The Acolyte


Millie's Staff Member
So what I am hearing is episode 4 wasn't the worst 30 minutes of Star Wars ever produced, that was instead episode 3?

disappointed bummer GIF
it wasnt as bad as the other 3, in the sense that it introduces new creatures, the Sith finally shows up to wtfpwn all the jedis in one force swat. due to some of the trailer footage, the fight will continue next week. he/she fights Sol and throws its lightsaber around cutting trees down or some silliness. the good stuff this week was maybe in 2 minutes of the runtime, the rest is horrible confusing dialogue and inexplicable moments, such as finding the jedi wookie on a massive planet or hispanic guy being put in a man trap by Mae or Sith or some other contrivance. its so poorly done that you have no idea what's going on and dont even care. all this seems to be just to set up the few good action scenes of the episode. its way dumber than any episode of Ahsoka. and this was the "good" episode.
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That guy
I thought that was supposed to be what the writers and actors unions strikes were about. They can't get residuals based on views if those views aren't published. Those bunch of fuckups couldn't even get that right.

Yeah but they caved like a bunch of pussies. I think it'll happen at some point but allowing publically traded companies to not divulge information like that is something investors should be up in arms about. For once I want the shareholders to get something in their favor.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
One thing this show has that mimics real life. If this was 100 years before the rise of the empire, we have about 60 more years of this shit on planet Earth before the pendulum swings fully to the other side again.

I'll be watching that one from the stands. With Popcorn.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Also this just broke 3 hours ago:

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That guy
Also this just broke 3 hours ago:

I'd like to think something would happen because of it. But no, people will be shuffled around, some mid level patsies will take the fall, and nothing will change.
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what Suineg set it to
I'd like to think something would happen because of it. But no, people will be shuffled around, some mid level patsies will take the fall, and nothing will change.
Small price to pay for one of O'Keefe's legendary blow jobs
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Throbbing Member
Btw. Apparently it's not just toxic masculinity that is the problem. The writers are now throwing Filoni under the bus.


Millie's Staff Member
Btw. Apparently it's not just toxic masculinity that is the problem. The writers are now throwing Filoni under the bus.
i dont think they are throwing him under the bus so much as saying, Dave watched what was coming out of the series and approved it. so it must be good!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Filoni basically being the savior of Star Wars bought him a lot of good will and forgiveness, but not an unlimited amount. If he A) thought this trash was good or B) was too much of a coward to call it out for being trash then he deserves to be thrown under the bus with all the rest of them.
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Millie's Staff Member
Filoni basically being the savior of Star Wars bought him a lot of good will and forgiveness, but not an unlimited amount. If he A) thought this trash was good or B) was too much of a coward to call it out for being trash then he deserves to be thrown under the bus with all the rest of them.
the only thing i heard that he approved of was the space lesbian witches. and Filoni has some nutbag wokester cow for a wife. Filoni isnt any friend to the fandom, he answers to KK first and foremost. always has.


Tranny Chaser
Based on Mando, Boba Fett and Ahsoka then Filoni is far from the savior of Star Wars.


Throbbing Member
Blaming Acolyte on Filoni is just dumb shit. Dude doesn't even have any credits for the show. They just know that a lot of the fans still have faith in Filoni so they are shooting hate his way. Mando and Boba Fett were both Favreau in charge with Filoni . The only shows Filoni had full power over were Rebels, The tail end seasons of Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi/Empire, and Ahsoka. Even with his position you have to remember he still answers to Kathleen Kennedy and Carrie Beck.


Throbbing Member
Aside from that whole 'predates her by a decade' thing.
What does that have to do with anything? Filoni was a writer/creative and Kennedy was a producer on some really big movies and did a lot of work with Spielberg and Lucas before Filoni was hired to get coffee for Lucas on The Clone Wars animated show.