Captain Suave
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
- 5,437
- 9,292
Same here, and I ended up in the gutter about 500 points below last season. The grind upwards has been horrific.
I don't see the point of both placements and off season in this game. What's the point of having new seasons if you literally start near where you were, and what's the point of placements as well?
I must suck real bad. I'm incapable of winning games anymore it seems
Not much point in this game for placements tbh, they adopted a hybrid Hearthstone+League of Legends model.
Eh -- placements are nothing more than 10 games with a high delta factor and a hidden public rating. I think it's important. For example, I was 61 or 63 in S1 then came back for S4 totally out of practice. Since I had to do placements, I was quickly sorted down, rather than ruin 20+ games at whatever 63 in S1 translates to now.
Placements aren't important when it's every 3 months and most people remain at their current ranking.
Question: are you sure they don't do some form of soft reset?
I don't understand your argument against having an increased delta every few months. Either you've improved and this quickly gets you higher rank and harder games, or you've diminished and this gets you lower rank and easier games. People with a large quantity of games played tend to end up gaining/losing very minimal amount of points deep into a season; that seems like a very frequent complaint.
With regards to me, personally, I don't think I'd have very much fun being absolute dead-weight in whatever 63 mapped to. I'd be a dumpster-fire. And, honestly, I don't find QP very useful for genuine practice. My opinion is that half (or more) of your opposition aren't even trying to win, I sure as fuck don't -- I do QP for 10 minutes to warm up mechanical skills.
The only complaint I can see is someone super salty about having a bad streak through the placement period and ending up lower than they perceive they ought to be... but, shrug, smash weaker players for a bit and it should work itself out?