The Zionists are whining thread

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
If you mistreat a caged animal and it attacks a person do we blame the animal or the people who keep it?
You're mistaking the ones who hold the key to the cage with those that have been empowered to care for said animal. If the animal has been exploited by its "caregivers" and trained to fight, the one who holds the key isn't exactly incentivized to let the dog out, is he?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You're mistaking the ones who hold the key to the cage with those that have been empowered to care for said animal. If the animal has been exploited by its "caregivers" and trained to fight, the one who holds the key isn't exactly incentivized to let the dog out, is he?
israel has occupied palestinian area's for ~60 years, way before hamas was ever elected


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
israel has occupied palestinian area's for ~60 years, way before hamas was ever elected
At this point isn't everyone occupying "someone's" land? And most of the time that occupation came from a military defeat of the previous occupier.


FPS noob
don't bomb spongebob plz




Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
At this point isn't everyone occupying "someone's" land? And most of the time that occupation came from a military defeat of the previous occupier.
The laws of conquest and the right to take land by force was actual international law and ruled the day until the united nations charter was formed and signed I believe, since then that act hasn't been a basis of international law.

Right of conquest

The right of conquest is the right of a conqueror to territory taken by force of arms. It was traditionally a principle of international law which has in modern times gradually given way until its proscription after the Second World War when the crime of war of aggression was first codified in the Nuremberg Principles and then finally, in 1974, as a United Nations resolution 3314.
Simultaneously, the UN Charter's guarantee of the "territorial integrity" of member states effectively froze out claims against prior conquests from this process.
International law and the Arab Israeli conflict

The main points of dispute (also known as the "core issues" or "final status issues") are the following:

the legality or otherwise of the Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, and their annexation of East Jerusalem and the Israeli West Bank barrier;

how legal borders should be decided between Israel and a Palestinian state;

the legal status of the Palestinian refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and subsequently.
The United Nations General Assembly has voted on a resolution bearing on issues of international law as applied to the conflict every year since 1974.[4] The most recent vote was held on November 30, 2010. The resolution entitled "Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine" was adopted by a recorded vote of 165 in favor to 7 against with 4 abstentions


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Z. Brzezinski: Netanyahu 'Not Man Enough' to Broker Peace Deal

Brzezisnki argued that a peace deal would largely resolve the current issues in Gaza, but that previous peace efforts had been "scuttled by Mr. Netanyahu. That's the fact of the matter. How can you have peace if at the same time someone is incorporating the territory that is at issue, is building on it, is indicating that most of the territory will be part of Israel and that the Palestinians can be a second-class minority and essentially a militant Israeli state?"

"Most Israelis don't support that," Brzezinski said. "Most Israelis are in favor of peace. The majority of the American-Jewish community is in favor of peace. But the ideologues, hard-liners, the ones that promulgate confrontation are in charge, and that's what's so hard and so disgustingly destructive for both Israelis and the Palestinians."


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Well that is certainly a straight up lie. Both sides have scuttled peace deals several times. The only peace deal acceptable by the Palestinian's is complete copulation to their demands.


Sparkletot Monger
Well that is certainly a straight up lie. Both sides have scuttled peace deals several times. The only peace deal acceptable by the Palestinian's is complete copulation to their demands.
Thats bullshit. You take the most extreme elements of Palestinians and claim they represent all of them.

While the European Union supported the Palestinian reconciliation and elections as important steps toward an eventual Israeli-Palestinian peace deal, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the agreement, saying it would be impossible to reach peace with a government that included Hamas. He said ?It is either peace with Hamas or peace with Israel. You can't have them both?

Netanyahu: Mideast peace talks 'essentially buried' if Hamas-Fatah deal stands | Fox News

Hamas would accept peace with Israel, West Bank leader says | The Times of Israel

Its Netanyahu who is stonewalling peace.


Musty Nester
Really? Because I seem to remember hearing something about weapons caches and guerilla warfare tunnels.


Potato Supreme
The laws of conquest and the right to take land by force was actual international law and ruled the day until the united nations charter was formed and signed I believe, since then that act hasn't been a basis of international law.
Well it's a good thing the UN holds everyone's feet to the fire on this and enforces these rules world-wide. It would be terrible if, say, Russia annexed an entire region of another country through military force and nothing was done about it....


Potato Supreme
Thats bullshit. You take the most extreme elements of Palestinians and claim they represent all of them.


Netanyahu: Mideast peace talks ??~essentially buried??T if Hamas-Fatah deal stands | Fox News

Hamas would accept peace with Israel, West Bank leader says | The Times of Israel

Its Netanyahu who is stonewalling peace.
Of course Hamas would accept peace right now. They are on the losing end. You know who else accepted peace? Japan in 1945, Germany in 1918, Confederate States of America in 1865, and Britain in 1781.