Total War: Warhammer


<Silver Donator>
Should have been 50cents or whatever instead of 3$, but meh. Don't really care about that anyway I'll just wait for actually meaty DLCs. Regardless of what they do anyway, I already got my money's worth easily, 150+hours played and I'll probably do another VC campaign at some point.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
i read they are working on a new total war game in a medieval setting

troops will come unarmed and naked, the first (optional) DLC will include weaponry, the 2nd (optional) DLC is to include armor


Vyemm Raider
i read they are working on a new total war game in a medieval setting

troops will come unarmed and naked, the first (optional) DLC will include weaponry, the 2nd (optional) DLC is to include armor
Could get on board with that if it was Total War Greece: Amazons vs Spartans.

The army with the most stamina is declared the victor.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah it's pretty bad. I think the logic of getting higher tier units is it's supposed to act as a replacement to global recruitment, so it gives you more choice, but the way it scales off deaths instead of unit value or whatever makes it too exploitable and pretty shitty. It also works off both sides death total, so it's actually very weak if you field a strong army and destroy your opponent, best you get in those cases is maybe graveguards and then low tier units, so it's pretty useless to replenish any high tier unit you lost.

It's basically weak when used as intended and OP when exploited, just not a good system. Part of the problem there is the fact every army is capped to the same amount of units, which doesn't fit the VC concept all that well. In theory you'd want to just keep raising all the skeletons and zombies you can as fodder, but there's no way you're going to raise them when they're directly competing for slots against your actually good units. I feel it would have worked better without top tier units(basically just tier 1, bats, wolves, zombies, skeletons) but with the raised units going into an extended cap for your army, so instead of the usual 20 units, you could get say 20units + 3 raised units in your army, so you could always field a bunch of zombies and skeletons that you raise from every fight.
You're absolutely right about the army size for VCs, compared to other factions in the WH universe. Orcs are the same way. In the table top, there was some semblance of balance between, say; Orcs VS. Dwarf battles. Dwarf units are vastly superior, but you get half as many as the orc player. Tomb Kings, VCs, Skaven, etc. all worked that way. When we used to play and I used my Chaos army, I'd be outnumbered 2:1 in many fights, but it's because I had boss units in Chaos.

Still, this is just a game and it's boxed in by it's own rule set and design from years gone by.


Molten Core Raider
Is the patch live? I loaded the game up and didn't see any notes suggesting it was.


Trakanon Raider
I'm enjoying it; and it's nice to have a version of Warhammer that doesn't require $300 to get into. And which hasn't been discontinued.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am a Total War super-fan and it's definitely refreshing and awesome. Very difficult, especially on Legendary. I usually have no probably beating the shit out of the AI, but even pulling off some pretty incredibly battle victories I keep getting stomped as Karl Franz. Then again on one of my most promising campaigns I decided to try and invade Norsca, not realizing they were Chaos, and my main army got fucked up.

Dwarves are boring as fuck and super easy as long as you know where to go. There's a settlement that gives you a +2000 gold building chain, you get that and it's GG. Every faction is very different from one another, great game.

Supposedly going to be a lot of new factions, new additions to the map, and all sorts of free LC and pay for DLC.


Is this worth getting?
Personaly i say yes , i put 100 + hours in this game ans i still want to play.

Been a long time i was waiting for an big scale fantasy battle and with the total war franchise i have my money worth


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Haven't had as much time to play it as I'd like, but I've sunk 20ish hours into a VC and an Empire campaign and so far I've enjoyed the shit out of it. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who's into stategy games with RPG elements and/or Warhammer stuff.


Tranny Chaser
I loved warhammer fantasy battles. Played the table top in my teens. Also warhammer horned rat, dark omen and and mark of chaos. If this is anything like it in grand scale TW setting I'm sold

Thanks guys!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I keep trying to win as Empire on Legendary. My god is it brutal, I've never had such a challenging campaign ever in Total War.

I really don't know what to do. You are literally surrounded by about 15 different states that will declare war on you the second you stop giving them tribute or show any weakness. God forbid if you try to expand, they'll see your army has gone and storm the Reikland.

If I rush to fortify Helm (whatever) to cut off the mountains to prevent Brettonians from owning me with their mounted knights, then Marienburg takes me out. If I fortify Eilhart to the north, then I get taken out by Brettonians. If I do both, then Weisland from the south, Ostland/Nordenheim from the north, and then every so often the fucking dwarves attack with their super armies that tunnel through the mountains and pop out in the middle of your kingdom.

Empire on normal/hard rely on diplomacy and tons of trading for income, but you don't get that on Legendary. Only two factions will trade for free, the rest take between 1-5k to accept and that's if you're on good terms. So I just build tons of Cloth Weavers in my towns, but a town getting sacked is usually a huge set-back as it goes back to tier 1 and you lose all of your buildings.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Currently playing through the Greenskins campaign on Legendary after finishing Empire on VH and Chaos / VC on Legendary and I've got to say the "doesn't matter, proceed to the player while ignoring diplomacy / faction survival" strategy the AI utilizes has taken a notch up on this one. I just watched the Vampire Counts proceed to travel through three factions' territories they were at war with alongside the Chaos Trifecta force-march clown car, then the fucking BJORNLING showed up with three amphibious stacks...meaning they literally traversed the entire Western edge of the map from Norsca to come and find me. Oh, and the savage orcs / skull-splitters decided to respawn that very same turn in the southeastern-most region of my territory.

Already ended up with more siege defense victories than the other three combined and multiplied three times over. Actually had the AI wait until one turn of siege attrition had kicked in before attacking me.

That being said: has anyone noticed the siege defense towers just aren't responding to commands most of the time? I've found a few other folks citing similar experiences, but nothing conclusive or wide-spread. Some folks pointed to mods, which I have none of, so I'm not sure what's going on. Having them target marauder horsemen at the edge of the map instead of the siege tower about to pass through their firing angle can be a tad bit inconvenient.

Also, fuck Waagh! magic. The micro necessity for all of these low-duration buffs is annoying as shit when you have lord abilities and god knows what else to deal with. I'd overcast those which I'm not allowed to in a heartbeat, but alas.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
The combat stats the CPU's units gain on legendary really break the game.

Goblins should not fight to the death.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The combat stats the CPU's units gain on legendary really break the game.

Goblins should not fight to the death.
Agreed. I'd personally be fine with some melee attack / defense being traded for some of the Leadership they gain. Especially when you see how negative impacts are mitigated as well, on top of the higher base values.

"Lord Recently Died -2"