grats! I think everyone placed a little lower than their last season high regardless of their placements. I placed pretty damn low lmao, I was like 3550 and dropped to 3100 after losing every placement lmao
patch went in today that made bastions 35% damage reduction be 20% instead and they also fixed the bug where you could shoot through dvas defense matrix. Haven't seen a bastion yet today lol. He's still really great but not insta-lock every game now thank god.
Why even have placement matches if you just get auto-dumped into the same rank you finished the previous season with? I played my ass off, went 9-1 somehow, placed 2365. Feels bad
4-4-2 and lost 400 rating, 2150...I seem to always place gold, normally hover at 2500, and peak at 2900.... every season. Why I lose 400 for basically going .500 is asinine.
Man, 2 days into new season and I'm 3577, each win netting me like 80 SR. Note to self, never push for Masters until the season resets. I was so salty at ending 3499 last season. Now I can relax and enjoy comp.
I agree actually with that and as far as feel in the gameplay goes for me, she FEELS like she's a big heavy robot walking around? Not in a clunky way that most games execute the feeling of heaviness if that makes sense. Rein is pretty solid too but I never really noticed until playing this hero.
Yeah, that happened to me too in Arcade Mode. Got suspended from queuing for 10 minutes because I was leaving 3v3 games right after it finished instead of waiting for POTG to play out. It's fine to do it a few times (maybe not in competitive) but make sure not to overdo it or you'll get a slap on the wrist.
Really? Doesn't it give you a leaver warning and you have to accept if you do it too early? I don't really give a fuck about Q of the game, but I also haven't played since yesterday