Eating fish contaminated by Fukushima is probably ok

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It wasn't, but does seem to put you in a such a tizzy that you can't even tell when I'm joke posting about lizard people. Eh, Whatever. Must crash, I'll say hello to the lizard people for you in the morning.

That site was the actual basis for your entire original post.


Ssraeszha Raider
It wasn't, but does seem to put you in a such a tizzy that you can't even tell when I'm joke posting about lizard people. Eh, Whatever. Must crash, I'll say hello to the lizard people for you in the morning.
Tad10 is embarrassed by the source he's cited now that actual smart people have called him on his retarded horseshit. Tries to pretend he was joking all along and that he's a busy person in real life.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You know what is amusing about these "OMFG TUNA IS RADIOACTIVE NOEZZZ!!!" articles?

They seem to be ignorant of the fact that we have been dumping this type of shit and WORSE into the oceans for many, many decades. Not an excuse for that type of dumping, but it's similar to someone saying "omg, that guy touched my burger! It's contaminated now!!!" and they are unaware of all the shit that happened to their burger before they noticed someone touched it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you say so buddy. But hey, what do I know? I mean as of December 6, 2013 the plant was still emitting 25 sieverts of radiation an hour which will kill you in 30 days. You are probably right that that a NYTimes article about fucking Chernoybl which wasn't a tenth as bad as Fukushima is probably appropriate and authoritative.
Dunno how this post slipped by without someone calling you a retard, but here goes.

That isn't the NYTimes. Chernobyl was far worse than Fukushima has been so far, because the radioactive material from the shattered fuel rods was carried into the air thanks to massive fires. Now if something crazy like another earthquake happens, that could be a pretty epic disaster. But no, Fukushima is NOT worse than Chernobyl.


Oh hey look, from the article you posted.

But the scientists say a person would have to eat 1800kg of tuna to boost their total yearly natural "background" radiation exposure by just one per cent.
Man it's a good thing I only eat one metric ton of contaminated tuna a year instead of two tons, otherwise i'd be increasing my yearly dose of rads by 1 whole percent!!!


Trump's Staff
I just wanna know how much blue fin tuna people are consuming on a regular basis... I mean, I probably eat more of it than your average North American, and I'm at 10-16 ounces of blue fin annually... If that...


Elisha Dushku
Tad10 is embarrassed by the source he's cited now that actual smart people have called him on his retarded horseshit. Tries to pretend he was joking all along and that he's a busy person in real life.
Total fail if reading comp.

1. The site was the examiner. Go to the OP.

2. The lizard people post was the joke because Araysar refuses to admit that he's wrong, so as usual he has to attack the messenger to bury the message.

Mea Culpa for arguing with idiots.

But don't worry boys the EPA has solved the problem of irradiated fish by drastically increasing its standards for what constitutes safe exposure.

Radiation Standards - NIRS


Elisha Dushku
It is funny putting a geiger counter next to a banana. High levels of potassium indeed.
This thread is proof the average liberal lacks a basic bullshit detector. When an article by a strong supporter of nuclear power in a Forbes column tried to diminish concern over a massive, continued leak of radioactive wastewater by comparing the harm to the miniscule amount of radioactive potassium in a banana your bullshit detector should go off, unless you don't have one.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Examiner used as a citation for almost every claim they made

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
This thread is proof the average liberal lacks a basic bullshit detector. When an article by a strong supporter of nuclear power in a Forbes column tried to diminish concern over a massive, continued leak of radioactive wastewater by comparing the harm to the miniscule amount of radioactive potassium in a banana your bullshit detector should go off, unless you don't have one.
My bullshit detevtor goes off when a lizardmen site is used as primary source. Yours doesnt, tad?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lmfao Tad got shit on amazingly fast in this thread. Well done, gents.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
So, if I understand the OP correctly, if I were to develop cancer of some sort, and needed radiation treatment, I could substitute treatment with eating tasty, tasty Tuna and Swordfish?

That's great news!


<Bronze Donator>
I already have plans to eat ramen at a local Japanese place for dinner. But now I'm totally going to get some tuna with that too.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Also jam a banana in your anus as an anti-cancer suppository


Elisha Dushku
My bullshit detevtor goes off when a lizardmen site is used as primary source. Yours doesnt, tad?
Not when Fukushima #3 is currently venting radioactive steam and possibly in the midst of either another meltdown or its corium is hitting the groundwater and that goes unreported in the MSM.

Enjoy your PBFT.