There's not exactly a great history between this forum and Sony either, so whether the missing and mis-advertised content is Sean's fault (I would say it's like 95% his fault) or Sonys, it should warrant equal criticism. Whether it was one thing or 30 things, it's still false advertising, verbatim promises that are just missing with no head's up, no notification, no anything. The people that actually do
more research before buying the game could potentially end up with a false view of the game - that's never how that should work. Again, I'm not saying everyone buying and playing the game and getting enjoyment out of it are troglodytes of the lowest caliber and should be taking out of the gene pool, I'm saying that not holding a person and company responsible is exactly why game developers get away with more bullshit than almost every other industry in the world. I enjoyed EQ back in the day but joined to ranks of people bitching about undelivered things even while logged into and playing the dumb game. They are not mutually exclusive actions or emotions.
re: the game being announced at $60/DLC prices etc., the game was actually originally $30 or $40 briefly (can't remember which) before being bumped up to $60. And then all future updates and content were supposed to be included, and now he says "wellllllllllllllll, maybe there'll be some charged content" which I guess if you read it the same way he talked about multiplayer that means there won't be

If there's even a hint of a big paid for expansion or DLC though, all the more reason to wait to buy.