Why do men keep putting me in the Girlfriend-zone?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
New study released shows 40% of households with children have females as primary earners. Conclusion? Those kids are probably going to be fucked and there will soon be mass shortage of sandwiches.
Put your hands up single mothers!



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
So you're out to reverse thousands of years of evolutionary biology with....political activism? Let me know how that works out for you.
"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'you shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell" (Matthew 5:27-30).
Jesus supports feminism.


It's happened; whether its "working out pretty well" is an entirely different debate.
Well, birth control goes against evolutionary biology, and most people get a kick out of that.
Shit, the whole concept of modern medicine goes against evolutionary biology.
My point is using "evolutionary biology" as some kind of reference of how humans today "should" be living their lives is pointless.


privileged excrementlord
Well, birth control goes against evolutionary biology, and most people get a kick out of that.
Wrong, because of birth control, Muslims and other undesirables are outbreeding the civilized world at an alarming rate. Thanks, birth control.


Hey, wait a second... Trollface ignored my post.
According to Rerolled rules, doesn't this mean I "win" the debate?
Shit, I abstained from posting for a few hours and everyone was only too happy to interpret this as admission of defeat.
Trollface has nothing left to say to me, and nobody mentions a thing?

I'm perfectly happy ending this debate altogether, but I'd like to call the ol' boys' club out on being a bunch of gigantic pussies.
None of you with the exception of one was ever interested in debate, which is totally fine.
You wanted a place where you could have a laugh, make juvenile sexist jokes together and revel in your own machismo, which again is totally fine.
So why are you pussies?
Because several of you were tripping-over-yourselves eager to sling shit in my direction, but get your panties in a bunch when I have something to say back.
You force me into a corner, prematurely reveling in my "defeat" then send me angry messages asking me to "just stop" when I do the only logical thing and defend myself.
Face it: If anybody attacked you personally or challenged one of your views, there's no fucking way you would just let it slide. But that's exactly what you expect me to do for some reason.
I don't need this shit, I don't need a bunch of strangers treating me like shit because I have the nerve to challenge their fucking retarded world view.
If I had known you were such a bunch of pussies I honestly never would have brought up feminism at all.
I mistakenly thought some of you might have something intelligent to say, and for that I apologize.

Here's some things to keep in mind next time you want to enjoy being fucking idiots together:
If you choose to argue with someone who's presenting a point, fucking be prepared to defend what you say.
Similarly, if you say something fucking stupid, you shouldn't be surprised when someone calls you on it.
Otherwise, admit you don't give a shit, ignore the person presenting an alternate point of view and continue your masturbatory group inanity session.

I'm a reasonable guy, and I'm more than willing to spare us from this shit that nobody wants to see any more, including me. Here's my offer:
I promise I won't call you on your stupidity if you don't keep challenging me personally.
Otherwise, don't be fucking pussies when I school you.


I thought you were the feminist? Shouldn't you be the last person to use pussies or panties as an insult?

Sounds like you subconsciously hate women.


We just went through this entire stage. Replace Hitler with Misogyny/Patriarchy/Pussy.
You know, you could have saved us both a lot of trouble if you had posted these instead of those terrible charts.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
this discussion has no point because you are making this out of be "ME AGAINST YOU" and you just resorted to semantic arguments as a last desperate attempt (It has already been used in previous conversation by others, who you did not respond to) to deviate the conversation because of your failure to understand the appreciating and depreciating value of female sexuality and how that is relevant in today's society. Moreover, countless "TRUE FEMINIST IS X AND Y" nonsense. As if that is a legitimate defense or argument. Newsflash: It isn't and it is opinion. So sorry. Even fucking Christina Hoff Sommers wouldn't make that argument andshe is an equity feminist who I respect.Fuck gender feminists. Did I mention your obsession with graph and your failure to admit that you spent ridiculous amount of time to state something completely irrelevant? Oh, I did and you refuted with something completely irrelevant again because you can't admit to the fact that you were full of shit. This conversation is retarded as long as your behaviour do not change. You are over the fucking top. Everyone here knows it and you ain't defending shit.

Enough with your anecdotal bullshit and analogies. You can keep your moral crusade. We don't want it.

But you are right.

You win.

As a positive gesture, no hard feelings.


Edit: friendz.