You should have told him to give you less power. Also, don't clench.The most times I had sex in a 24 hour period was three. Once in the afternoon, again that night, then in the morning when we woke up.
I was sore as HELLfor like a good two days after. Gotta cap that at two.
Every man needs his Happy-Alone-Fun-Time (TM).Before we leave the masturbation derail for the whore derail, am I correct in my belief that 100% of men, regardless of relationship status, at least occasionally jerk off to porn? Every once in a while it comes up with a woman that they think that their partner whacking it to porn means that they are somehow unsatisfied with their relationship or that it's like cheating.
All healed.Maybe this has been covered but I'm gunna ask again just to be sure.
1. Is that extra dickhole permanent or did it grow back together?
2. If permanent, does it affect your sex life? Like, how do chicks react?
3. How big of a hole? Are we talking split streams of cum / urine?
I tickle mine gently till the precum starts, then go to town. If I needed it spit on, I would probably call my wife in to do it for me. Actually that would be funny, I should do that one night.This thread has taken a real strange turn.
Also, you "no lube" dudes are fucking weird. Spit counts as lube, fyi. Are we talking totally dry? Bleh.