

Molten Core Raider
Amazing game, with astonishing depth.

Can't be said enough though that past games in the serious have had a massive learning curve and haven't been easy to get into. They said they would address that to a degree with this release but I guess we'll see. Also not sure if anyone has mentioned that its got a great modding community ?

Official forums here for people new to the series :

egosoft.com :: Index


Trump's Staff
I've played about 4 hours so far. The HUD GUI could use a bit of work but other than that the only bug I hit was my missiles switching a little weird. A restart fixed it.

The flow and visuals in space are astonishing, in what little time I've played I am extremely happy with what they've done. If you liked the other X games or like space sims then I think it is worth picking up. I'll report more at the end of the weekend when I've clocked up double digits.

I tried checking the official forums to see any bug reports, but it is down probably due to traffic.

Performance is good for me, but I have a newer computer (i54750 and a GTX760).


I didn't think I could pre order a worse game than Rome 2 but I've gone and done it! This is pure shit, not surprised to see Denaut shilling it like he did Rome 2. He loves broken software or something


Trump's Staff
I didn't think I could pre order a worse game than Rome 2 but I've gone and done it! This is pure shit, not surprised to see Denaut shilling it like he did Rome 2. He loves broken software or something
Your supporting evidence is what really sold me.


Trump's Staff
Had my first crash to desktop just now. I think it was a memory leak as the game started hitching a little and then when I jumped in a highway it crashed as I was coming up on the next area.

I tested the inverting with the gamepad and it worked, I don't know abut the mouse I am playing on my TV right now.

Also something else I encountered. I though the first trade mission bugged out, so I ran off to do other missions. It randomly completed as I was doing something else, so I think it just takes a while. The ship shows up in the sector and just parks there, and its instructions say it is following you. What I think is going on is that its drones are just taking a while to ferry the energy cells back and forth and the freighter sits there while it happens. The property menu really should give you more information about what is going on.

Bayr, you are an angry unpleasant person whom I assume is never happy with anything. I don't think you even understand the definition of the word shill. At least call me a fanboy or something that makes sense.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Hearing a looot of bad things about rebirth's stability. I'm apprehensively excited about it but yeah, this is looking like a February game for me.


Can't be said enough though that past games in the serious have had a massive learning curve and haven't been easy to get into. They said they would address that to a degree with this release but I guess we'll see.
egosoft.com :: Index
This game actually comes with built in 360 controller support, which is nice for me. It never was an issue before, but lately I've been using my controller more and more on my PC games. None of the previous X ones have controller support.

There will still be a learning curve, but if you check their videos and look at their material you'll see you can get into the game much quicker with this iteration.

It's a bummer it's a single player game, but I'll still sink a few hundred hours into it easily.


Trump's Staff
I've been using an xbox controller. I don't console game so I found it very unwieldy at first but stuck with it because the menus work very well. I've gotten pretty used to it at this point although not entirely yet. Anyone that plays FPSs on a console should be fine once they learn the menus.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Quick early impressions:

Game is in a much better state than expected. About 30 minutes in, and i havent had any game breaking bugs or crashes. It runs fairly smooth at decent frame rate with settings pumped high as fuck. Id dare say it runs smoother than the previous game, while looking miles better. To continue on the path of good news. I really like their new movement system. These new 'gates' are nothing like the old game. You hop into a space lane and it you actually see your ship moving down the highway, along with other ships ala warp drive in star trek or something. Its really cool seeing the scenery fly by, since its quite awesome, and I like how you can jump off or on these space lanes early. Its a clear step up in cool factor from previous games. Its quite obvious that they're going for a more open world mass-effect type feel, and the feel they're going for is Realllly cool for any space nerd. I like their direction they came from with this game of bridging between that sort of accessibility, but if I find they dumbed it down later on when I can start the industrial side of the game, I'll be a bit depressed.

The bad. Mostly just quibbles so far. No borderless window, your mouse can go outside of screen if its full screen, and clicking outside will minimize it. Minor problems which don't prevent me from enjoying the game, but could definitely be fixed. The menus definitely have a bit of console cancer, but its not as bad as many games. Haven't heard of a release on next gen, but with the way things feel, it has to be coming down the pipe.

Overall, its actually quite good in its current state for me. We'll see if I run into any crashes/memory leak issues.


Golden Knight of the Realm
The thing that's bothering me the most is how unoptimized the game seems for flightsticks. The targeting system is really unnatural too.


Trump's Staff
Just checked out the forums and some random first impressions.

Really? Whining about the voice acting and character models?

This is why we can't have nice things...


Golden Knight of the Realm
In their defense, the character models do kinda blow. I'd expect the modding community to be on that.

Does it affect the space opera/sandboxness? Nah. Course not.


Trump's Staff
In their defense, the character models do kinda blow. I'd expect the modding community to be on that.

Does it affect the space opera/sandboxness? Nah. Course not.
I agree, they're terrible.

Maybe I just understand budgeting and what is important in a space sim sandbox, and they have a ridiculously low priority. I mean, I couldn't give a fuck. If I cared about those kinds of things I would spend my money on multi-million dollar AAA games that maybe have 10 hours of gameplay. I just don't understand what people expect when they buy a game like this. Also do they not watch videos? The models were clearly awful in the footage on youtube as well.

There are plenty of legit gripes that affect core gameplay that this kind of stuff is completely irrelevant.

So far so good overall, I've barely stopped playing since last night. Fell asleep on the couch while playing really late, the sound of the controller hitting the floor woke me up


Trump's Staff
Just found a VERY severe issue.

The game can corrupt your last save file if it crashes.

Have multiple rotating save files or you could lose your progress. Luckily I had them just from habit.

I didn't play enough freelancer to compare to be honest.


Trump's Staff
The save game issue seems to have grown out of control for me. I am submitting everything to egosoft.


Molten Core Raider
Felt burned on Rome II, so I haven't picked this up yet, even though I really want to. One of the things I read which greatly annoy me, is that the UI seems to be somewhat worse than the already terrible one in the previous games. Like double-clicking on checkboxes, seemingly random placement of UI elements, long delays after picking a conversation option, no real asset list and what they're doing right now; the whole setup to get a ship trading on its on is somehow even more confusing than in the old games?

I was really hoping they'd improve on the UI, is it as bad as it seems? No idea how much control the modders could get over elements like the UI and if there's any interest among them to change it.