Before we leave the masturbation derail for the whore derail, am I correct in my belief that 100% of men, regardless of relationship status, at least occasionally jerk off to porn? Every once in a while it comes up with a woman that they think that their partner whacking it to porn means that they are somehow unsatisfied with their relationship or that it's like cheating. I always say that I have never met any dude that I know well enough to hear about that kind of thing that doesn't do it and women should find it about as threatening as their husband taking a shit. I have also worked on my grandparents computers enough to know that both of my grandfathers checked out porn within about 5 minutes of getting their first internet connection and they were both in their 70s and happily married for 50+ years at the time. Hell I think I jerk off more often when I'm having sex than when I'm not just because of the more recent spank bank memories. Religious girls in particular seem to get super insecure about porn/masturbation and I wish more people were telling them that their father does it, their grandfather does it, and so does their pastor but they're just all lying about it.
Am I wrong about this?