyed it and hadn't found what I was looking for.
You land on the ice / hot world and you are looking for that temperature module pretty quick. Corrosive? Radiation? Night time radiation surge, the storms etc all add a bit of "ahh I better take care of this or it will be a problem". Then when you land on an earth like world its complete tits. You'll know what I'm talking about after playing. They did a really good job with the planets.
All in all I have no regrets buying this. I'm going to play it a shit ton now and it will be a title you can come back to over the years and fuck around with it. You just have to be into exploration and crafting. There is some combat as well, you can fight pirates and blow the shit out of the little scanner dudes but its not a huge part of what makes the game good.