Millie's Staff Member
it wasnt as bad as the other 3, in the sense that it introduces new creatures, the Sith finally shows up to wtfpwn all the jedis in one force swat. due to some of the trailer footage, the fight will continue next week. he/she fights Sol and throws its lightsaber around cutting trees down or some silliness. the good stuff this week was maybe in 2 minutes of the runtime, the rest is horrible confusing dialogue and inexplicable moments, such as finding the jedi wookie on a massive planet or hispanic guy being put in a man trap by Mae or Sith or some other contrivance. its so poorly done that you have no idea what's going on and dont even care. all this seems to be just to set up the few good action scenes of the episode. its way dumber than any episode of Ahsoka. and this was the "good" episode.So what I am hearing is episode 4 wasn't the worst 30 minutes of Star Wars ever produced, that was instead episode 3?
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