Buzzfeed Editor
This is another straw man--I don't think its some grand conspiracy; I don't even disagree with you that its mostly bad (Impotent) management. I don't even think all the people at the top believe in this shit (Some do, not all). I think you have a bad clash of dominant lobbying organizations constantly pushing what they want to see in films and scaring the executives (Much like the family values groups used to do), combined with the 'artistic' circles (Mainly springing from academia) in Hollywood becoming echo chambers.Disney fucking sucks and you're not going to get an argument out of me on that one. My point is just that, it's just bad management and bad decision-making over at Disney, not some grand conspiracy of some larger ideological cult.
So you have management who is afraid to push back, and increasingly stupid ideological themes are presented. This is worse at some studios and not so bad at others. Its especially pernicious at Disney right now because they are absolutely infested with lobbying "consultants".
Its as simple as that.
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