Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Buzzfeed Editor
LMFAO save me it.

However, the reveals have come with sadly predictable backlash from certain members of the community, as Vanity Fair’s new images showed that the Amazon series will include people of colour. Before we get any further, I want to make this clear: whether you’re trolling, gatekeeping, plain old racist, or all of the above, you have no place in this fandom.

It’s sadly not surprising that comments are usually rooted in misogyny, too; I’ve seen far more people complain about Sophia Nomvete’s dwarf princess Disa - the first Black dwarf in a Tolkien adaptation - than Córdova’s elf or Henry’s harfoot. As is so often the way with these things, racism and sexism go hand in hand, and the most marginalised people suffer for it.

A lot of the criticism about hiring non-white actors stems from the premise that Tolkien was trying to create a mythology for Britain. We return to the illuminating Letter 131, which Professor Tolkien wrote to Milton Waldman. In this, he describes his idea to create a legend for England and that Middle-earth is based on “the clime and soil of the North West, meaning Britain and the hither parts of Europe.” However, the assumption that all people in this region were white stems from 19th Century white nationalism in Germany, and later Nazi propaganda.


That guy's a fucking moron. We're talking about an author who went ballistic when his own hand-picked Dutch translator proposed to use Dutch names for his translation.

He's projecting his own hipster cosmopolitanism to an author and a work he profoundly misunderstands. Tolkien would've thrown every cent back at Amazon and gone to every court he could to avert this abomination.

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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I checked the trailer again and didn't see any changes. I'll give it a chance if someone can fix this shit.
If I post "Fixed" again, will you watch that abortion again? Because this could be fun.
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Millie's Staff Member
The sheen in every single shot-- regardless of day or night judging by the trailer, may as well have been shot by a Twitch streamer on his own green screen changing backgrounds on skype. How the FUCK was this shot on location in New Zealand and yet looks greenscreened and glowing with CG sheen all over the place and has the actors "popping" out of each shot from the discrepancy, like a puzzle piece.

Whatever production company Amazon is using needs to get dropped asap. It looks like it's the same people that did WoT.

Pure fucking garage not worth even a 1m per episode budget. Look at Witcher and look at LOTR.
it has that yellowy orange filter like Willow and the effects arent that much better.

antler boy.jpg


Buzzfeed Editor
The sheen in every single shot-- regardless of day or night judging by the trailer, may as well have been shot by a Twitch streamer on his own green screen changing backgrounds on skype. How the FUCK was this shot on location in New Zealand and yet looks greenscreened and glowing with CG sheen all over the place and has the actors "popping" out of each shot from the discrepancy, like a puzzle piece.

Whatever production company Amazon is using needs to get dropped asap. It looks like it's the same people that did WoT.

Pure fucking garage not worth even a 1m per episode budget. Look at Witcher and look at LOTR.

It's not good. You can literally go through the UE5 megascans tutorial and produce better scenery than this.

Worst part? Worst part is those are the best scenes they could find for their Superbowl ad. Think about that.


It's even worse when it's animated.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That guy's a fucking moron. We're talking about an author who went ballistic when his own hand-picked Dutch translator proposed to use Dutch names for his translation.

He's projecting his own hipster cosmopolitanism to an author and a work he profoundly misunderstands. Tolkien would've thrown every cent back at Amazon and gone to every court he could to avert this abomination.

View attachment 398407

What a tool. I've read both the original English books as well as the dutch translation and the translation is excellent, precisely because it uses translations of location and character names that keep the spirit the original English names intended to evoke in the reader intact. Shire means nothing to someone who does not speak English but a good translator will use a term from their own language that does.

The spelling and etymology of the city names is also full of errors, 30 seconds on wikipedia would have told him as much.

In the spirit of translations, I'm loving that I can't read most of these comments but still know exactly what they say.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That guy's a fucking moron. We're talking about an author who went ballistic when his own hand-picked Dutch translator proposed to use Dutch names for his translation.

He's projecting his own hipster cosmopolitanism to an author and a work he profoundly misunderstands. Tolkien would've thrown every cent back at Amazon and gone to every court he could to avert this abomination.

View attachment 398407

Absolutely. The rights would have been revoked were he alive today. He'd likely get to keep a good amount of money in a settlement and the show would get killed off.
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Watcher of Overs
Color grading is a thing these days, used everywhere. The original movies were among the first to use computers to do it.

It was most pronounced in the lands where the three rings were being used. The book describes it well, when Frodo looks out across the river from Lothlorien everything seems to darken.


Mr. Poopybutthole
People defending this will be like "Who cares, its only fantasy and fiction anyway!". Then you try and put a bunch of white people in the next black panther movie, the screeching would be endless. "But black panther was created by black people for black people!" "Oh yeah? Like how LOTR was created by white people for white people?"
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Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
People defending this will be like "Who cares, its only fantasy and fiction anyway!". Then you try and put a bunch of white people in the next black panther movie, the screeching would be endless. "But black panther was created by black people for black people!" "Oh yeah? Like how LOTR was created by white people for white people?"

They will defend the narrative, by any means necessary.

Just wait until they start talking about how the concept of Ent & Ent-wives is too archaic & homophobic. They'll then attempt to create "Ent-people" in order to be more inclusive of the many different genders & sexual orientations that a tree can have.
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Millie's Staff Member

Thought YouTube disabled the dislike button
they hid them but you cant stop hackers so there is an addon that shows them on your browser. the link is a few pages back. google "Return Youtube Dislikes" addon.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
People defending this will be like "Who cares, its only fantasy and fiction anyway!". Then you try and put a bunch of white people in the next black panther movie, the screeching would be endless. "But black panther was created by black people for black people!" "Oh yeah? Like how LOTR was created by white people for white people?"
and then you remind them that Black Panther was created by white people and they start to short-circuit.
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Buzzfeed Editor
It's not about who created what. It's about "platforming" and normalization. It's about control of the culture.

Those same folks who would say "who cares it's just fantasy" are the exact same ones who would burn down their campus if Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Ben Shapiro was scheduled to have a speech that they had no intention of listening to.
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Trakanon Raider
For me, it is what it is. Doesn't bug me. I just wanna see more shit happening in the Lord of the Rings setting. If its bad, I'll not watch it. There's a thousand other shows to watch and not enough time for them all.


Millie's Staff Member
For me, it is what it is. Doesn't bug me. I just wanna see more shit happening in the Lord of the Rings setting. If its bad, I'll not watch it. There's a thousand other shows to watch and not enough time for them all.
what doesnt bug you? the misplaced casting, the crappy CG or the raping of Tolkien's canon?
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Avatar of War Slayer
i watch a few lore youtubers, think this line will put this guy on my don't recommend list

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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
whats crazy is that 15 years ago we all would have creamed our jeans over something like this. Such an easy slam dunk show that could honestly be bad but we would still enjoy it. But now everything is literally such shit and nothing good has been made of movies or TV for 5-6 years we all knew this would be shit, woke, awful and one trailer confirmed it.
And it's all done apurpose. They rape your heritage and laugh in your face while they do it.
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