The Acolyte


Mr. Poopybutthole
Regardless of how much you want to spin his prior career he's the CCO now which is a pretty fucking senior position regardless of Kennedy being higher, and unlike her he actually has a legacy of success to point to if it came down to pushing back against some of her garbage.
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Ehh, gavin's got a point. Filoni probably could have flexed or been invested in some way to stop this project from going off the rails. At the same time, he probably has the position he does precisely because he's the sort of man that'd never do that.

I think it's ultimately that he's the wrong person for the job. He's a nerd and likes star wars, and obviously can make some good content, but he shouldn't have been elevated beyond that. He obviously doesn't carry or have the stick necessary to stop abominations like acolyte from happening. Maybe nobody does at this point, but voicing some public objections would show you at least have the intent.
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Throbbing Member
Regardless of how much you want to spin his prior career he's the CCO now which is a pretty fucking senior position regardless of Kennedy being higher, and unlike her he actually has a legacy of success to point to if it came down to pushing back against some of her garbage.
You really think that, outside of lore questions, that Filoni had real input on Acolyte? This has been Kennedy's baby since it was announced. He didn't have anything to do with hiring, casting, or even writing. There is standing up for shit and there is just being walked over by your boss. I am not saying that Filoni doesn't have his faults. However, tying Acolyte to him is pretty bullshit. It's easy for them to come out and be all "Oh Filoni was my mentor while crafting the show" bullshit and haters eat it up.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

They hired someone whose only other experience is writing woke trash.

These people have to give the most amazing blowjobs to get hired.

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Avatar of War Slayer
These people have to give the most amazing blowjobs to get hired.
The main person on this learned everything she knows from Weinstein and is a Lezbo, so cunnilingus, not blowjobs. Maybe KK is into that too.
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<Nazi Janitors>
The main person on this learned everything she knows from Weinstein and is a Lezbo, so cunnilingus, not blowjobs. Maybe KK is into that too.
Yeah, as I understood this, anything 7-9 and high republic was Kathleen Kennedy alone, so Filoni’s input was suggestive at best.

I hate these people so much. They make Rogue One, which arguably has the best two minutes of Star Wars ever:


and the people at Disney cant get their heads out of their asses long enough to say, “hey two hours of this would be a cash cow”

My Pitch: Eli Roth directs a horror movie where Vader hunts down Order 66 survivors. Make it rated R, cause fuck some gay action figures.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Ehh, gavin's got a point. Filoni probably could have flexed or been invested in some way to stop this project from going off the rails. At the same time, he probably has the position he does precisely because he's the sort of man that'd never do that.

I think it's ultimately that he's the wrong person for the job. He's a nerd and likes star wars, and obviously can make some good content, but he shouldn't have been elevated beyond that. He obviously doesn't carry or have the stick necessary to stop abominations like acolyte from happening. Maybe nobody does at this point, but voicing some public objections would show you at least have the intent.
I don't know. he started off great. but, maybe its getting too full of himself? The dude 100% lived and breathed star wars... but, he is also 100% responsible for force gods, magic, magic, magic. I don't know if someone was restricting him before. that maybe the Clone wars setting, focusing on clones and military, kept that storyline sane. maybe he ALWAYS was full on magic bullshit dnd with the force.

Star wars in general has a real problem with no one knowing what makes starwars good.

The force unleashed, Gennedy have super powered action jedi that can fly, and force move planets. some people like that.. but that shit ruins the universe.
George himself often seems to have no idea. the prequels. his interviews. he doesn't get it at it all himself. even look at those scripts for the original. look how much it changed. the core concept was in total flux right from the get go.
sith wizards, and witches, and the magic dnd shit.
light whips and constant rule of cool one up manship.
or, conversely, zero tech progression from the Old republic to the Empire, and New Republic.

Pretty sure EVERYONE agrees there is more bad Starwars content, then good. The franchise was dead until Knights of the Old republic came out and suddenly reminded everyone of what was good about Starwars.
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Tranny Chaser
My Pitch: Eli Roth directs a horror movie where Vader hunts down Order 66 survivors. Make it rated R, cause fuck some gay action figures.

I wrote similar in the SW movie forum thread - but this is an example of how retarded non Lucas SW is. They invented the inquisitors to do the actual dirty work of hunting down the surviving Jedi - so any post ROTS story involving peak Vader would have to retcon that somehow

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I don't know. he started off great. but, maybe its getting too full of himself? The dude 100% lived and breathed star wars... but, he is also 100% responsible for force gods, magic, magic, magic. I don't know if someone was restricting him before. that maybe the Clone wars setting, focusing on clones and military, kept that storyline sane. maybe he ALWAYS was full on magic bullshit dnd with the force.

Star wars in general has a real problem with no one knowing what makes starwars good.

The force unleashed, Gennedy have super powered action jedi that can fly, and force move planets. some people like that.. but that shit ruins the universe.
George himself often seems to have no idea. the prequels. his interviews. he doesn't get it at it all himself. even look at those scripts for the original. look how much it changed. the core concept was in total flux right from the get go.
sith wizards, and witches, and the magic dnd shit.
light whips and constant rule of cool one up manship.
or, conversely, zero tech progression from the Old republic to the Empire, and New Republic.

Pretty sure EVERYONE agrees there is more bad Starwars content, then good. The franchise was dead until Knights of the Old republic came out and suddenly reminded everyone of what was good about Starwars.

KOTOR and the original trilogy were good because they were story driven, not character driven. Sure, they are iconic characters now; but look what happened to the new movies when they tried to focus on the three heroes with a story that made no sense? Utter drivel. Turns out that Star Wars is not like Seinfeld or Friends where you can just drop Ford, Fisher, and Hamill into any situation and they magically make it great.


Tranny Chaser
but look what happened to the new movies when they tried to focus on the three heroes with a story that made no sense? Utter drivel. Turns out that Star Wars is not like Seinfeld or Friends where you can just drop Ford, Fisher, and Hamill into any situation and they magically make it great.

Except that's not what happened. The Sequel Trilogy or conclusion of the Skywalker saga was meant to introduce new characters. Luke barely featured, Leia was a supporting character then Carrie Fisher died and Ford wanted to be killed off.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Except that's not what happened. The Sequel Trilogy or conclusion of the Skywalker saga was meant to introduce new characters. Luke barely featured, Leia was a supporting character then Carrie Fisher died and Ford wanted to be killed off.

That is exactly what happened. The new trilogy had an utterly terrible STORY; they relied on Han and Leia's performances to carry the nostalgia from Force Awakens, but the story behind where they had been was garbage. The second movie has a ton of Luke in it and in Hamill's own words he hated the story but played the character like he was told....and it was terrible. Then there is Rebels, Book of Boba Fett, and Ashoka using characters to draw fans in....except none of them are capable without a good story. Why does their Thrawn suck? They story required him to be a completely different character than the book Thrawn that everyone loved. What was the best 'new' Star Wars show? Alderaan with characters no one fucking knew about.


Throbbing Member
I don't know. he started off great. but, maybe its getting too full of himself? The dude 100% lived and breathed star wars... but, he is also 100% responsible for force gods, magic, magic, magic. I don't know if someone was restricting him before. that maybe the Clone wars setting, focusing on clones and military, kept that storyline sane. maybe he ALWAYS was full on magic bullshit dnd with the force.
The Nightsisters were originally in some old EU book and Lucas used them and their "magic" to bring back Maul in Clone Wars. Lucas also introduced the Mortis Gods and the whole deal with Anakin. Lucas was the one that brought in all that stuff.


Tranny Chaser

LMAO imagine thinking a trilogy that killed off Solo in the first movie, didn't feature Luke at all until the final scene, then killed him off in second after shitting all over his character was focused on "the three heroes' of the ot

Name one scene in the sequels that featured all three of them together

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Avatar of War Slayer
I wrote similar in the SW movie forum thread - but this is an example of how retarded non Lucas SW is. They invented the inquisitors to do the actual dirty work of hunting down the surviving Jedi - so any post ROTS story involving peak Vader would have to retcon that somehow
the vader comics are about Vader hunting down jedi.
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That guy
I don't know. he started off great. but, maybe its getting too full of himself? The dude 100% lived and breathed star wars... but, he is also 100% responsible for force gods, magic, magic, magic. I don't know if someone was restricting him before. that maybe the Clone wars setting, focusing on clones and military, kept that storyline sane. maybe he ALWAYS was full on magic bullshit dnd with the force.

Star wars in general has a real problem with no one knowing what makes starwars good.

The force unleashed, Gennedy have super powered action jedi that can fly, and force move planets. some people like that.. but that shit ruins the universe.
George himself often seems to have no idea. the prequels. his interviews. he doesn't get it at it all himself. even look at those scripts for the original. look how much it changed. the core concept was in total flux right from the get go.
sith wizards, and witches, and the magic dnd shit.
light whips and constant rule of cool one up manship.
or, conversely, zero tech progression from the Old republic to the Empire, and New Republic.

Pretty sure EVERYONE agrees there is more bad Starwars content, then good. The franchise was dead until Knights of the Old republic came out and suddenly reminded everyone of what was good about Starwars.

He would have originally had George as his overlord and I have to imagine that they balanced each other out pretty well. Even the absolute best part of TCW (season 7s second half) was already written long before Disney took over, don't forget that.


Millie's Staff Member
I don't know. he started off great. but, maybe its getting too full of himself? The dude 100% lived and breathed star wars... but, he is also 100% responsible for force gods, magic, magic, magic. I don't know if someone was restricting him before. that maybe the Clone wars setting, focusing on clones and military, kept that storyline sane. maybe he ALWAYS was full on magic bullshit dnd with the force.

Star wars in general has a real problem with no one knowing what makes starwars good.

The force unleashed, Gennedy have super powered action jedi that can fly, and force move planets. some people like that.. but that shit ruins the universe.
George himself often seems to have no idea. the prequels. his interviews. he doesn't get it at it all himself. even look at those scripts for the original. look how much it changed. the core concept was in total flux right from the get go.
sith wizards, and witches, and the magic dnd shit.
light whips and constant rule of cool one up manship.
or, conversely, zero tech progression from the Old republic to the Empire, and New Republic.

Pretty sure EVERYONE agrees there is more bad Starwars content, then good. The franchise was dead until Knights of the Old republic came out and suddenly reminded everyone of what was good about Starwars.
all i know is that 30 seconds of the Sith in this week's episode was more powerful than any other Jedi or Sith ever shown. how exactly can a force user fly and float around like that? or sweep away 8 Jedi/Masters? even Palpy fell down a shaft and was killed and had to fight one at a time. this is straight up bullshit.
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WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
all i know is that 30 seconds of the Sith in this week's episode was more powerful than any other Jedi or Sith ever shown. how exactly can a force user fly and float around like that? or sweep away 8 Jedi/Masters? even Palpy fell down a shaft and was killed and had to fight one at a time. this is straight up bullshit.
Sith… WOMAN!!
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<Prior Amod>
all i know is that 30 seconds of the Sith in this week's episode was more powerful than any other Jedi or Sith ever shown. how exactly can a force user fly and float around like that? or sweep away 8 Jedi/Masters? even Palpy fell down a shaft and was killed and had to fight one at a time. this is straight up bullshit.
thats b/c only tits can fly
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This thread has taught me that some people will gladly buy a gallon bucket of diarrhea as long as something they think looks cool (like, say, a wookiee with a lightsaber) *might* be inside it.
yeah that's pretty much the history of this entire franchise so i dunno why you're shocked
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