Not gonna argue that because I don't know for sure. What I do know is that you need oxygen for fire.Oxygen is non flammable.
Not gonna argue that because I don't know for sure. What I do know is that you need oxygen for fire.Oxygen is non flammable.
It's one of those technically correct but kind of misleading facts. Oxygen itself does not burn, it's an oxidizing agent that allows other things to burn. After the crew of the Apollo 1 died of smoke inhalation caused by a fire during a pre-flight test they reduced the gas density so that a fire wouldn't spread so fast but the switch to a mixed gas atmosphere didn't happen until the Space Shuttle.Not gonna argue that because I don't know for sure. What I do know is that you need oxygen for fire.
It's even better, it's not actually a fire extinguisher, she puts it out with her pocket robot, which is apparently also a screwdriver and a welding tool.
So you're saying she has a Sonic Screwdriver?Her pocket robot is also a recording device as well as a computer she was using to hack into the Jedi's space ship. Basically R2D2, but too small for any dwarfs to operate. Disney is anti dwarf employment now.
Sonic Buttplug is more like it. But yes. It's just a contrivance to fight potholes with.
and their gay black mothers who somehow conceived twins on their own. dont need no man.So they are putting gay black female doctor who in star wars?
Luckily the Jedi are around to stop them and kidnap their force sensitive kids, you see there's no good or evil in Star Wars so the Sith are good guus this time.and their gay black mothers who somehow conceived twins on their own. dont need no man.
haha. we gonna get some heat for spoiling that entire episode.Luckily the Jedi are around to stop them and kidnap their force sensitive kids, you see there's no good or evil in Star Wars so the Sith are good guus this time.
You see that Critical Drinker video too?haha. we gonna get some heat for spoiling that entire episode.
yup, he's one of the few i still watch. Mr H, Disparu, Drinker, Midnight's Edge, World Class Bullshitters and sometimes Heels V Babyface.You see that Critical Drinker video too?
yup, he's one of the few i still watch. Mr H, Disparu, Drinker, Midnight's Edge, World Class Bullshitters and sometimes Heels V Babyface.
yes a few of them i still watch, i dont watch all of them every week. just a few of them if they have an interesting topic. there are others i just dont watch anymore because i got burned with their "rumors" that were coming directly out of their own asses. Heels V Babyface i dont watch for info. he's just straight up hilarious.One of the few he still watches, reels off seven YouTubers who all say the same thing. Just chukzombi things
Sounds like star wars."Mothers" likely refer to the force using witches that they were born into and which the four Jedi did a My Lai massacre/coverup of. The one master killing himself rather than admitting to what he did points to it being pretty terrible.
So Mai sees the Jedi as murderers who need to be brought to justice.
Did they really use the force on homosexuals to create an ass baby
Anakin Skywalker was born on the desert planet of Tatooine in the Outer Rim Territories in 41 BBY. He was the son of Shmi Skywalker, a slave who conceived a child without a father. His blood contained over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians, surpassing Grand Master Yoda and all other Jedi in the galaxy.
Was that before or after he killed all the kids?Oh yeah I forgot the whole Padame getting pregnant from Anakin fisting her butt
Was that before or after he killed all the kids?