Soon I won't be needing Kuriin to answer my gay man questions. I was told this weekend that my nephew will be coming out to me next time he sees me. He's already told his parents and my mom. He's apparently most concerned about the reactions of me, my cousin, my grandpa, and a friend of the family. Probably worried about me because I'm the most conservative and christian person he knows and he's been told conservatives and christians hate teh gays. Grandpa is 101 years old and has been a devout catholic for all 101 years, so I can see being concerned about him. In fact, I'll probably advise not tell him. I mean the man is going to leave this mortal coil any time now and our sex lives aren't any of his business anyway. No need to risk him spending the rest of his life worrying about this. He's got no reason to worry about my cousin because even if he is a general douchebag, he's already been through something similar with finding out his BFF from college was gay. He was mad at his BFF when he found out, but only because he had drifted away to hide that secret.
But there is something I can ask the gay mens about. I plan to give him the same reaction I gave my mom when she 'warned' me. Which is, "Is that supposed to be a surprise? I mean I first called it when you were like 5 years old." As did almost everyone else. He might have literally been the last to know. Then if he doesn't announce it to the family by cooking us all a FABULOUS dinner (SOP in my family for big announcements is to invite everyone over for dinner), I'm going to feel cheated. Humor is and always has been my method for cutting tension, and he knows this. Is it inappropriate in this case?