Was analyzing a play on 76 last night that I think lost my team the game. I'm on defense on last point on Gibraltar, team is fighting on the ramp and I'm further back on high ground. Their Rein/Hog/Ana/Lucio trying to push up when I see their Pharah (who wasn't very good), start trying to fly over the tall building that separates the point from that room at the bottom of the ramp with the big health pack. I put her to about half health before she disappeared out of view. I waited 4-5 seconds and she didn't pop back up again and their Rein drops his shield so I start unloading on the hog. Right as my clip empties, the Pharah comes from under the bridge by the point (out of my line of sight at the time) and starts Ulting, and by the time I was able to finish the reload and take her out, Pharah had decimated my team. They rolled that push into a pretty easy victory.
So question is this - do you hold your clip for a specific target in certain situations? I'm sort of of the belief that I should be pumping out damage on anyone that shows their face, but in this situation, if I held off and waited for Pharah, we almost definitely would have held the point.