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dumbest at EVERYTHING, except idol finding, hell i've said he was super inept his first season.
Fair enough. It is pretty impressive that he has found 3 of the 5 idols that have come out this season.
I guess Zeke is queen now. It's ironic that Sandra is getting more credit for her game this season, when she didn't make the merge, than she did for either of her winning seasons. The pre-merge game is hard to judge because of all the twists so I'm not saying it's her fault she got voted out, it really isn't, but it's still kind of ironic. Editing did a good job of raising doubts, but they did the right thing even if it was predictable.
I would never want to be in an alliance with Tai. That guy just constantly blurts out all of the secrets he knows to the worst people possible. Dude has no idea how to play survivor and if you're trying to scheme with him, he's 100% going to blow up your plan either at tribal or before. He would be a nice goat but you can't do it with him because he is just too likely to ruin your game. I would like to imagine some kind of 4D chess move where you tell him one plan that you want to spread to the other guys because you know he's going to blow it, but it would be pretty tough to pull off.
Same for Debbie. She's not dumb, but she's just way too crazy to work with. You can't play survivor with somebody that's totally unpredictable. You don't want to waste a vote-off on people like Tai or Debbie, but at some point you just have to get rid of them because they are such big wildcards.
The twist with exile and Cochrane was pretty interesting, but Debbie is the worst person to try it with. Somebody like Aubrey would probably love to geek out with Cochrane on every possible situation back at camp. It's too bad JT didn't make it long enough to talk to Cochrane since he clearly needs a nerdy dude to help him with strategy.
Cerie is defying my prediction that she won't make the merge by just never going to tribal. It's pretty nuts that we have come this far and basically not seen people like Zeke or Cerie hardly at all.
It's also interesting that there are only 3 straight guys left, Troy, Brad, and Ozzie. This season has been rough on the alpha males. I think the only one of those three that has a chance to win is Brad, but he had the misfortune of allying early with Tai and Debbie so we'll have to see if he can put together a group of non-retards that he can get to the end with. Troy is a good start because he's not much of a threat but he might make a good loyal number. He's also useful for the Jeremy Collins meat shield strategy. I think Ozzie is probably in trouble the first time he doesn't win immunity post-merge and doesn't have the social game to avoid it.
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