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If people really want it, they may be able to recreate it themselves in Landmark (to a degree) once all of the systems are in place for model creation, scripting, combat etc.People always comment on "Re-doing the graphics" of EQ without ever really taking into consideration what that really means. So here's a short version:
It takes an artist about a month to revamp a single zone into a new version of it. There are now over 700 non-instanced zones in EQ.
Each player model has over 120 different animations that need to be created for any new version. Now multiply that by 2 (male & female) times 16 races.
Once new player models have been created, you have to then create armor for those new models. It currently takes about 6 weeks for an artist to develop a completely new set of armor (for all races/genders).
You'll obviously need to create new particles/effects for spells as well.
I'm not saying it CAN'T be done, but it's truly a mountain of work, and has to be balanced against how much money it might actually return.
The images are too large to post here, so I will just post a link to the post on the landmark forums. I did this in a few hours. It is as close as I could get to recreating the original West Freeport zone in Landmark:
West Freeport Recreated in EQNext Landmark
I used the emulator to get access to the old version of the zone on my server for reference when building it

I already saved it as a template and removed it from my claim due to lack of space, so no one can go and check it out now unfortunately.
Depending on how the game ends up, I can imagine some projects like that coming out of Landmark.